'those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end,' at Old Tijuana Postcard Tour Gringo : Turinfo : >>>Work Continues on the IMpossible Railroad from TJ!<<<


Babeling essays on touristic subjects like
Crossing the Border and Galleries and Culture.

TIJUANA : for better or for worse, a name known around the world.  Less than an hour drive from anywhere in San Diego, under three hours from L.A., this (in)famous border city (with multiple bus and air-links to the world) can provide you a most excellent good time, whether you come to shop for the weird or the exquisite or discount pharmaceutical {bring your prescription}.  Or perhaps you want to enjoy eating tipico tacos and roasted chickens, or finer dining, whether seafood, Argentine, or steak.  Maybe you come to indulge in offtrack sports betting, or sample Tijuana's famous cantinas, nightclubs and bars.  Sexual diseases and drugs.

Maybe, like many Chicanos and Anglos in California, you like coming to Tijuana specifically to experience the culture of Mexico, in Mexico, operating under Mexican laws and customs, not U.S.  You can shop and bargain in traditional markets for herbs and candies and who knows what, and haggle in mixed Spanish and English (and now Japanese).  Go to a bullfight (can't get that in the United States), catch music from mariachi to tecno, visit the Museum of Baja California history (@ CECUT), or just go to the mall and catch a movie.

Perhaps, like this gringo poet, language is involved: you want to spend some time where everyone speaks Spanish, here on the frontier, where Mexico begins, under that giant flag on the hill above downtown centro.

Maybe you just want to take the trolley down, and walk across -- that "constitutional," too, is available, in striking border style.

International tourists already visiting California take an "extra" bonus trip into Mexico.  You begin at Tijuana, the gateway to more than a day trip.  Mountain, beach, desert, and party cities wait for your money and time.  Nearby rustic camping or furnished resort spots of northern Baja California around Ensenada, San Felipe, Tijuana, Rosarito, Mexicali and Tecate, are the perfect destination for two or three day vacations -- everything from the cheap city hotel to the luxurious country spa is available by car or reasonable bus adventure.

With a tourist visa, you can go even farther, into the deep wilderness and onto the Sea of Cortes.  Serious researchers should also consult other web sites about Baja California (as well as Tijuana), both government and private and commercial.

No special visas are required (for Canadians & U.S.Americans) to enter the "frontera" region for 72 hours, but you should carry valid identification -- either driver's license or passport.  The cops in this city will not be happy if they stop you and you have no I.D. -- like most cops anywhere, they just want to know that you are a "real" legal person.  After September 11, 2001, the U.S. border inspectors will get really bent if you donīt produce on demand.  So be a survivor tree.  Bend in the wind.  Carry identification when you run away to Mexico.  Surrender to the empire (appearances are tricky, Luke, I am your father)*grin*.

Send e-mail at tijuanagringo@yahoo.com

Daniel y Miguel (identical writing twin cousins)

  • Copyright 2001-2004 Daniel Charles Thomas
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    Scatterbrained Geography Essay

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