Yahoo! GeoCities Guestbook Join 

Name :   Ka
Date :   today
web address :
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   mind
Comment :   hi justin. lost ya in slsk, so i´m sending greetings to ya via guestbook and :: stay tuned.. ka eau
Name :   Caoimhe
Date :   19/9/03
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   who knows
Comment :   You guys rock! I love your music, im listening to it now , its brilliant , it cracks me up. Please come and do a gig in Ireland! Bye :)
Name :   Ka
Date :, dont know exactly
web address :
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   via SOUL
Comment :   greetings from Ka.eau,-- and Nathan AI, lovin´ 3 bears n fallout, have them on mp3.portable player while walkin in alleys... Ka
Name :   Helen
Date :   July 29, 2003
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   At the SOFA initially
Comment :   Hello Byron and Justin! Just stopping by to see what is happening with Ticklish Brother. Glad to hear a new CD is in the works. When its finished I would like to exchange currency for an autographed copy. :)
Name :   Sherri Levesque
Date :   June 4th, 2003
web address :
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   I met a funny little man sweeping my floor!
Comment :   Hey Byron and Justin, surprise, surprise, Im writing wanting something. I just completed my first film - a 12 minute mock-umentary about Superheroes. Your song Relatively Safe is PERFECT for the closing credits. It will be hitting the festival circuit ove
Name :   John & Karen Phillipson
Date :   May 31st/03
web address :   
E-mail address :   karen&
Where did you find us? :   on the web
Comment :   looking forward to visiting Cornerbrook this summer and hopefully see you then!
Name :   Bailey
Date :   May 26, 2003
web address :   
E-mail address :   
Where did you find us? :   Coffee House Shmoffee House in Goose Bay
Comment :   You guys are awesome!! Keep it up!! :)
Name :   Roy Connolly
Date :   April 03
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   Newfies talk !
Comment :   ..........been passing your name around here in the south (Virginia Beach )
Name :   the mythical yoshi
Date :   today too
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   garbage can/casino/crack house/industrial river
Comment :   I just have two more places to look for a means of inspiration to create a positive self image with which to enhance my role as a human being on the planet. Labrador and Korea I hope these are not WRONG PLACES
Name :   Jean-Pierre Lavoie
Date :   Today
web address :   ?
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   jaris
Comment :   where did you hear about the polar bear? Hes great! The album is great. Yis bye! Deed it tis me old cocks!
Name :   margie
Date :   nov 7, 2002
web address :
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   under a rock?
Comment :   Hi Kids. I'm sitting here with Mom Parsons in Cambridge, On.. We telling good stories about you and we really miss you. Mom wants to know what you want in your Christmas box this year. Be Good.
Name :   beanfane
Date :   now
web address :
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   WOW!
Comment :   Hey, now, guestbook. You are talking to my ear.
Name :   LeRoy Harris
Date :   August 13, 2002
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   My mother has the CD!
Comment :   Hi Byron, I am your fathers sisters son ! Ha! Effie Harris is my mother. She had your Cd and I just listened to it! I like your guys sense of humor...(Rubber band and Sticker and all)! How did you come up with the name Ticklish Brother? Anyways, I want
Name :   ignatius odell
Date :   july 8 2002
web address :   
E-mail address :   IODELL@ROGERS.COM
Where did you find us? :   ON LINE
Name :   Kimberly Brake
Date :   July 1, 2002
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   In St. John's :)
Comment :   If i had a serious side i'd probably tell you that you're very talented and that i love your work. However..... I think you both smell really bad and need haircuts.
Name :   Matthew Beverley (TrinaSim)
Date :   May 11th/ 2002
web address :
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :
Comment :   Man, love the sounds on the site! Hope you plan on playing some shows here in St. John's. You rock!
Name :   Kirk
Date :   Apr 10/02
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   carrot cake 42
Comment :   I am thin brown air, I am sometimes green... you and your nose.
