Tips for Thai Trip
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      Welcome to Tips for Thai Trip website which serve u Thai information. The web master  intends to create it for support Thailand  travel in creative way by help the foreigners who still know not enough which place in Thailand they should go or how they contact the represent of each place to check , confirm and make sure their trip will be perfect. And if u have some question to ask webmaster in private , let find  icq and mail at contact page.

  Amazing Calendar 2000

              7 th Asian Marathon Championship 2 July
Candle Festival 13 - 17 July
Korlae Boat racing & Narathiwat Produce Festival 2000 21 - 25 Sep
Pimai Annual Festival 10 - 12 Nov
Loi Krathong Festival  11 Nov
Surin Elephants Round-Up Show 18 - 19 Nov
The Amazing Taste of Thailand 2000 All Nov.
Bridge over the River Kwae Week 2000 26 Nov - 7 Dec
Thailand Tourism Festival All Nov
Ayutthaya World Heritage Site Celebrations 13 - 19 Dec





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