September 2005
Date: September 5th (DERRICK'S 18th B-day!!! ^^)
Time: 10:59 a.m.
Place updating: home (my room! ^^)
Eating: nothing
Listening to: At the Beginning (I love this song!)
What I'm doing: Updating & listening to music
Mood: sleepy, my back hurts

Comments: Hi everyone! I added 1 Camp friend, 4 Internet friends & 3 School friends. I'll add the other school friends soon. I'm really sleepy, sorry all.
School is same old...DULL!!!! -_-;; I don't get to see Derrick hardly at all because our classes don't cross *cries*! My history teacher, he ate clack Friday, because we told him to! It was odd! ^^ Also, he helped me find my glasses Thrusday, so I made him a sign that said "Mr. Reeves is Conisitution Lad! Upholding the style. Justice & Freedom...American way. Much better than Captian America!" ^^ Mr. Mac is Altas man, so I thought let him have a super hero name too. HE LOVED IT! He made us call him that & kept yelling "I am Conisitution Lad!" all was great! Also, in Launage, we made pencil holder...out of playdo....0_0 I'm playdo changelled! Also, my Alegbra teacher is NUTS! He is telling us to steal erasers from the other math teachers because his suck & he wants to throw them in a tree that in 30 feet from the classroom. He's not kidding either!00 He told us, it's not stealing if it's still in the's only moving them to an unknown loction... All the little freshman are going to do it! I was shocked myself! 00

I have a college history paper to write, due the 16th. I need to start. I have half the reading down at least & choose a topic. Still, got to TYPE the silly thing. Also, have to find All Quite on the Westren Front somewhere & start reading it for Cinna & Lit class. Homework sucks! -_-;;

I've been making a lot of Internet dolls. I made like 30 I think on eCandy doll It's so much fun! ^^ I also have been playing Pokemon channel. Miles finally fixed my clock, it was 14 hours behind, messing up my whole game. Now, it's fixed! ^^ I also found my Cardcaptor Music Videos & been listening to them alot. I'm listening to "Men in Black 2" one. I LOVE WILL SMITH!!! He's so talented!!! ^^

Yesturday, Brown & I went to Derrick's house for his B-day! His house was nice. I meet him grandparents, they were real sweeties & I know his parents..They like to mess with me. Derrick got 125 dollars from his grandparents, Star Wars Battle Front for X-box, 2 new X-box controllers & Brown gave him a 40 dollar Wal-mart card. I gave him a red T-shrit (He looks so sexy in red! ^^) & it says "Klutz & proud of it!". He's always tripping or falling, so it fits prefectly. He dad said so too. My brother got him a pair of REALLY funny sunglasses, since he collects them. Everyone loves them. He put them on & he looked like gay Batman! It was so great! ^^ My mom got him something too... It was a big box with 6 little boxes after it, each one getting smaller AND had wrapping paper! I wasn't surprised...they should see Christmas! HA! But, he got to the last one, which was the gift & it was a special photo album with lots of pictures of me! 00 I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO EMBRASSED IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!......00 No wonder she didn't tell me! I am clothed in all those...thank the high heavens. Everyone else loved it. Mr. Comnick told me he now has black mail. I was so red & so embrassed, I couldn't breath! Brown had to pat my back to make me calm down. We played Super Smash Brothers. Then, Brown & his little brother played Star Wars for like an hour & a half together. Derrick showed me his room. It has legos everywhere! ^^ It's really cute. We talked & were mostly laughing at Nathon & Brown in the other room...they kept fighting! ^^ Derrick has cute dogs & a cat too! ^-^ We also had pizza & ice cream cake!

OH! Derrick is also section leader of his Choir part! It means after each sight reading song, he's the leader & tells them what to be careful of & answer questions & try to help without giving them the's a big job! I'm so proud of him! Also, this week, he gets senior pictures! ^^ I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........

Well, my parents need to use the computer & my hands hurt. I get BBQ today...I'm SO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^

Thanks for coming. Please write in the comment box!

Love always: Morgan-chan* A.K.A. Still Time Mistress*

Date: September 17th
Time: 7:40 p.m.
Place updating: home (my room! ^^)
Eating: nothing
Listening to: 2BA Master
What I'm doing: Updating & listening to music
Mood: ok...really creeped out thou...*shakes*

Comments: Hey guys! ^^ I added 128 Fanlistings, Hatelistings and found! ^-^ My Pictures is working again, now I can save any image. Before, I could only save jpg! I had so much fun! I also changed my To do list a lot too! I was going to add my version 10 today, but my WinZip isn't working on jpg images! 0o I'M CURSED!!! LOL!!! -_-;; Also, I haven't finished what I want to say about the friends I didn't add last time. I've been so busy with homework. I'll add those two things as soon as I have time. I layout will be first.

I hope you all had a nice Grandparent’s & blessed the viticms on 9/11 and the hurrican. God bless their souls.

