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Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology
- Achaemenid Royal Inscriptions
- The Akkadian Language
- American Journal of Archaeology.
- The Amphoras Project
- The Ancient History Bulletin
- Ancient MedicineMedicina Antiqua
- Ancient Roman Cooking
- The Ancient World on Television
- AncientSites. Including virtual tours of Athens and Rome.
- Anistoriton: History & Archaeology Magazine
- Antiquity
- Apollonius Rhodius: An Electronic Bibliography
- Apuleius, Apology
- ARACHNION. A Journal of Ancient Literature and History
- Argos Limited Area Search Engine of the Ancient World
- Archaeolgical Data Archive Project
- Archaeological Dialogues
- Archaeology Data Services
- Archaeology Ireland
- Archaeology Magazine
- Archaeology on the World Wide Web
- Archaeopress, Publishers of British Archaeological Reports
- ArchAGENDA: An international agenda to scientific and cultural events in archaeology
- Ariadne. Hellenic Civilization
- Arion
- Armamentarium: the Book of Roman Arms and Armour
- Assemblage The Sheffield Graduate Journal of Archaeology
- Asterix
- The Atrium. For devotees of Ancient Greece and Rome
- B&B Smith Booksellers
- Berkeley Archaeology
- Bibliographia Archemedeana
- A Bibliographic Guide to Vergil's Aeneid
- A Bibliography of Roman Domestic Architecture
- Bibliotheca Augustana
- Bibliotheca Classica Selecta
- Bibliotheca Latina
- Blackwell's Bookshops on the Internet: Classics Page
- British Archaeology
- Bryn Mawr Classical Review
- Medieval Review
- Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
- Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
- Structural Analysis of Hagia Sophia
- Byzatine Studies Conference
- Cassiodorus An e-postprint by James O'Donnell.
- The Catalogue: Boon or Bane
- The Catholic Encyclopedia
- Center for the Study of Architecture Newsletter
- Chloris. Bibliography of the Bronze Age archaeology of mainland Greece and Crete.
- Chronicle of Higher Education's Job Listings in Classics
- Le Cirque Romain d'Arles
- Classical Philology
- Classical Quarterly
- Classical Review
- Classics Eireann
- Classics Ireland
- The Comet of 44 B.C. and Caesar's Funeral Games
- Compono: An Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Symposium
- Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology: An International Conference
- Congreso Internacional Ex Baetica Amphorae
- Consortium for Latin Lexicography and Thesaurus Linguae Latinae
- Corpus Vasorum Arretinorum
- Culture Change in the Ancient World, Graduate Symposium
- Current Archaeology
- Database for Archaeological Pottery
- The Database of Classical Bibliography
- De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors
- De Re Coquinaria
- De Re Militari Web Page
- Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources
- Didaskalia: Ancient Theater Today
- Diotima: Women and Gender the Ancient World
- Directory of Royal Genealogical Data. Includes Roman, Byzantine and Early Medieval material.
- Dissertation Abstracts from UMI
- Do ut des: ritual and economy in the ancient world.
- Duke Papyrus Archive
- Dumbarton Oaks
- The Early Church Fathers
- The Ecole Initiative: A Hypertext Encyclopedia of Early Church History.
- �cole Suisse d'Arch�ologie en Gr�ce
- Edinburgh Ras Shamra Project WWW server for Ugaritic studies
- Forum Archaeologiae Austrian Journal of Archaeology
- FRANTIQ: Fichier de Recherche de l'Antiquit�
- Fratelli Alinari. The oldest photographic archive in the world.
- Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology
- A Geological Companion to Greece and the Aegean
- The Getty Art History Information Program
- A Glossary of Rhetorical Terms with Examples
- Gnomon: Bibliographische Datenbank
- Graduate Conference on Religion, Reading University
- Graduate Education in Classics: a continuing discussion
- The Greek Civilization Home Page
- The Greek World of Mary Renault
- Groupe d'Arch�ologie M�di�vale (GAM)
- The Hadrianic Baths at Leptis Magna: A Reconstruction of the Buildings
- Hellenic Ministry of Culture
- Hellenistic Greek Linguistics Pages
- Historia Antigua from the Universidad di Zaragoza.
- Historical and Archaeological CD-ROMS
- Home Pages of the Classicists
- Homer and the Papyri
- Homosexuality in History - An [Partially] Annotated Bibliography
- The Illustrated, Annotated Bulfinch's Mythology
- Imperium Romanorum. A history of Rome.
- Infimae Aetatis A Textual Data Bank of Late Antique and Medieval Inscriptions
- Instrumentum: European research group on crafts and manufactured products in Antiquity
- International Directory of Aegean Prehistorians
- Searchable version.
- International Journal of the Classical Tradition
- Internet Ancient History Guide
- Internet Archaeology.
- Interpreting Ancient Manuscripts
- UMich Classical Studies Job Postings
- Journal of Field Archaeology
- Journal of Material Culture
- Journal of Roman Archaeology
- Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies
- Kernos. Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque ancienne
- Laboratoire d�partemental de Pr�histoire du Lazaret
- Late Antique Urbanism at the University of Nottingham
- Lee's Useless Decimal to Roman Numeral Converter
- Levant
- Loeb Classical Library
- Logo: Asociaci�n Espanola de Estudio sobre Lengua, Pensamiento y Cultura Cl�sica
- Medea, The Musical
- Mediterranean Studies Journal
- The MiamiMOO Project. Constructing a virtual space for the study of ancient religion.
