In January 2005 I set about putting together my first ever Star Wars costume, having been an avid fan since the age of seven.
I'm 34 now and this has been something I have wanted to do for a very, very long time! Hopefully the information contained
within can be helpful for anyone else who has the same idea. I have had a lot of help from people from all over the world!

First things first, if you want to be a TIE Fighter Pilot then you will want to join Omega Wing - the premier site for all
things TIE. Some will tell you that it is a wretched hive of scum & villainy but I can tell you now, you won't meet a nicer
bunch anywhere. They are incredibly helpful and have enthusiasm by the truck-load. Sign up now and pledge your allegiance!

Click to visit Omega Wing...

OK, lets talk costumes! I've divided the costume up into the component parts and will give you as much information as
I can on each piece. It's been a little harder for me to put my costume together as I live in the UK and we don't have places
like Wal Mart. It's a little frustrating when you read the forums and they are saying 'get such-and-such from Wal Mart for $4'.
However, once I overcame that I had great fun sourcing individual items myself - and even making some of them.

Latest News!

My TK (Stormtrooper) armor is complete. Pics will be posted soon!



    Me & Boba Fett (Matt Sparling) at Red Nose Day 2005. This is Mk I of my costume with my Rubies helmet.    Me & my buddies Matt (Boba Fett) and Steve (Rebel Scum Pilot) at the premiere showing of 'Revenge of the Sith' - Cineworld Cinema in Newport on the Isle of Wight    Latest pics... Don Post Classic Action helmet    Latest pics... Don Post Classic Action helmet

Events I have attended in costume

Red Nose Day  - March 2005
Generation Jedi (BBC Documentary) - April 2005
Episode III Promotion - Newport Isle of Wight - May 2005
Episode III Premier Showing - Newport Isle of Wight

TV, Radio & Newspaper Appearances

Generation Jedi - BBC Television
Interview - Solent TV
Interview - Isle of Wight Radio
Interview - Isle of Wight County Press

Star Wars Fans Of The Isle Of Wight