THOMAS SCOTT'S 1810-12 Bible
Williams and Whiting and Whiting and Watson

The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments with original notes, practical observations and copious references, by Thomas Scott, Rector of Aston Sanford, Bucks, and Chaplain to the Lock Hospital. IN SIX VOLUMES. A New American From the Last London Edition, improved by a more conspicuous insertion and arrangement of the Marginal References, on an original plan by the present publishers. New York: Publihed by Williams and Whiting, Theological and Classical Booksellers, No 118, Pearl-Street. J Seymour, Printer.

Volume II, III, IV, V states Published by Whiting and Watson, No 96 Boradway

See Hills #175: "The Holy Bible with notes by Thomas Scott. in Six volumes. A new American edition, from the last London edition, improved by a more spicuous insertion and arrangement of the marginal references, on an original plan of the present publishers. J Seymour, Printer. Published by Williams and Whiting: New York. 6 vols 212x120 mm. The New Edition of Scott's Bible with references between text and notes. See 1804-9 No 113."


Volume 1: (1810) preliminary matter includes Preface, Introduction, and To The Reader; text: Genesis-Joshua. Volume II (1811) Judges-Esther. Volume III (1811) Job-Solomon's Song. Volum iv (1812) Isaiah-Malachi. Volume V (1812) Matthew-Acts. Volume vi (1812) Romans-Revelation; four pages of Tables at end.



  • Vlume I bookplate Property of Elizabeth Warren No.1
  • Vol III, V & VI states Mary A Darroke, her dear monthers Bible, W.S.L. Warren January 1857 Saratoga Springs
  • Volume iv has Elizabeth on end paper
  • Volume V has signature Elizabeth Warren's Bible May 7, 1815
  • Volume vi has bookplate The property of Elizabeth Warren No. 6 - 1857
  • many many loose items including newspaper articles; handmade bookmark 'AUTY' and 'JAMIE'; signature of G.S.Rosengartin and several Bible class brochures Presbyterian Church, Saratoga Springs


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