This web site has been created for the convenience of friends and acquaintances of Thurston Riehl (aka TR), Clarissa Riehl (aka Sister), and Indrani Riehl (aka Gutsie).
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Contact Information

The Rev. Canon thurston Riehl

Vicar, Christ Church
170 Waterloo Street
telephone:  592-227-1331

Director, Georgetown American School
9-10 Delhi Street
Prashad Nagar, Georgetown
Depratment of State
Washington D.C. 20521-3170
United States of America
telephone:  592-226-1595

The Hon. Clarissa Riehl

1 Croal Street
Stabroek, Georgetown
telephone:  592-227-2317

Indrani Riehl
Guyana Information Links

Guyana Information Services


What's Happening
At Christ Church (Go There)
Christ Church Inquirer's Class has made a splash on the web with the questions they asked as a basis for developing the curriculum they are now using to investigate the Christian faith.   Largely as a result of being featured on AnglicansOnLine, a large number of churches around the world have indicated their intention of using the questions.

We have had an interesting Pentecost  at Christ Church with continuing  good attendance and  a growing number of visitors.  It is also good to see a number of old members who from time to time return to Guyana.

We have begun a new eministry to keep in contact with members who have internet access and old members and friends spread all over the world.

If you wish to join our eministry list click here and send a blank email to admin@ChristChurchGuyana.net .
At Parliament
Clarissa has again been returned  to Parliament for her third term .

Clarissa  has been a front bench member of Parliament for the PNC (now PNC/R) since 1992 and in the last Parliament  was elected Deputy Speaker.  She was reelected Deputy Speaker for the current Parliament.

At the Farm (DemeraraRiver)
Construction continues on this project-sans-end.  Work in now on progress on the lodge which is located on the Southern end of the island created on the property.

If you click here you will be taken to an index of pictures of current construction.

The pool area of the great house on the island is now completed as well as a great deal of infrastructural work. 

You can now go swimming in realtive comfort (providing, of course,  you are relatively catholic in your acceptance of the range of creatures that may be in the water with you.)

Many of the exotic fruit trees there are now bearing fruit so you also may be assured of something strange to taste provided there has not been a recent raid by the macaws, parrots, or monkeys.

If you click here you will be taken to an index of some pictures of tress in the collection that are now bearing.  

At the Farm (Berbice River)
The farm on the Berbice river is at the present time growing jungle with gay adandonment..
At the School (Go there)
The Georgetown American school is Guyana's only international and (since 1998) only accredited school.  While the school is small, the nature of its international student body makes it a constant and exciting challenge.

Dr. Sandra Bryan and Dr. Robert Shockley have just completed a formal interim visit to the school on behalf of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (the school's accrediting body). 

In the subsequent official report the school received many commendations.
Updated 30 May, 2002