Sexgirls' Cyber World

Welcome! Glad you stopped by to visit. If you've been here before, you'll notice that there have been some revisions in the context and pages you'll see. If it's your first time, please make youself comfortable and enjoy the ride. The adventure I have to share is most certainly my own, but also most certainly not indicating that I am the only one here on the net that has had the only bumpy ride along the way. Peraps you'll understand when you read on. ~flashing you a wide smile, and buckling her seatbelt~


My cyber life began in November '99, and pausing here to laugh I have to admit it began on my 40th birthday. I wondered onto the site at Chathouse and stumbled into the Ladies Room after choosing the handle Sexgirl to have a little fun. What I found there were people who have now become very wonderful friends, some virtual and some real time, a way to pass an otherwise boring day, and a place that captured my heart. Now I pause here to say that the capture was one of happiness as well as heartache. So, this is a journey of what I've discoved, not only about myself, but about people in general perhaps. Sit back, enjoy the ride ~~~~~~ and don't forget to buckle up. Because my journey has not always been a smooth one. ~flashing a very saucy grin and a tiny wink.. she laughs~

~she smiles once again~ I have found many good people who offer you their shoulders or email address’ to share the trials and tribulations of this wild wild place.. and have met a few very special people in real time.. and that experience was wonderful.. ~beams~ each of the three were exactly how I expected them to be...and exactly how they were online.. I suppose I am lucky in that respect.. the meetings could have turned out horrible.. but alas.. they didn't.. and I'd do it again.. anytime.. ~laughs~

It's funny to me that many days I think about turning my computer off and never looking back.. and then I smile and think to myself of the closest friends that I love dearly. .. and how much I would miss the interaction with them. It makes her smile just thinking about those.. Ones like Cinder-ella, lil meow kat, Out of Africa, babyd, Cowgirlqueen, Musicman~CD, ~wild orchid~, ViXen and her husband Morgan, Paradise Lost (and His many other handles), Craisy daisy, Beautiful Amazon, Sensual Rebel, Lost Innocence, Dylan, Sixgun, KOG and her Mountain Man. These people keep her smiling brightly and her heart clean and pure when she thinks of the friendships she's made.. right here in front of her monitor. ~chuckling~

A little about me in Real Time!

I'm just shy of my 42nd birthday now.. having celebrated 2 online.. I'm a Registered Nurse in a small town in Kentucky... and I work at a large hospital on a critical care unit that specializes mostly in cardiac, pulmonary and neuro problems.. I enjoy my work.. love caring for the patients and their families.. and look forward to many more years of the gratification that one gets from being an "angel of mercy".. ~bright smile~

The light of my real time life is my beautiful three year old that brings happiness and joy to my life ever single day that we share together.. she is bright.. funny.. and the happiest child I've ever seen.. I am very fortunate to have her.. and thank my higher power ever single day for giving allowing her to be mine... ~grinz~ she's a true delight .. and the greatest accomplishment of my life...

My real time family is small and very close, but scattered all over the easter United States.. Twice a year we gather to be together and spend quality time together.. Last year.. we did our first family vacation at a beach in North Carolina which was wonderful and challenging.. but rewarding all the same.. ~laughing softly~ I have one beautiful and smart neice who is working this semester in Spain.. and an adorable nephew who is two years older than my child who is all boy.. and into bugs and anything that flies..

Not really much more to say about me.. ~laughs~ some would call me trouble.. some call me wild.. but to me.. I am me... and that's all I'll ever try to be.. ~winks~

Read on.. and while you are here be sure to sign my guest book.. it has many good people already there.. ~grinz~ join them..

A little about my friends in Cyber Time!

Cinder-ella~ Cinder has been a true friend since the first day we met.. We are very much alike in that we are attracted to the same type of men, enjoy may of the same things and have spent hours and hours holding each others hands during times that the other was seaching the truth about ourselves deep within.. Please be sure to check out her web site.. She has some interesting viewpoints about cyber relationships on her site.. and if You've never had one.. or even experienced one yourself.. I promise You.. You will be touched by her words and thoughts.. I know I was.. but she touches me deeply in so many ways.. ~chuckling~ She's hardly around anymore.. but she will never leave my heart as she is my cyber twin.. and one that I love very very much.. ~soft smile~ I know for sure that without her.. I couldn’t have stayed online for as long as I have.. ~laughs~ She has a way of pulling me to the side and setting me straight..... ~smiling very brightly here~ I think perhaps it's because we share much in common in the heart area.. RIGHT TWINNIE???? ~big ass grin~ I LOVE YOU CINDER ~~ Thank you!!!!! Oh.. make sure to visit Cinder’s TWIN PAGE! dedicated to the two of Us..~winks~

meow kat ~ She is every bit as beautiful as her tag and her kat tag in leather is one of my personal favorite. She sparkles with a beauty all her own.. and the day we met we became friends.. as if it was meant to be.. ~winks~ whatcha think kat?? think we were put together for a purpose?? ~laughs softly and grins~ She can be sexy, hot and wild and I just want to squeeze her when she's around me ~blowing a kiss to the girlie girl then giggling~ Sometime soon I plan on making down that way.. and I'm sure when the two of us meet it will be a night full of laughter and happiness.. and the two of us will be hell on wheels.. SO.. watch out Huntsville.. ~laughs~ She's been there with me through thick and thin.. and back again.. ~winks to meow~ You are a true friend.. ~hugs you tight~