Monday was Picture Day. I almost didn't get in taken because they called us when we were switching classes. 1250 kids talking, walking to one would hear it!!! 0o0! But, I got it. I haven't seen it, but I bet it's bad!
I'm excited! ^^ The three main choirs: Men's Chrous, A Capella and Knightengales are having a medieval fair to raise money for our choir trips! And, I get to be head of the waitresses, which is like 25 girls! 00 It's a little scary, but sounds fun! The boys all have to wear tights and tunics (noble's skrits!) DERRICK IN TIGHTS & SKIRTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *laughs happily* It's going to be so funny to see, but kawaii!!! ^o^ It's a long way away, but I'm still excited. The people who buy tickets get 5 star treatment & escorted to the table by us (we have to dress up), a 55 coarse meal & lots of entertainment! We also sing at their table! ^^Derrick's a noble since he's in a higher level of choir than me and I'm a present, but one of the HEAD presents! ^^ I have to bow and call him Lord...It's so fun. He hates it!

I've had a real bad week. First of, I'm on my "girl time", so I've been sick, really sick. I have had 6 test. I know I failed my Spanish! It was so hard! 00 I may have my math. I hate math & am real bad at it. I PRAY I did ok, since it's worth 75% of my grade. I have to go to tutoring Monday with my math teacher to "fix my problems". At least it's only 30 mintues once a week until our grade is a C or higher& with the teacher I have, me and him, unlike last year...*tries to block it out*. I spent 7 hours on Sunday doing my history paper! 00 And it's the easiest paper all year he said..*cries*. I did alright on my Music Theory test at least. Not an A, but a B. And I'm the dumbest one in there! No joke! I'm so stressed out. I really need a break from homework. I HATE CORE EVERY STUPID DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *SCREAMS* It’s going to kill me! -_- And it raining all week didn't help...
But, I did have some good things too. I got my bank account money back! ^^ I also got my college coarse enrollment in ok. My mommy also got me a T-shrit for no reason. It's really cute! ^^ Yesturday, I also got to go to a BBQ thing with Derrick & his family. It was all country music! But, it was fun. Lots of cute little stand. His dad & mom kept kissing & dancing. They were so cute! ^^ Derrick was really red! His mom is going to let us have a girl day so we can look at hi baby pictures...;) I GOT HIS SENIOR PICTURE!!! He's so hot in it!!!!!!!! *melts to the floor!* OH! I love it so much!!!! ^^ Oh, happy Constitution Day!!! ^^ In history, we had a party for the signing of the Constitution! Brittany made yummy and kawaii cake & Sentor Englar came to talk to us. He was our mayor for like 12 years, we made a park & named it after him & he's my buddy Joey's daddy! ^^ Joey is in there with me. We were both so excited!!! He was his favorite amendment the 18th...drinking! HA! He had cream Root beer and it look like beer and he was acting druck. It was great! Cragon also has been super nice to me. Wanting me to sit with him everyday and being flirty. Saying he loved me & he's my slave! 00 He's sweet, but it's strange. He also rubbed my back for Constitution Day since I was really sick during that hour. He was a nice, yet werid action! ^^

I think my room is haunted! I watched the Sixth Sense for Cinna & Lit class, it's strange. It's creepy too. Today, my plant fell over. I picked it up, then my bear fell over, s I picked him up and then plant fell over again, then the bear. It did this like 5 times. Next, my door kept shutting on me. I would fix it, it would stay like that until I sat down, then shut again. Miles was with me and scared. Then, my lamp went off & it is prefectly plugged in. I sat there, staring at it and it turned on. Miles is all hyper now & being annoying, saying he's lucky the spirits are messing with me & not him! I've been hearing knocks & voices all week too, my name a lot...I thought I was being scared from the movie, but now I'm not so sure...

I love tutoring the second graders! ^^ SO CUTE! I had to grade their spelling test. One little boy had to spell shut, but he replaced the "u" with an "i"...I was so shocked! 00 But, there all too little to know what that is. I helped Bryan mostly clean his desk. He really cute, but talks all the time, so he gets in trouble a lot. Yet, he is real sweet. He made me a picture for Constitution Day: the American Flag & signed it for me! It's in my room! I think he LIKES me thou...he told his mom about me! 00 He also told me I'm real nice & pretty. He also held my hand in the hallway! ^^ It's strange, but kinda cool feeling. I told Derrick that, he grabbed my hand and said "MINE!" He's jeaslse of a 7 year old!!!

Well, my hand hurts really bad & I have to rest. I have to make Jessica a B-day gift tomorrow, before I go to her party at four! ^^

Please comment!

Love always: Morgan-chan* A.K.A. Still Time Mistress*

// Layout © Chau-chan || Site © Morgan \\

Ancient Memory Holder

* Name:Morgan
* Nicknames:Morg, Shining Sakura Star(SSS), Time Mistress, Cherry, Sissy,Lucy Liu, Sexy, Sailor Moon, Morgan-chan...
* Age:18
* B-day: Nov. 1st
* Location: The United States of America
* Horoscope:Scorpio
* E-mail & MSN:Here
* Likes:Internet, Hanging with friends, stars, singing, drawing, acting, writing, music, anime, my pj's, puppies...
*Dislikes:math, mean people, cuss words, vegtables, fighting, deep water, heights, scary stories, death....

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