Name :   Buffy Close
Date :   04/04/02
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   ontario, 1997
Comment :   Keep it up Byrn! You're living my life, do it freely!
Name :   Stephanie Kent
Date :   January somethingth, 2002
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   I've known you forever
Comment :   I love the CD! I have it on my computer and it plays constantly. It's a good accompaniment to solitaire! Never be serious, guys!
Name :   Jill Keiley
Date :   
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   
Comment :   Heard your show on CBC guys - thought you were great! Congratulations, xox Jill
Name :   Susan W (again)
Date :   
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   see above
Comment :   your guestbook cut me off! I was saying that your lyrics sound suspiciously like you guys used the same Latin textbook I did! Anywhere I can find the lyrics? Saskatchewan fan
Name :   Susan W
Date :   30 Dec 2001
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   searched for you on the internet after hearing you on the radio
Comment :   Hey there, my mom and I were driving to Saskatoon today and we heard you guys on Madly Off in All Directions, and we nearly had to stop during the Latin song because we were laughing so hard!! I just took two semesters of Latin (With the Oxford Latin Cour
Name :   dan jones
Date :   friday, december 21st
web address :
E-mail address :   
Where did you find us? :   my sister bought me a copy of your CD :)
Comment :   hey peace out ticklish brother. your music is awesome. it's helping to keep me sane as I toil and travail on my honours project for university. God bless you! fun band.
Name :   DANELLE
Date :   12\14\01
web address :   
E-mail address :   VIRGO9776@AOL.COM
Where did you find us? :   BECK.COM
Name :   Craig Patrick Haley
Date :   
web address :   
E-mail address :   
Where did you find us? :   
Comment :   Hey Justin and Byron, I just stopped by the sight to see what's new with you guys. Nothing new from other than the fact that my next door neighbour died and I've come to the realization that reality tv has become much more interesting than reality. See yo
Name :   Alexandra Esperanza
Date :   08/17/01
web address :   none
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   That is a funny quetion, and it has a long answer. I guess.
Comment :   You guys are the best!love from Alex.E
Name :   Randy Kemuksigak
Date :   august 3rd 2001
web address :   
E-mail address :   
Where did you find us? :   Simon Barr and hasan Tretina
Comment :   Hey. I heard you guys rocked when you played at the baha'i show. Simon told me you might be coming here which is cool. anyway got to go.
Name :   Munira
Date :   July 9th. 2001
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   At the mmmtastic Baha'i congress.
Comment :   OOh boy oh boy. I think I need help. no. I know I need help. I can't get Three Bears out of my head. Yesterday while walking in the park I taught my father and a couple joggers the song. I really need more material. I must find a TIcklish Brother CD.
Name :   Justin Burden
Date :   June 14, 2001
web address :
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   Just Surfing
Comment :   Some interesting things you got goin'. I'm originally from Woody Point(Just up the Coast from you). I don't suppose you have heard any thing about "Aunt Sophie Comedy" have you? Any way, It's good to see how well you guys are doing. Keep it up! JBurden
Name :   Frankie Pottle
Date :   6/10/2001
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   Paul Walsh let me listen to your music then I wanted it so, I went to and tryed to download a song then I clicked the link to your site.
Comment :   HEY!!! Byron, I doubt you remember me... I live in Happy Vally, I met you at Simons once or twice! but anyway, in your moustach song... when you mentiond "High school Plysics teacher," were you talking about Mr.Ross Hynes? cause man you described him perf
Name :   Paul Walsh
Date :   May 13, 2001
web address :   n/a
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   Randy K.
Comment :   You guys are wicked! I love your music, the lyrics are awesome, and the guitar is deadly! I'm tring to learn some of the songs myself, keep up the great work!
