Welcome to the Ticklish Brother guestbook!

Amanda Brushett(again) - 11/25/00 19:05:08
My Email:StrawberryMartini@wolf-web.com
Where are you from?: Jacques Fontaine
How did you find us?: Scott
Hey guys me again. your email didn't work so i desisded to use this. I need to get another copy of your cd. Your officially an X-mas gift presant! My cousin back home would love you guys. get back to me when you can please. thanks.

Amanda Brushett(again) - 11/25/00 19:04:42
My Email:StrawberyyMartini@wolf-web.com
Where are you from?: Jacques Fontaine
How did you find us?: Scott
Hey guys me again. your email didn't work so i desisded to use this. I need to get another copy of your cd. Your officially an X-mas gift presant! My cousin back home would love you guys. get back to me when you can please. thanks.

Amanda(again) - 10/22/00 18:29:15
My URL:http://www.oe-pages.com/ARTS/Writing3/strangegoddess/
My Email:StrawberryMartini@wolf-web.com
Okay..if this URL dosn't work i don't know whats up!

Amanda Brushett - 10/18/00 23:50:48
My URL:http://www.oe-page.com/ARTS/Writing3/strangegoddess
My Email:StrawberryMartini@wolf-web.com
Where are you from?: Hell's slop bucket
How did you find us?: the sticker told me!(it did!)
Hey there guys! Love the CD. Driving the house crazy I listen to it so much. If my roommate slaughter me in my sleep it your fault. Great show at the Backlot. Throughy satisfying. "Burp." Keep it up!

the black plague - 10/11/00 17:59:18
My Email:caribou61 hotmail.com
Where are you from?: the ends of the universe
How did you find us?: I know where you live. I could be watching you right now.
What is this horse thing? Its like a hoarse when you think about it. Hoarses smell like poop!!! Lots and lots of poop. I think that you guys are poopmarines!!! Im writing form a french keyboard, hense the lack of grammer points. drop me line guys when you get this miss you and I hope your having fun may the basment ninjas rule, there is a place for them to take over the world later kory

Natalie - 09/20/00 15:13:14
My Email:not.telling@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: US
How did you find us?: dunno!!
its great to find guys who don't mind saying the word "ticklish"! Most guys are too embarrassed to even mention this word (some macho thing I guess) Any I have never heard your music but I sure think that anything to do with being ticklish is great (and ticklishness in guys is sooo cute) For a laugh you should alllist your ticklish spots, with a score out of 10 for each spot, on your home page! soles? ribs? belly? etc. C ya! Tickle tickle

Natalie - 09/20/00 15:11:20
My Email:not.telling@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: US
How did you find us?: dunno!!

allison flowers - 08/21/00 23:00:56
Where are you from?: Labrador
How did you find us?: from the address in the cd
very good cd.the birthday flu is very funny.

allison flowers - 08/21/00 23:00:43
Where are you from?: Labrador
How did you find us?: from the address in the cd
very good cd.the birthday flu is very funny.

mint! - 07/21/00 00:33:05
My URL:http://welcome.to/mintland
My Email:WestCoastBunnieTime@inwonderland.co.uk
Where are you from?: america
How did you find us?: magical wonderfulness!
Byron! Justin! Yay you guys. Mp3s give me goodness and all my friends want your albumee! Me too! How can we get it??? Miss! Happy Summer! I am in california - hollywooding it up! HAPPY! byeeeee

whitebear - 06/16/00 17:16:14
My Email:whitebear@crosswinds.net
Where are you from?: Hell
How did you find us?: accident
I think you guys should add some obligitory porn or free porn links to your web site. My utmost appreciation for your time and determination to please MY fantasies in advance. MEAT, BOOZE.

hi, me again - 05/31/00 20:52:33
My URL:http://www.mun.com
My Email:midget_ninja@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: St john's
How did you find us?: I was here before dumbass.
Just writing back to appologize, I didn't realize eatme.com was an actual link, don't click it, jesus I'm so embarrassed. Anyways just pleading ignorance on this one, if you can delete it, do so... please. Sincerely yours Dave "The Predator" Sullivan

David "freakin" Sullivan - 05/31/00 20:48:40
My URL:oops!
My Email:midget_ninja@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Where do you think?
How did you find us?: Bad Luck.
Give me one of your damn cd's. Or I'll come for you both in your dreams, like a raven on fire... sorry about that, don't know what came over me. Hope you guys are having fun, let me know how I can purchase one of your cd's. I am looking forward to hearing you guys, and don't hesitate to email. Oh right, I forgot one thing, blow me. Sincerely yours, noneofyourfucking business.

Steffen Doering (Lisas friend from Chi) - 05/29/00 12:42:57
My Email:steffen_d@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Germany/ England
Hey, had a big lough going through your web site. Do you think we'll see your CD in good old Europe some time? Have fun with all you're future projects!

Melissa McCarthy - 05/27/00 18:35:10
My Email:lisser_p@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Originally Corner Brook :)
How did you find us?: You emailed me and let me know about your cd :)
Hiya Justin and Byron! I listened to some of your songs from mp3.com. They're really funny. But that's to be expected from you guys :) Let me know when your cd comes out, because I wanna get it. Mom is waiting to hear your songs too. Take Care! And hopefully I'll see y u this summer.

Joey P. Flowers - 05/27/00 16:30:35
My URL:http://www.oocities.org
My Email:riboflavinjoe@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Western World
How did you find us?: pretty good, bye!
oops, i even put in a typo on my correction! sacrificial lamb! it's can't be! above is my real address. word to mavi, and to byron and justin... word out! -joe

Joey P. Flowers - 05/27/00 16:26:34
My URL:http://www.geoshitties.com/riboflavinjoe
My Email:riboflavinjoe@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Western World
How did you find us?: youse told me ta come here
I enjoyed looking through your site lots. I didn't get to hear your music yet, but I am downloading realjuke - balks as a write this. I can't wait to own it, so I can say "I own this cd. it's mine, I bought it, I own it, it's my OWN" for those of you ho want to really visit my website, its www.goeicites.com/riboflavinjoe not geoshitties... word out, biatsch.

Mavi - 05/27/00 02:56:31
My Email:markiglo@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: ya knows b'y
How did you find us?: your not lost
hi byron and justin, Mavi here (mark and navi) we are at our friends May and Felice's and Jen Jen's place too. We are all doing different things, cards, talking, typing(me), reading. However we are all smiling and listing to your songs. Thanks for being y u and making music. ;)

Craig Haley - 05/25/00 17:31:23
My Email:chaley@swgc.mun.ca
Where are you from?: Grand Bank
How did you find us?: Wild monkees told me.
Yo, I've been comeing to the site often. I'm dying to get a copy of the album. Keep me posted on when it's going to be released. I want to buy a copy through the mail. I've got to jet now. I'm using a public library computer and they're very fussy about h w much time you use. Regards, Craig ps. Dave Sullivan has the directing job here in Grand Bank.

Justin Burnett - 04/10/00 08:06:02
My URL:http://www.justinb.cjb.net
My Email:justinburnett@zdnetmail.com
Where are you from?: Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada
How did you find us?: I opened my eyes and here I was
Hi everyone. Just testing the new guestbook. Hope this entry isn't lonely for too long. We really would like to know what you think, or even just that you were here. Enjoy. Take care -J-

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