joey cameros

my bestfriend of course! whassappp..! nothing much here.well i decided to make a freaking new page cuz i was hella bored w/ my other one i dont know why! heehee! oh well nothing much here just wanna say that ur a cool friend and we've been friends since 1st grade! aint that cool?!.hahah thanks for the hella cool xmas present! geee a freak SAT I for dummies kind eyy?!..haha oh well wer almost seniors so might as well get ready for the biggie tests!..haha
joy demmert

hey your sooo f****ing cool!!!i cant wait till school starts again! ...heehee wer gonna cruisin! during lunch time!^stupidness^ hhahah nahhh nevermind! but yeah i dont know! heehee theres really not that much to say about u cuz i got to know u last summer! ur hella cooL! stay the way u r! cuz u kick asss! and a lot more than that?! ouhhhh?!....tell me who ur gonna go to winterball w/ aiite?! heehee im still guyless! arghhhh
dawn reno

hey thats cool we decided not to fight this year! and thats hella hard when im a freaking bitch*i know i know* hahaha i know i am but sheesh!hhaha not to be mean or anything hmmm i dont know i dont wanna say nevermind! hahah jusss guesss! but yeah ur cool all bonding w/ my mom asking her to teach u how to knit and crap! hahaha thats cool stay nice forever....or else! hahaah:)
bonnibell nacionales

well ur a cool girl..a very nice one! of course hhaha who knows whats up with our school these days!!!! no one cheers for anyone now..aint that hella scary?! cuz dang i hella liked our first performance better than the 2nd one..w/ all the bball guys from out of town cuz it was scary..no one was cheering at all only in the beginning and the end! WTF? last year everyone cheered through the whole thing..oh well:) *HUGZ*mwahzzz
zee gee

hey supp doofuzz! ahahah soo when are you having ur cool car?! when is ur bday n e way?! sorry i totally forgot mann! hahha no biggie right?! and since you have a bowflex,-haha thats funny you want to be a buff mann now huh?! heehee you could be the first filipino hottie at our school! which will kick ass! hahaha but not as hott as those guys who graduated like 3 years ago! dannggggg..ahhaah i wish i was as old as them cuz they hottt! hahah:) tek care....
caitlin stewart

supp! i know we aint bestfriends like b4 when we wer in kindergarten! ahhaah i remember those days and amanda trying to steal you away from me!WTF? how ghetto ..juss because she was some freaking loner and crap ...she tried to make friends by taking em away..hahah that was like what 10 years ago?! haha crazyness oh well! but ur cool aiite stay sweet and stuff! heehee
lynnlee mitchell

yey! hello my volleyball buddy! your the nicest/meanest girl i've ever met!!! you give me rides home...u invite me to go cruisin w/ you...you bring me out to lunch during lunch period when i didnt have a car! wooooowwwww.heheheh and then there are times when ur mean to meee..when i hurt my ankle and it was healing and u made me run after ur car when after we ate dinner at the landing sheesh! ouchness and then there are those times when u look at me weird! hahah TC:)
tiffany coates

hey ness! im glad we settled things! hahaah i dont know!! i think we are better friends this year than b4! hahahah i guess im a weirdo or something cuz im a so called skitzo! ughhh ahahha n e wayzz im happiness! haha and i hope to work w/ you this summer:) im excited because i really do need a job! but yeah i'll talk to you later as always ! haha oh yeah! hmmm i dont know cant wiat till volleyball! wer both gonna be a varsity player! haha
----more to come later im too tired of writing for now!!! hahah its all good right?!...soooo im sorry to those peeps who i forgot to put up here! cuz geee i still love you a lot and we still hang out a ton! and everything!! and plus since i have my license i could give you rides home aiite?!...heehee..
whatever ...take care thooo:)*HUGZ* again im sorry..hehe
najelle joco

hey whats up my beautiful and attractive cousin and gets hott men everyday in cali! ughhh im jelous i wanna live there! oh yeah i was watching our cool video yesterday...*you could fine me in st.louis wer the guns play rain all day nanana some have jobs and some sell yey other juss smoke and f**** all day* hahah and we wer dancing w/ blankets and stuff! funny funny i miss thos immaturenss days! but who says we stilll arnt immature rite?!>heehee