(Common Bristletails)

Family: Lepismatidae

Thermobia domestica
 "warm house"
s_1_1_silverfish01t.jpg (2308 bytes) s_1_1_silverfish01b.jpg (2743 bytes) s_1_1_silverfish01z.jpg (3332 bytes)

Lepisma saccharina
"scale sugar"
s_1z7silverF.jpg (938 bytes)

Family: Lepidothrichidae

Family: Nicoletiidae

Family: Maindroniidae

Help me identify...E-mail: or Dave Gross

Thysanura: Bristletails <Identification help>

  • Lepismatidae:

  • Links:

    Key to the families Thysanura


    firebrat.jpg (35578 bytes) ant - antenna
    cr  - cerci
    mcf - median caudal filament
    mxp - maxillary palp
    (n1-n3) - thoracic nota
    ovp - ovipositor
    sty - styli
    (t1-t10) - terga
    ts  - tarsus

    ocelli - a minute simple eye or eyespot under eye.

    firebratscales.jpg (6726 bytes)

    1. Compound eyes, eyes usually touch, middle and hind coxae with styli on segments 2-9; jumping Bristletails. 
    Machilidae (Machilidae: is not in Thysanura, it is in Odrer: Archaeognatha.) [STOP]

    1'. Compound eyes separated when present, middle coxae without styli, 3-5 segments on tarsi. [GOTO 2]

    2(1'). Ocelli present, body not coverd in scales, 5 segments on tarsiLepidotrichidae [STOP]

    2'. Ocelli absent, body usually covered with scales, 3-4 segments on tarsi. [GOTO 3]

    3(2'). Eyes present, body covered with scalesLepismatidae [STOP]

    3'. Eyes absent, body not cvered in scalesNicoletiidae [STOP]

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    Copyright 2002    Tim Salazar