Date: August 4th 2005
Time: 4:38 p.m.
Place updating: home
Eating: nothing
Listening to: "That's when I'll stop loving you" by Nysnc*
Wearing: My Hello Kitty Black & Pink shirt that has like the words "Hello Kitty" written on it 100 times, no joke! And blue jean shorts (I had my hair Kikyo style, but it fell out...-_-
What I'm doing: Updating & listening to Nysnc*, LOL! ^^
Mood: Sick...-_-;;
Hey all!
I'm going to add my Yellow Submarine Friends, a new Link Me button that came with the layout (FINALLY! I have more, but I have to fix my text program) & I already added my To do List page, I added it to the main page for now, I'll add it to the rest soon
Well, the 29th & 30th were our last Yellow Submarine shows, thank goddess! Friday, I babysat Lan, he's so kawaii!!!! We built his snake a house with Tinker Toys, it was fun! I felt so young again! ^^ He was good until he threw them against the wall! He's really fast! -_- It went ok.
Closing night was awful! No one was singing good & little things kept going wrong...Lane was sick but he was a great little trooper! My shoelace came untied TWICE during my song! I was so scared I was going to trip & fall! Then, at the end of that song, I had to sit on Mitch's lap (It's so weird! My boyfriend hated it the first night!) His knee wasn't all the way up & I sat down early & I dragged his knee down & he looked at me & said "...Ouch!" I felt really fat! We lost a lot of our props too! On the last song, we have to do this silly Hillbey Leap & my shoes were slick from the stage & I almost slid! I'm really luck I got my balance that would have HURT! My necklace chocked me too! But, we made thought it. My parents, both brothers, Grandma, my Aunt Joni & Uncle Larry came! Aunt Joni & Uncle Larry got me dozen sparkly pink roses & my parents got me a little bouquet of these pink flowers that look like Sakuras! ^^ It was too nice! Julia kept hugging me, crying. And me & Nathan were arguing a lot on my mom's camera (The MAC College T.V. studio taped us too that night...-_-) I will miss my friends, but now I can breath & say proudly "I was in that play!"
Sunday was a day off! We took a family trip. We went to Barnes & Nobel first & I got Tsubasa volumes 5-6 & Fruits Basket volume 9. Miles got a Zelda Video Game guide & Megaman NT warrior manga volume 7. Then, we went to Walden's...they had a lot! And, not only did they have Fruits Basket volume 10, which I needed, they had volume 11 & it isn't suppose to be out for two weeks! I was so excited! I read all of them already. There sad, but still really good. Tsubasa volume 6 is so funny, I cried from laughing. You'll have to read it...^_-. Then, we went to the Science Center for 5 hours. It was ok, it was more fun when I was 9. Last, we ate at Old Country Buffet, which I LOVE! ^^ I had a great day!
The past 4 days, I've been at my Drama Camp. Rick usually does it, but he needs a vacation, so Mr. Jason Car is doing it. He's so cool! ^^ Our theme: Who's Line is it Anyway, our style! LOL!!!!!!!!
Everyone that was in it last year, but the other Morgan is not in it this year. Plus four 12 year olds. Here's the short cast list...
Host Hugh Terry-Zack (he's 12)
Performers: Brock is Larry. Nita is Nita. Drew is Drew. McKinney is Eva. I am Stary. Katalin is Kayla. Jason is Jon. Mike is the Lovely Fred. Kelsey is the Prop Master.
Our games are:
A Opening dance number to "Play that Funky Music"
The Party-(I'm the 4th weird guest...I'm Rick, our usual director ^^)
Evening News-(I'm the Reporter that tells of Lance Armstrong coming out of retirement in the 2006 Tour de France.)
Greatest Hits-(I sing the third song "That Moose", it's making fun of "FootLoose", I love that song! I really suck at Punk Rock plus I can't sing well since I'm sick...It's making me sad.)
Story Line-(Nita is a bratty girl wanting a Lollypop. We all try to give her something different: a doll, a ball, $50 bucks, a puppy, a Pig Juicer, & trash. She only wants the lolly. I finally give her one, but mine's not "good enough" and she sees Brock’s & tackles him to the ground trying to steal it.)
Helping Hands (I'm not in it, but it's SO funny! ^^)
Our show is tomorrow at 5! It's so corny! I hope we do ok.
All my friends are at band camp, so I'm lonely. Derrick is still camping is should come back the 6th. I miss him so, so, so.....(never ends!) muchie!!!!
I took my first nap in 3 years was nice... ^^
Oh, this weekend, I'm going to add the Shinka Manga layout & add some pages & HOPEFULLY have it all up real soon!
Next time, I'll add some new Fanlistings...I'm so hooked! ^^
Well, I guess I should add all those things I listed at the top.
Love Always: Morgan-chan* A.K.A. Still Time Mistress
Date: August 11th
Time: 5:28 p.m.