Name :   lisa from wales
Date :   13.5.01
web address :   
E-mail address :   
Where did you find us? :   under a pebble
Comment :   hello, your website smells like a bag of off grapes individually balanced on my little toesies. i'm not only joking, i'm lisa's brother, so she didn't write it OK........... Lisa here, hi Byron, email me soon... Love Lisa
Name :   Jenny Brown
Date :   April 25, 2001
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   From bahairon
Comment :   
Name :   Elven
Date :   April 18 2001
web address :   
E-mail address :   
Where did you find us? :   Today I found Justin on Duckworth Street
Comment :   I love my fun band! :) Where does one purchase squid jerky?
Name :   Towona
Date :   Last Thursday
web address :
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   I have no idea how I got here...
Comment :   Pretty cool spot you have here... I wish I had more to say but my mind is distracted... watching the NHL playoffs...yeah. Come visit your fellow Corner Brook musical colleagues... Moses Goat... Hooray!
Name :   JadedFey
Date :   Today, of course
web address :
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   Where else?
Comment :   Okay ... okay, I came, I saw ... I signed the guest book, and when I get around to it ... I'll buy the CD too.
Name :   Amie E.
Date :   April 6th, 2001
web address :   N/A
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   in CB of course!! (but you were just here!!)
Comment :   You guys are stupendous! I really love the music (live preferable... maybe my livingroom?? hehe), miss ya when you're gone and I hope you come back to St. John's VERY VERY soon!!! ... when the weathah is bettah! :o)
Name :   bkl
Date :   4/1/01
web address :   n/a
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   friend
Comment :   What kind of stuff do you guys play? I'll be honest, I've never heard any of your music but from the sounds of your web site, I'm sure it can't be bad. After reading the type of music you play on your page, I noticed you guys don't play any heavy metal -
Name :   D. Allard
Date :   somewhere in the year 2001
web address :
E-mail address :   at the website ...grin!
Where did you find us? :   you found me
Comment :   ty for signing my guestbook! Go to my above webby and check it out I have a webring on the artists page.. I sent your url to a poet in NFLD so you may be hearing from him..C. Smith. You Rock Guys!! Donna
Name :   mr flowers
Date :   march 25
web address :   
E-mail address :   
Where did you find us? :   cuz i knows you bye
Comment :   eee, good to know you exists.
Name :   Ed
Date :   March 24, 2001
web address :   
E-mail address :   
Where did you find us? :   in Corner Brook
Comment :   Glad to hear your doing so well. I look at your website and I realize how much I really, really miss you guys. Hopefully I can see you, and see you play, in late Sept. By the way, how much does it cost to ship to Korea? Hey! E-mail me..say hello...
Name :   kerri
Date :   st Pat's Day 2001
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   swgc
Comment :   I saw you guys last night for the 1st time (well heard your show for the first time really). I think it's great. You are like a comedic Simon and Garfunkel duo. It's so good to see NFer's doing what they like and doing well... all the best!
Name :   Gillian Russell
Date :   March 5th 2001
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   David brought us a C.D
Comment :   I think your site should include the lyrics to your songs. Who is ED and who is the BRUCE in the song? Bruce Russell? I really like the fun band song and wrong places.
Name :   Paul (pawl) Walsh
Date :   02/04/01
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us? :   Friend
Comment :   Yeah, I'm Randy's friend, i know simon, and i think you guys are awesome! I'm gonna buy your cd soon and i'm looking forward to the next! ~BooP~
Name :   Randy Kemuksigak
web address :   
E-mail address :
Where did you find us :   my friend told me
Comment :   I think you guys rule. I heard about you from simon barr in Happy,valley. your music has become my favorite material
Name :   Kevin burnett(the tickelbro)
web address :   na
E-mail address :   na
Where did you find us :   me
Comment :   
Name :   Byron.
web address :
E-mail address :
Where did you find us :   Um, hello! On the internet maybe?
Comment :   Yes, please feel free to fill it up with wri.
Name :   Justin
web address :
E-mail address :
Where did you find us :   Here I was!
Comment :   This is an entry to test the new Ticklish Brother Guestbook. Hi everyone! Sorry that the Guestbook was defunct for awhile. I didn't realize that they had changed it around. But this snazzy new one should be good. So please feel free to fill it up with wri
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