Rachel's Super Fucking Tight Shit
What is all this crap? Take me to the Warrior's Festival section!!!
April 19, 2004
   Unfortunately, when I created the Warrior's Festival section of my website, I did not directly link it to the main page... because I made it on the main page. Therefore, this is the new main page. I will be adding a lot of new things to this website since a lot of my interests have changed and I will also be creating a 'me' page... finally. For now, the this will be the main page but I will eventually transfer all of it so that the other site is the main page and this can be a backup page or something. Ahh, I'm rambling. Well, if any of you have any ideas or suggestions of what else I should put on here let me know. I really want to do a Warrior's Festival section from 2002... but there are no pictures and my video camera is still in repair...
As of April 19th...
people have checked out the new site
Haha, there aren't any other sections to check out yet! Don't worry, I am working on it. Give me a few days!!