Place updating: home(my room! ^^)
Eating: nothing (I am hungry..-_-)
Listening to: Wake Up by Hilary Duff
What I'm doing: Updating & listening to the T.V.^^
Mood: Good
Comments: Hey all! Welcome to Fallen Star Dust version 9-"Gentle Glance"!!!! I like this layout, the girl is cute yet sort of sad. Again, it's pink! You have so love the blue stars thou. I like my version 8 a lot, but it was up for over a month & some people could not view it.
Alright, today I updated a lot! I added 2 new songs to the about me page, added my new 11th grade classes to the My School page, added my To Do List page to all the pages, made a splash for this new layout, updated the My Dreams & Anime I like pages. Added the August 2005 page to the Past Updatez page. Added Splash pictures to the Past Layoutz page. I also added 18 new Fanlistings & 1 new Hatelisting! I worked hard today..Lol! ^^
August 5th was our camp's show. I was still sick, but I lived...somehow. Our show wasn't that good, but it was funny & my parents liked it. After that, I almost fainted, but my daddy took us out for Chinese after it. It was really yummy! ^^
Saturday we went shopping for school because it was no state tax day weekend. Miles got a lot of stuff. All his stuff is green, black, & orange! He has to start changing classes, he's nervous, but he won't say it...poor little guy... He got tons of new cloths too. I got a new backpack which is purple & gray. It has tons of space, like 8 pockets. It was only 10 dollars! I also got: a light purple, light brown stripe notebook with a matching folder, 2 Mickey Mouse folders, a star folder, a Cherry blossom folder, & two shirts: one is gray & says "Get your mind out of the gutter". And a pink one that says "Cutie Control...No boys allowed". I can't wait to for school to start!
Tuesday I went to the Water Park with Derrick & his mom & brother. It was so much fun. He was so hot with his shirt off!!! His brother is too cute, exactly like Miles (which isn't all good...). I can't wait to see him again! ^^
Yesterday, I got my computer in my room...I have my OWN computer!!! It is too great, I love it! Soon, I get Charter High Speed soon as well! I got to talk to Sasha, Julia, Fanzana, Precious-sama & Tyler in MY room!!! It's the coolest! I also got my classes yesterday. I added them to my School page. My locker is Full size in the senior wing & I'm only a junior...^^ Julia & I might share together if they run out of lockers. I talked to Brady & saw some of my friends. I have English with Missa & bff & one of my closest friends, EVERYDAY!!!! ^^ I have no class with Derrick thou...*cries* I hope I get to at least SEE him!
Well, hand hurts...
See you all soon
Love always: Morgan-chan* A.K.A. Still Time Mistress*
Date: August 18th
Time: 9:10 a.m.
Place updating: home (my room! ^^)
Eating: nothing (I am hungry..-_-)
Listening to: For Fruits Basket, the theme for Fruits Basket
What I'm doing: Updating & watching Green Acres
Mood: Good, al little sleepy
Comments: Hey everyone! I FINALLY fixed the Comments things!!!! Now, you can add comments about my updates. ^-^ I also have two new affys: Piney: Precious-sama's blog & Crimson Butterflies: Ashley's blog!!! ^^ There both so wonderful! Please check them out! ^^ I also added like 37 Fanlistings, 3 Hatelistings, 12 quizzes & I added Fruits Basket info to the Anime I Like page! I need to add something’s to my TO DO list too! ^^
It's been raining all this week! It's really annoying. I haven't done too much this week. I've been watching a lot of T.V, playing Poke'mon Channel & A LOT of Poke'mon Ruby (I have 134 Pokemon now! ^^) & I've talked to Derrick on the phone everyday. Also been on MSN messenger a lot! ^^
Monday I was suppose to go on a picnic with Derrick, his brother & mom, but it rained...It made me sad...-_-;; I miss seeing him so very much! He is too cute! ^^
School starts next Thursday! 0_0 it’s scary, but I like school & miss my friends! I hope I have some classes with my friends, I hate being by myself. I am hopeless!
OH! My family is getting rid of AOL soon, so PLEASE don't add me on your IM. If I am on your IM, I'm sorry, but please delete me & e-mail me at my hotmail account. I don't want you to think I'm mad at you; I'd feel awful! ^^
Tomorrow I have to work at the shop then baby-sit Miles & my little cousins for 2 hours. My Grandpa's brother died, & everyone is going, so I baby-sit. I never met him, but I still wish him God's Speed in the hands of the Lord.
My Sunburn is peeling. It's a little gross, but it feels TONS better then when it's burned! It doesn’t brother me, but my daddy thinks it’s really gross! It's a part of life...I guess. My priest thinks it's funny. I was sick last week & now I have Sun burn, then school...he said God is picking on me, LOL! ^^
Well, it's getting cloudy again, It'll probably rain & I still have to eat breakfast! ^^ So sorry for the crappy update.
Talk to you all soon & thanks for coming!
Love always: Morgan-chan* A.K.A. Still Time Mistress*
Date: August 27th
Time: 5:44 p.m.
