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Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology

  1. Achaemenid Royal Inscriptions
  2. The Akkadian Language
  3. American Journal of Archaeology.
  4. The Amphoras Project
  5. The Ancient History Bulletin
  6. Ancient MedicineMedicina Antiqua
  7. Ancient Roman Cooking
  8. The Ancient World on Television
  9. AncientSites. Including virtual tours of Athens and Rome.
  10. Anistoriton: History & Archaeology Magazine
  11. Antiquity
  12. Apollonius Rhodius: An Electronic Bibliography
  13. Apuleius, Apology
  14. ARACHNION. A Journal of Ancient Literature and History
  15. Argos Limited Area Search Engine of the Ancient World
  16. Archaeolgical Data Archive Project
  17. Archaeological Dialogues
  18. Archaeology Data Services
  19. Archaeology Ireland
  20. Archaeology Magazine
  21. Archaeology on the World Wide Web
  22. Archaeopress, Publishers of British Archaeological Reports
  23. ArchAGENDA: An international agenda to scientific and cultural events in archaeology
  24. Ariadne. Hellenic Civilization
  25. Arion
  26. Armamentarium: the Book of Roman Arms and Armour
  27. Assemblage The Sheffield Graduate Journal of Archaeology
  28. Asterix
  29. The Atrium. For devotees of Ancient Greece and Rome
  30. B&B Smith Booksellers
  31. Berkeley Archaeology
  32. Bibliographia Archemedeana
  33. A Bibliographic Guide to Vergil's Aeneid
  34. A Bibliography of Roman Domestic Architecture
  35. Bibliotheca Augustana
  36. Bibliotheca Classica Selecta
  37. Bibliotheca Latina
  38. Blackwell's Bookshops on the Internet: Classics Page
  39. British Archaeology
  40. Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  41. Medieval Review
  42. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
  43. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
  44. Structural Analysis of Hagia Sophia
  45. Byzatine Studies Conference
  46. Cassiodorus An e-postprint by James O'Donnell.
  47. The Catalogue: Boon or Bane
  48. The Catholic Encyclopedia
  49. Center for the Study of Architecture Newsletter
  50. Chloris. Bibliography of the Bronze Age archaeology of mainland Greece and Crete.
  51. Chronicle of Higher Education's Job Listings in Classics
  52. Le Cirque Romain d'Arles
  53. Classical Philology
  54. Classical Quarterly
  55. Classical Review
  56. Classics Eireann
  57. Classics Ireland
  58. The Comet of 44 B.C. and Caesar's Funeral Games
  59. Compono: An Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Symposium
  60. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology: An International Conference
