The Incident that Changed my life

              The car door slammed as I finished climbing into my dad's girlfriend's
van for a long intense car ride home. "Your dad's drinking again so  I took Krysta to a friends and I will be leaving town, but you have to stay here tonight because you are not my child and Krysta is," explainded Jonette my dad's Girlfriend. Right them my heart started beating faster than ever and I was scared to death.
             When reached home, to my relief I realized that my dad was not there. After several hours past, I finally heard the revving of my dad's truck as it rushed into the driveway. All the I could think to do was hide. I hopped into my warm snuggly bed and covered myself with a blanket speading my body evenly thoughout my bed.
               My dad staggerd into our house and picked up the phone. He called Jonette and asked her with a great agitation "where I was?" She had no clue. Then he stormed into my room yelling my name. To my surprise, he was so drunk that he couldn't see me.
              He continually talked to himself about wanted to hurt people for what they did to him while I heard him loading he 22-caliber pistol. "poof poof poof," Three shot where released. As i laid in my room, I was all tensed and doing everything I could not to cryin in fear he would hear me.
              All alone in my room all I could think about was how I didn't want to ever put my children though the same thing I was going though. Thoughout the next two hours, he was on and off the telephone telling people that he shot the TV, which was right on the other side of the wall that my bed was against. He alos told them that he threw the TV out on the deck and that if didn't get ahold of Jonette he was going to shoot 18 vent holes though the ceiling of out trailer. During that time all I was doing was praying for him to pass out.
             At 11:00' clock, he finallly passed out so I picked up the phone that was in my room and called my mom who lived in Libery Missouri. I told her what happend and she called the cops in South Dakota where I was hiding. I cut my window screen with a pair of scissors because I didn't want to be in the house when the cops arrived. Who knows what he may of done and he is not an easy man to get along with.
           When the cops arrived I was waiting outside in a pair of boxers and a thank top shivering because I wasn't thinking about what to wear when I escaped i Just wanted to get out of the house as fast as I could. The cop asked "Do you want to get in the car so you are warmer?" I said "yes" He then went to talk to my dad who wasn't cooperative with him at all.
          My dad lied he said "I didn't shoot the TV I kick it." The cop was not sure who to believe but I could tell that he beieved my dad over me which is not strange to me because several told me that they didn't believe me. What should on more person telling me that matter.
           Thank goodness my dad coped an attitude that night or I might not be here at Liberty High if he had been released. I went to foster care until June 18th, 2003. Now I am here in Liberty and then I have court date on January 8, 2004 deciding where I will go next. Hopefully it is here in Liberty because that would be great.