Gringo : Poemas
On the corner of a desert river
at the end of the known world

not Grande nor Bravo
but sometimes flood

they built a town
and the city grew -

Tijuana .

The founders began at an old rancho
between hot springs and the sea -

shared, divided, united, apart, this
first piece of border pueblo was born

already splintered into battle
over ownership of land

until even those founders' children
debate the true date of foundation

or deny the existence of "Tia" Juana
yet you must never doubt they love old

Tijuana, Baja California

so near the horizon of Los Angeles
and so far from Mexico City .

Ranchos - cattle - horses - onyx
transformed the roaring 20s into

"old west" & Spanish bullfights
drinking & curios souvenirs

La Ballena - The Whale Bar -
world's longest beer hall -

cowhides, boots & vanished casino
the most visited city in the world

soon grew into a strange metropolis
drawn against the gringo line in sand .

La garita mas transitada del mundo
the busiest border gate in the world

Tijuana, México

has now become a postmodern maquiladora
factory millennium megalopolis of the future

where more television sets are built
than anywhere else on this planet

aún aquí empiece la patria - here the nation
begins - on this farthest river frontier

for this is and
will always be

Tijuana, Baja California, México -
Copyright 2001-2002 Daniel Charles Thomas
Tijuana Gringo                  Poemas
poema en español