The Thwarted Invasion
Julian Lee's Fanfiction with a Grudge

"If you've had half as much fun watching the show as we've had doing it, well, then we've had twice as much fun doing the show as you've had watching it."
--Casey, "Dear Louise"

'The Advocate,' 2/13/01

Yeah, the Normans kicked our asses at the Battle of Hastings, but we're reclaiming what's ours - through fanfic!

I am Julian Lee, a.k.a. Thwart, a.k.a. "Hey, dyke!" None of these is the name my mother calls me, but then, many of the names my mother calls me can't be repeated in polite company. I write fanfic. It's a sickness. Remember the little kid in The Sixth Sense? You know, "I see dead people"? I'm like that. Only, I see gay people. Everywhere.

Yes, it's true - most of what you'll find here is slash. This means two or more characters of the same gender involved in sex, relationships, and/or mind games (that's my favorite kind). If that's gonna squick you, or if you are underage/living somewhere where such things are illegal, PLEASE DO NOT READ THE FICS! Thank you. Here; I'll provide you with a link to other things.

If you've passed all of the legality and squickishness tests, please, charge the Invasion. Welcome, welcome, welcome. And, please, if you have comments, be they positive or constructively negative, email me. Feedback is loved, watered, and often treated better than members of my family, so drop a line!

Otherwise, on with the fics!

Invading the White House: "West Wing" fiction
"The West Wing" and its characters are property of Aaron Sorkin, John Wells Productions, and NBC. No profit is being derived from this venture; no copyright infringement is intended.

Invading the Airwaves: "Sports Night" fiction
"Sports Night" and its characters are property of Aaron Sorkin, ABC, and, probably BuenaVista. No profit is being derived from this venture; no copyright infringement is intended.

Invading Hogwarts: Harry Potter fiction
Harry Potter and its characters are property of J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Press, and Warner Brothers. No profit is being derived from this venture; no copyright infringement is intended.

Invading Kansas: "Smallville" fiction
"Smallville" and its characters are property of Gough/Millar Ink and Warner Brothers. No profit is being derived from this venture; no copyright infringement is intended.

Invading Nairobi: "Heat of the Sun" fiction
"Heat of the Sun" and its characters are property of Russell Lewis, Timothy Prager, and Carlton International. No profit is being derived from this venture; no copyright infringement is intended.

Invading Everything Else: Miscellany
All of these things belong to other people and will be credited as such.

Jeez. These copyright lawyers need to get a sense of humor!

What else do I have in my pockets...hey, look! It's a page of links to other cool places.

Thanks for stopping by! Please feel free to take your spoils of war with you!

Copyright (such as it is) © 2001 by Julian Lee.

Last revision September 9, 2004. Added 3 "Crossing Jordan" stories to the Miscellany page: "E and P" and "The Letdown" (Nigel/Woody), and "Messin' With the Kid" (mystery pairing!).

Email the freak who put this page together.