<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/ths48epr/Frenesi.wav">
    August in Estes Park found forty classmates recalling, reliving, relishing memories of their days roaming the halls of THS.  Once their eyes adjusted to the distinguished character lines added to the familiar faces, it was as if they'd parted only yesterday.  The din of conversation diminished not one bit from the first tentative "Hellos" to the last fond "Good-byes".  The only regret was the absence of many friends, but they were fondly remembered through pictures, annuals, newspapers, memorabilia and the stories traded amongst those present
     Click on the links below to see pictures and read accounts of the events of those three fun-filled days.
Reunion Photo
Reunion Events: Arrival   Registration   Dining    Activities    Miscellaneous Photos 1
Miscellaneous Photos 2
Memoriam - Bill Ballard 
Classmates Addresses
Other sites of THS Interest:  THS Historical Society    THS Library
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