Frozen Lands
map of the frozen lands - glimpse - glimpse - dice - d20 SDR

Chapter One: Into the Frozen Lands
Charged with the mission of delivering a box to the Frozen Lands, our party pauses at Stoneguard. Pushing into the Lands themselves, their minotaur guide turns on them, bent on taking the box from them. Defeating him, they finally arrive at Dombaas, one of the three major towns of the Frozen Lands.

Chapter Two: Dombaas
Our party pauses at the Drunken Duck, encountering further troubles.

Delivering the box
A dying senator of the Imperium has offered you the rather princely sum of 5,000 gold pieces each (2,000 now, 3,000 on delivery) of a box. You must track down and deliver it to a man named Askold, who is somewhere in the Frozen Lands.

Thieves in the night
Jonas fell victim to two thieves, who were searching his room in the Drunken Duck, when he happened upon them. One died, one escaped. Presumably, they were after the box. Joarr tells us that they were sent by the Butchers Wardens (given the bloody hatchet left in the room).

The voice in the box
There is something inside the box talking to Jonas and Ven. The voice appears to be benign, warning Jonas of the minotaurs attack.

An outpost of some sort, it had a good blacksmith, and presumably survived on trade and its mine. The tavern there is called Mosshome.

A rather spread out and scattered township on the edge of the main lake of the Frozen Lands. The main tavern there is the Drunken Duck.

Drunken Duck
A crashed ship turned into a tavern. Owned by Omar. According to him it is 'neutral ground'.

'The minotaur'
Encountered at Mosshome and warning the party on going into the Frozen Lands, he agreed to accompany them, and eventually ambushed them. He is a spellcaster of some sort (he turned invisible). He also has a deep sickness. He survived near death, thanks to Ven, and says that he will take the evil (the box) and destroy all it has touched.

He has a hawk scout of some sort, and was left about six hours outside Dombaas.

Owner and maintainer of the Drunken Duck. He seems to know a thing or two about the secrets of the land.

Presumably a friend of Omar's, he is a huge bear of a man. For his size though, he seems to be rather deep thinking.

The Butchers Wardens
If there is an criminal underground to the Frozen Lands, the 'Butcher' appears to be it. He is known by the bloody butchers hatchet he leaves as a sign.

King Gunvald
Ruler of the Frozen Lands. Head of Clan Skanderborg. He may or may not be mad, keep a haren, have an illegitimate son by one, have a dead son who is plotting his overthrow, or being poisoned by his wife, the Queen. Presumably there are three other Clan heads who would happily take his title.