Ranma: I liked you better when you were evil. You were a lot nicer. Definitely more sexy.

Ranma: There's no way you're gonna make Akane a bride! You've got that? If you take her...
Kirin: If Kirin takes her...
Ranma: All of you will...
Kirin: And all of us will what?
Ranma: DIE… *dramatic pause* From Akane's terrible cooking!

Mousse: Come now. It’s unseemly for guests to behave this way.
Ryoga: Stay outta this duck boy

Ryoga: Akane, let me be your figure skating partner.
Ranma: But Charlotte, how do you know about that skating match?
Ryoga: Shut up! Who're you calling Charlotte?!

Ranma: Akane...
Akane: Yes...?
Ranma: Don't poison Ryoga with your cooking. He and I have a fight coming up.

Ranma: I didn't want to use this, Ryoga! The Saotome Secret Technique!
Ryoga: The what?!
Genma Panda: "Will he really use it?!"
Akane: The Saotome Secret Technique?!
Ranma: Face opponent and...fast break!
Akane: That...was the Saotome..."Secret Technique"?!
Ryoga: Come back here, you coward!!
Genma from the past: Listen well, my son...the secret of the Saotome clan...is founded upon the tenants of "Motion", "Contemplation" and "Opposition".
Akane: In other words, running away to buy yourself time to think about your enemy.
Genma Panda: "Bingo!"
Akane: What kind of "technique" is that?!
Genma Panda: Hey, it's harder than it looks!

Ranma: If I never get my strength back, what've I got left?
Akane: Uh... Lots of things! You have so many other qualities!
Ranma: Like?
Akane: Well, like... uh... you know... like... You just don't have to be STRONG okay!?
Ranma: Would it've KILLED ya to've come up with ONE!?

Ranma: That I'll become Romeo. And you, Akane...I want you to become Juliet. Got that?
Akane: Ra...Ranma...Ranma, you do know what Romeo and Juliet are to each other, don't you?
Ranma: Father and daughter, right?

Ranma: So what do you know about this Romeo guy?
Panda: He's from the planet Krypton.

Akane: Lucky you! Having such a cute fiancé!
Ukyou: Akane? You mean...
Ranma: Yup. Cute fiancé, meet uncute fiancé.

Nabiki: So Ranma, how does the chest fit?
Ran-chan: Its really tight.
Nabiki: How about the waist?
Ran-chan: I'm swimming in it.
Akane: FINE, that’s the last time you can borrow my clothes!

Ranma: Look at him standing there, little jerk. What's his problem? Flirting with Akane like that.
Akane: Ranma, I'm sorry. You did it for me.
Ranma: W-wha?
Akane: You destroyed that spring to save me.
Genma/Ryoga/Mousse: YOU WHAT?!?!?!

Kasumi: How many fingers, Ranma?"
Ran-Chan: Three fingers.
Kasumi: (pointing at Soun) "Who's this?
Ran-Chan: Dear Uncle Tendo.
Kasumi: (pointing at Genma) And this?
Ran-Chan: Octopus face!
Kasumi: (pointing at Happosai) And this?
Ran-Chan: An Oompa-Loompa!!
Kasumi: Seems perfectly fine to me.