Out of Africa ~ ~grins very wide~ She one funny chick who really lights a room up with her attitude and style.. She has been around this place for a long time and she knows a whole lot of people.. She answers my silly questions, kicks my butt with her attitude she gives back.. ~laughs~ and I love it when she sends me her squeaky voice over voice message in icq..but it's been awhile since she's done that actually.. ~giggling wildly now~ But the bottom line on this girl is.. she has one of the softest hearts in Cyber Space and I love that about her.... ~smiles wide~ I am very glad she's a good friend and one who is always there for me.. !!!!! and she knows.. I will ALWAYS be there for her as well.. ALWAYS.. ~soft smile~ Oh.. and another great thing about her.. She is one hell of a poet and writer.. ~grins wide and blows her a kiss now~ She has written so many wonderful things.. for so many people.. She is a true gift to my life.. ~bright smile~

babyd ~ oooooooooooh chickie... there is so much we have shared..and so much you know about me ..... and so much I owe you.. You've listened while I cried and laughed.. You've held my hand through so much.. I can't ever thank you for what you've given to me.. ever.. but I hope you know how much your friendship means... and that I love you dearly.. Thanks sweetie.. ~hugging you tight~ for all you've given to me.. ~giggling wildly~ Funny how much someone can influence your real time life with meeting people here on the net.. I wouldn't trade our friendship for the world.. or any others listed on this page for that matter.. ~grins wide.. smiling because I have been truly blessed~

cowgirlqueen ~ ~bright smile~ Well, We have a lot in common too but one of the coolest things is a love of horses and well ~~ ~laughs~ a love of the Ladies Room..~laughs again~ We share thoughts and dreams.. and a whole lot more.. and she even has a horse that I can't wait to see.. He is a grandson of the great Secretariat.. ~laughs~ a very famous thoroughbred from Kentucky and in my opinion.. He needs to come back to where his roots began!! ~winks~ I wish I could afford him and bring him here.. ~smiles wide~ VERY VERY VERY MUCH I do.. But now, she has become attached to him and won't let him go.. ~pouts~ but I know he'll be happy at with her.. Our dream was to go to DERBY 2001 together this year, but her mare was about to foal and she couldn't leave her. Ironically, the colt was born on May 5th, 2001. DERBY DAY!!! She named him Derby..~bright smile~ I was tickled to death with the turn of events. so glad for cgq's mare and for her. Ummmmmmm.. Kelly.. whatcha doing the first saturday in May, 2002??? ~giggles~ I have a GREAT IDEA if you don't have plans.. ~winks~

Beautiful Amazon ~ ~laughs softly~ Well.. what can I say about BA?? She's witty and wild and one hell of a friend.. I love her to death.. and She's a pretty good chick for being such a baby.. HEY BITCH.. I gotta love you though.. *laughing wildly here* Ummmmmm, BA isn't around much.. but when she is .. she makes me smile a lot.. and I'm so happy that she has found happiness in real time and hope all works out for her.. perhaps one day.. she'll make good with her threat of visiting Kentucky.. but I won't be holding my breath until that happens.. ~grins wide~ cause I know it won't be anytime soon that she lives up to her word and promises.. ~winks~ GOOD LUCK Suzs.. I wish you nothing but the best... ~winks~ You deserve it..

Sensual Rebel ~ In the short time we've been together.. we've shared laughter and joy.. as well as many times when we were there for each other just to share our thoughts and dreams.. and hopes for the future.. stories of our children.. What started as a common interest and friendship with Out of Africa has blossomed into a true friendship of our own.. ~soft smile~ and the coolest thing is.. ~grins~ I adore and admire her so much.. she doesn't even know.. ~chuckles~ She's talented.. witty.. smart .. and her philosophies on life blow me away.. Sometimes she blows me away with thought.. but funny.. ~winks~ I love the thoughts she has.. ~winks to Sensual and smiles wide~ Your wonderful honey..

Musicman~CDs ~ well, He is one of the people who has been in my cyber life for as long as I've been around.. if I remember correctly we met shortly after me coming online.. He became a very good friend very fast.. He was always there to listen.. and I for him.... He made me laugh.. He made me feel sexy.. He made me grin from ear to ear.. and He made me cry at times too.. He is the most lovable man I've ever met.. I could squeeze the hell out of him and at times, smack his ass as well.. He is a true friend, a wonderful father, and I am most proud of him for his decision to go back to school in search of a new beginning.. You can do it Mark.. You have the heart.. We all love you baby.... keep in touch.. always.. and forever.. Your friend.. Liz.. ~winks~

Hey.. have I told you I have to coolest friends on the net!!!

Ok.. now if someone isn't mentioned here on this page.. it does not mean they are loved any less.. it just means I'm tired and not wanting to type or code any more.. ~grins~ The people above and many more have truly been there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on.. opened their hearts to me when I was happy and sad... and stood beside me on this roller coaster ride through cyber space.. and You all know who you are.. so.. ~winks~ get over it if you aren't noted here.. ~laughs~

I would also like to share one of the best nights of my cyber experience with you here.. it was at a cyber wedding of KOG and KOG's Mountain Man ~ Hope and Mike.. a wonderful romantic tale of two who met here and have found true happiness and joy being together.. ~soft smile~ please visit with an open mind and I know you'll leave with a truly warmed heart.. ~winks~ The Mountain Wedding!!

I once had someone say the following to me. "I think the difference is in r/t we meet people from the outside in and very often do not break the exterior. Here in v/t we meet people from the inside out... very refreshing, but much more intimate...".. ~laughing softly~ I wish I could tell you who. I made a file with the quote but I didn't keep who said it.. ~laughs~ oh well..

When I first came to Chathouse I loved the tags that people wore. Had a ton of them. if you'd like to view them please feel free. But, I no longer wear tags. Sexgirl's famous tags

Some of my writings I'll share!!

My original guestbook

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