Gringo : TJ Poemas : Mesopoemix

Small Restaurant on 4th beyond Niņos

A certain image from the street
strikes combined ideas into light

flash reflection windshields echo sun
into windows @ Bibis fuente de sodas.

These flowers bleed your ink.

Something beyond borders of spoon,
a grace of paper lifted lip to not
acquire full meaning until that
caldo soup gets sipped, tasted,
savored & digested.

The sunlight. Old song conforms this light
of day; my verse is the reason I eat here.

Beams stab through windows, dancing
over floor, counter, tables, stove, Max
and cooks in reverse order from creation

nam nam mmmm

enlightenment tastes good
everything else is barren paper.

No bad poetry can erase it, no purple
prose bury it, no Revolution hucksters

obscure its truth

you must look to
see & taste to enjoy .

TJ Poemas



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Copyright 2001-2003 Daniel Charles Thomas