This coming up season I'm going to try and save money to buy a really good keeper since thats what im lacking on my team. Hopefully an Formiable to outstanding, or even an Excellent would do fine. 2 weeks ago my solid keeper got hurt for 4 weeks and me with no back up had to by a cheap passable with only 120000 to spend and went in the negs. But now I have gotten out of dept and am looking forward to making money once again.
     ~Plans For the Future!~
17 players

Michael Ulfstedt
556 000 US$, 24 years, excellent form
Has poor experience and weak leadership abilities [Technical]

Alvaro Trenor 
470 000 US$, 20 years, solid form
Has wretched experience and passable leadership abilities [Quick]

Oscar Travis - U-20 USA
421 000 US$, 19 years, solid form
Has wretched experience and wretched leadership abilities

Hampus Ohlgård
333 000 US$, 27 years, passable form
Has weak experience and weak leadership abilities

Johan Bäckstål         
269 000 US$, 20 years, solid form
Has disastrous experience and weak leadership abilities

Arthur Cano 
245 000 US$, 25 years, solid form
Has weak experience and wretched leadership abilities

Michael Reynolds
211 000 US$, 27 years, passable form
Has weak experience and weak leadership abilities

Adrian Melendez
165 000 US$, 26 years, weak form
Has poor experience and wretched leadership abilities

Rex Libby
147 000 US$, 20 years, inadequate form
Has wretched experience and weak leadership abilities

Peter Everen - Team Captain 
141 000 US$, 27 years, passable form
Has poor experience and passable leadership abilities [Quick]

Fredrik D. Stensson
137 000 US$, 29 years, passable form
Has inadequate experience and poor leadership abilities [Powerful]

Robert Miller - Newest Youth Pull
134 000 US$, 19 years, passable form
Has disastrous experience and inadequate leadership abilities [Technical]

Hendrick van der Meijden
128 000 US$, 27 years, solid form
Has wretched experience and poor leadership abilities [Technical]

Dudley Faulk
113 000 US$, 30 years, solid form
Has inadequate experience and wretched leadership abilities

Neil Maloney 
74 000 US$, 19 years, excellent form
Has wretched experience and inadequate leadership abilities [Head]

Jim Mullen
69 000 US$, 25 years, passable form
Has poor experience and weak leadership abilities [Unpredictable]

Melvin Berry - The Coach
0 US$, 43 years, poor form
Has solid experience and passable leadership abilities
Last Updated 10-31-02