
haha. you didn't think these were quizzes for you, now did ya? but you can take most of them by clicking on the links. yay!


See which Final Fantasy IX Character you are.

You are Tsukino Usagi

You are love food, boys, shopping, and hanging out with your friends. You tend to cry when things get too hard, and have trouble doing things right the first time. You probably need to study a little harder. Your faith in the basic goodness of all people keeps you on the right track, even when others don't see it.

Take the "What Magic Girl are you?" Quiz  

I fancy Elves.
The only one that will ever look good in tights. Oh yea.
Which culture from Middle-Earth do you fancy?
By Hannah and Dani


Im Addicted to Olando!

You are 90% addicted to Orlando Bloom! So close yet so far. Ten more percent to go.

HowObsessed Are You?


What's YOUR battle cry?



Click the result pic to to take the Which Caffeine-Induced Freak Are You Most Like? test thingie.


See what Care Bear you are.


 Which Final Fantasy 8 Character Are You?

You are Zell! Hyperactive much? Caffeine and you should stay
far from each other. You might be a little shy with the opposite
sex, but in big groups you're extremely outspoken. Your
emotions run strong, and though you might try to hide them,
you seldom succeed.

Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here!


  I am kind princess!

You're A Chibi (Midget/Super Deformed)! You bounce around like a little rubber ball! You
are cute and make dramatic expressions. You
are short and full of energy. Go you!

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Lion King Character Are You?
Created by CrazyCoasterCo.

I'm Hikaru!
Click here to find out what Rayearth character you are!

onward! to the second page!