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Tiamo Domitius
Artist Rome
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~§~ Enchantment Happens ~§~ , I am the faerie Tinuviel and I bid you welcome to Villa Tiamo! Come, you may rest and when you are refreshed I will give you a tour of our humble domus~

Tiamo Domitius
has been appointed the Curiales of
Gortyn, The Capital of Crete

House of Domitius

Click & Learn about Imperator Domitianus Augustus

Oh be sure to say hello to my kitten Avanti, she loves to play.

Send a message to Tiamo~

No matter where in the world I am, click on the globe and I will get your message!

Musical selections provided in mp3 format for those with higher speed connections. Player with stop button provided for those without. All music is subject to change on a whim. Enjoy~

The Ancientsites Alliance is run by
Thea Didius and Proserpina Curius

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