Place updating: home (my room! ^^)
Eating: nothing
Listening to: It makes me ill by *Nysnc
What I'm doing: Updating & listening to music
Mood: Good
Comments: Hey everyone! I added 10 quizzes & four Fanlistings! ^^ I also added a new section to the About Me section & updated my To do list! I had my first two days of school, so this maybe a long update...
Monday was my Open House. I went by myself since Derrick was going with his mom. I got lost. All the teachers moved on me! They hate me! ^^ I ran into Jill & we talked for a while, then I found Evan & we were together the rest of the time. About five minutes after I saw Evan, Derrick stuck up behind me & scared me! He said his parents decided to let him go by himself. I was going to call, but I left already (I was one of the first people there). So, us three found our classes together. I last half hour we walked around & ran into Nathan! Us four are this weird friendship team...& I'm the only girl, lol! ^-^ We all were hanging out. Derrick left after that, so us three talked about him...HA! Mostly about his b-day coming soon. They waited with me until my daddy picked me up. They never leave me, saying they'll always protect me! AWWWWWWWWWW, I'm so loved!!!! ^^ And I have two body! I also saw Sasha, Kenly, Kristen, Julia, Lauren, Anglia, Laura, Larry, Bone, Jamie, Rachel, David, Jessica, Billy, Andrew, Erin, Ben, & Josh! ^^ It was fun!
Thursday was my first day of school...It was Chaos! We got a new schedule this year & it's so unorganized! I'll go through it for you all
Black Day first hour-Cinema & Lit. I have it with my English teacher last year, she's really nice! She's also going to have a! ^0^ We read a book, then watch the movie to compare them. There's 36 freshmen, me, & James Noll (a senior) in that class...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Second hour- Girls choir! (^-^) I LOVE CHOIR!!!!!!!!! Mrs. B is the greatest teacher ever!!!!!! I can never say it enough! I have it with Sammy, Lauren, Katie & my buddy Leiron. I love it so much!
Third hour- Tutoring. I have with my bff, Missa! I get to tutor at the Kindergarten Center WITH Missa! My dream job & I get Scholarship credit for it! I can't wait!
Fourth, Homeroom- I love my teacher, but it's only 25 minutes, so it's a filler class mostly. Missa, Ally, David, Becca & Alex are in it with me!
Fifth hour- Language III with Mrs. Wright (my aunt! ^^) She is very nice; she'd be a wonderful 2nd grade teacher! I have it with Missa, Sasha, Larry, Josh & Pasha.
Sixth hour -Advance History. I love history, but this class sounds so hard, I hope I can do it! I need all the help from my daddy I can get! I know it, but we have to write it in a proper COLLEGE style form! I can't do that! O-O. I'll try hard. Mr. Reeves is very funny thou! Jessica is the only one I know in there!
Seventh hour- Algebra II. I hate math, so I'm nervous! Yet, this is my LAST year of math. I'll work hard in this class! It's a big class (41 people!) My buddy Ryan is with me. The teacher is a little weird, but likable.
Gold Day- First Hour-Spanish III. I have a new teacher, Mrs. Crain. She seems nice, but speaks in ONLY Spanish to us! 00 I seem to get lost, but she's friendly. Erin is in there with me.
Second Hour- Music Theory. It's a college prep class. It sounds a little hard, but I love music so I can't wait. Jamie, Ashley & Josh are in there with me! I know Mr. Bauche too!
Third hour- Botany/Zoology. The teacher is loud & odd, but funny too! We have to cut open nine animals! *cries* I didn't know that! 00 I hope we get partners, I'll let a boy cut it & I'll do the paper! I have it with Kristen, Meghan, Sammy & Brady! We do get to go on three Feild Trips for that class in the spring! ^^
My 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th hours don't change. I have them everyday! *darn!*
I hardly get to see Derrick at all! It's sad! I DO have Gold Day lunch with him & see him once in the hall a day & that's it! *cries loudly* I MISS HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His b-day is next week. I got him something nice. I can't say...he knows my sites! *shhhhhhhhhh *winks**
I have been talking to Nathan a lot! ^^ We both are writing stories & giving them to each other to read. I like his, it's very him, lol! ^^ I hope he likes my novel too! *bites fingernails*
Today, I had work then my mommy took me to McDonalds for a Happy Meal ^^ It's so cute! Then, we went jean shopping (I HATE cloths shopping!). I got two new pairs of jeans, a Pink Panther T-shirt, Derrick's b-day gift ^^, new razors, some Chap Stick & Lemon Bread (I LOVE LEMON BREAD!!!!!!!!! *jumps up & down*). It was fun! ^^
Well, better go!
Next time, I'll add the following friends: Sammy, Leoran, Lauren, Evan, Fazana, Dai & Jai, Ashley-chan, The K & K sisters, Brady, Andrew Barnes, Alex, Nick, Ally, Becca & Laura! LOL! See you then! Thanks for coming!
Don't forget to add your comments!
Love always: Morgan-chan* A.K.A. Still Time Mistress*