- Monumenta Germaniae Historica
- The Mount Athos Greek Manuscripts Catalog: The Philotheou Monastery Project. From Bates College.
- The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project
- Les Nereides dans les Mosaiques Romaines
- Nestor
- New England Classical Journal
- NINO: Netherlands Institute for the Near East
- Nom en Hieroglyphes. Yes, your name in hieroglyphs.
- Ob�lisques dans Rome
- Oculus: an eyeful of the Roman world
- Old World Archaeology Newsletter (OWAN)
- On Line Archaeology. An electronic journal of archaeological theory from Southampton University.
- Online Medieval and Classical Library
- Orb: Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies
- Orthodox Reading Page
- Oxbow Books
- P. Vergili Maronis: Vergil's Home Page
- Papyrology Home Page
- The Parthenon Marbles: an Introduction
- The Perseus Project
- Petronian Society Ancient Novel Page
- The Phaistos Disk Cracked ?!
- Pindaric Bibliography
- Planet Italy. A commercial site but look under "Culture" for images and some discussion.
- Ploutarchos: The Website of the International Plutarch Society
- Pomoerium: Studia Et Commentarii Ad Orbem Classicvm Spectantia
- Postscript - Oxford Reprints
- Projekt Dyabola
- Recent Ovidian Bibliography
- Registry of Mediterranean Pottery
- Resource Page for Biblical Studies
- Revista de Estudios Ib�ricos
- Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek
- Roman Ceramics
- Roman Law Resources
- Roman Orgy
- Rome Project
- The Romulus Project
- Scholia Reviews
- Sciences de l'Antiquit�
- Service Informatique et Recherches en Arch�ologie
- Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity
- Stone Pages
- Suda On-Line
- Syllecta Classica
- Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology
- Synopsis: An Annual Index of Greek Studies
- Tables of Contents of Journals of Interest to Classicists (TOCS-IN)
- The Tech Classics Archive Good collection of translations.
- The Tel el Amarna Collection of M. A. Mansoor
- Texts, Authors, Contexts: Graduate Student Conference in the Classics
- Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
- TITUS: Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text - und Sprachmaterialien
- Traditio
- Translatio: An Interdisciplinary Graduate Symposium in Classical Studies
- Tunisie
- The Tuscan Archaeological Service
- University Museum Publications
- University of Michigan Papyrus Digitization Project
- University of Saarland Internet Resources for Roman Law in Latin, German, English
- US Epigraphy Project
- V& F: sistema interattivo per l'analisi dei testi greci e latini
- Verzeichnis von Magisterarbeiten und Dissertationen
- V�teli�: The Languages of Ancient Italy
- Waseda University Egyptian Expedition
- The Ways of Death in the Ancient World, University of Washington
- Who's Who in the Metamorphoses of Ovid: The Analytical Onomasticon Project
- The World Art Group: Archaeology, Architecture & Art Books
- World Archaeological Congress
- Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik
Sites are listed here if their main purpose is to collect links to other sites.
- ABZU Near Eastern resources on the internet.
- Aiolos: Klassiek Cultuurgebied
- Altertumswissenschaftliche CD-ROMs
- The Ancient World Web
- Archaeological Resource Guide for Europe (ARGE)
- Archaeology and Architecture
- Archaeology_AT - Links to Austrian Archaeology
- ArchDATA: Carrefour WWW de l'arch�ologie en France
- ArchNet. Access to archaeological resources on the internet. From the University of Connecticut, Storrs.
- ArchWEB Nederland
- Byzantium: Byzantine Studies on the Internet
- Circle of the Muses
- The Classics Page
- Deutsche Datenquellen: Alte Geschichte
- Deutsche Datenquellen: Klassische Philologie, Neugriechisch
- Diogenes' Links to the Ancient World
- Egyptology Resources
- Electronic Resources for Classicists: The Second Generation
- Etruscan Resources at the University of North Carolina
- Exploring Ancient World Cultures
- Forum Romanum Includes virtual tour of Rome.
- Greek (Attic / Hellenic) Sites on the World-Wide Web
- Guide to Early Christian Literature on the Internet
- Horus' Web Links to History Resources
- Labyrinth: Medieval Studies Infoserver. Relevant bibliographies and much other material can be found here.
- Library of Congress Resources for Latin and Greek Classics
- Link to Ancient History
- Look it up! Searchable Resources for Classics
- Patrick Conway's Page on Roman Archaeology
- Rassegna delle Risorse Elettroniche per lo Studio dell'Antichita' Classica
- Repositories of Classical Texts or Publications
- RomanSites A catalog of websites on Roman antiquity.
- ROMARCH Home Page
- Voice of the Shuttle: Classical Studies Page
- World History
- World History Compass
- Worlds of Late Antiquity
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August 13 1995: The Sun Erupts
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