  61. Congreso Internacional Ex Baetica Amphorae
  62. Consortium for Latin Lexicography and Thesaurus Linguae Latinae
  63. Corpus Vasorum Arretinorum
  64. Culture Change in the Ancient World, Graduate Symposium
  65. Current Archaeology
  66. Database for Archaeological Pottery
  67. The Database of Classical Bibliography
  68. De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors
  69. De Re Coquinaria
  70. De Re Militari Web Page
  71. Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources
  72. Didaskalia: Ancient Theater Today
  73. Diotima: Women and Gender the Ancient World
  74. Directory of Royal Genealogical Data. Includes Roman, Byzantine and Early Medieval material.
  75. Dissertation Abstracts from UMI
  76. Do ut des: ritual and economy in the ancient world.
  77. Duke Papyrus Archive
  78. Dumbarton Oaks
  79. The Early Church Fathers
  80. The Ecole Initiative: A Hypertext Encyclopedia of Early Church History.
  81. �cole Suisse d'Arch�ologie en Gr�ce
  82. Edinburgh Ras Shamra Project WWW server for Ugaritic studies
  83. Forum Archaeologiae Austrian Journal of Archaeology
  84. FRANTIQ: Fichier de Recherche de l'Antiquit�
  85. Fratelli Alinari. The oldest photographic archive in the world.
  86. Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology
  87. A Geological Companion to Greece and the Aegean
  88. The Getty Art History Information Program
  89. A Glossary of Rhetorical Terms with Examples
  90. Gnomon: Bibliographische Datenbank
  91. Graduate Conference on Religion, Reading University
  92. Graduate Education in Classics: a continuing discussion
  93. The Greek Civilization Home Page
  94. The Greek World of Mary Renault
  95. Groupe d'Arch�ologie M�di�vale (GAM)
  96. The Hadrianic Baths at Leptis Magna: A Reconstruction of the Buildings
  97. Hellenic Ministry of Culture
  98. Hellenistic Greek Linguistics Pages
  99. Historia Antigua from the Universidad di Zaragoza.
  100. Historical and Archaeological CD-ROMS
  101. Home Pages of the Classicists
  102. Homer and the Papyri
  103. Homosexuality in History - An [Partially] Annotated Bibliography
  104. The Illustrated, Annotated Bulfinch's Mythology
  105. Imperium Romanorum. A history of Rome.
  106. Infimae Aetatis A Textual Data Bank of Late Antique and Medieval Inscriptions
  107. Instrumentum: European research group on crafts and manufactured products in Antiquity
  108. International Directory of Aegean Prehistorians
  109. Searchable version.
  110. International Journal of the Classical Tradition
  111. Internet Ancient History Guide
  112. Internet Archaeology.
  113. Interpreting Ancient Manuscripts
  114. UMich Classical Studies Job Postings
  115. Journal of Field Archaeology
  116. Journal of Material Culture
  117. Journal of Roman Archaeology
  118. Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies
  119. Kernos. Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque ancienne
  120. Laboratoire d�partemental de Pr�histoire du Lazaret
  121. Late Antique Urbanism at the University of Nottingham
  122. Lee's Useless Decimal to Roman Numeral Converter
  123. Levant
  124. Loeb Classical Library
  125. Logo: Asociaci�n Espanola de Estudio sobre Lengua, Pensamiento y Cultura Cl�sica
  126. Medea, The Musical
  127. Mediterranean Studies Journal
  128. The MiamiMOO Project. Constructing a virtual space for the study of ancient religion.
  129. Monumenta Germaniae Historica
  130. The Mount Athos Greek Manuscripts Catalog: The Philotheou Monastery Project. From Bates College.
  131. The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project
  132. Les Nereides dans les Mosaiques Romaines
  133. Nestor
  134. New England Classical Journal
  135. NINO: Netherlands Institute for the Near East
  136. Nom en Hieroglyphes. Yes, your name in hieroglyphs.
  137. Ob�lisques dans Rome
  138. Oculus: an eyeful of the Roman world
  139. Old World Archaeology Newsletter (OWAN)
  140. On Line Archaeology. An electronic journal of archaeological theory from Southampton University.
  141. Online Medieval and Classical Library
  142. Orb: Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies
  143. Orthodox Reading Page
  144. Oxbow Books
  145. P. Vergili Maronis: Vergil's Home Page
  146. Papyrology Home Page
  147. The Parthenon Marbles: an Introduction
  148. The Perseus Project
  149. Petronian Society Ancient Novel Page
  150. The Phaistos Disk Cracked ?!
  151. Pindaric Bibliography
  152. Planet Italy. A commercial site but look under "Culture" for images and some discussion.
  153. Ploutarchos: The Website of the International Plutarch Society
  154. Pomoerium: Studia Et Commentarii Ad Orbem Classicvm Spectantia
  155. Postscript - Oxford Reprints
  156. Projekt Dyabola
  157. Recent Ovidian Bibliography
  158. Registry of Mediterranean Pottery
  159. Resource Page for Biblical Studies
  160. Revista de Estudios Ib�ricos
  161. Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek
  162. Roman Ceramics
  163. Roman Law Resources
  164. Roman Orgy
  165. Rome Project
  166. The Romulus Project
  167. Scholia Reviews
  168. Sciences de l'Antiquit�
  169. Service Informatique et Recherches en Arch�ologie
  170. Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity
  171. Stone Pages
  172. Suda On-Line
  173. Syllecta Classica
  174. Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology
  175. Synopsis: An Annual Index of Greek Studies
  176. Tables of Contents of Journals of Interest to Classicists (TOCS-IN)
  177. The Tech Classics Archive Good collection of translations.
  178. The Tel el Amarna Collection of M. A. Mansoor
  179. Texts, Authors, Contexts: Graduate Student Conference in the Classics
  180. Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
  181. TITUS: Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text - und Sprachmaterialien
  182. Traditio
  183. Translatio: An Interdisciplinary Graduate Symposium in Classical Studies
  184. Tunisie
  185. The Tuscan Archaeological Service
  186. University Museum Publications
  187. University of Michigan Papyrus Digitization Project
  188. University of Saarland Internet Resources for Roman Law in Latin, German, English
  189. US Epigraphy Project
  190. V& F: sistema interattivo per l'analisi dei testi greci e latini
  191. Verzeichnis von Magisterarbeiten und Dissertationen
  192. V�teli�: The Languages of Ancient Italy
  193. Waseda University Egyptian Expedition
  194. The Ways of Death in the Ancient World, University of Washington
  195. Who's Who in the Metamorphoses of Ovid: The Analytical Onomasticon Project
  196. The World Art Group: Archaeology, Architecture & Art Books
  197. World Archaeological Congress
  198. Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik
  199. Subject Indexes and Collections of Links

    Sites are listed here if their main purpose is to collect links to other sites.
  200. ABZU Near Eastern resources on the internet.
  201. Aiolos: Klassiek Cultuurgebied
  202. Altertumswissenschaftliche CD-ROMs
  203. The Ancient World Web
  204. Archaeological Resource Guide for Europe (ARGE)
  205. Archaeology and Architecture
  206. Archaeology_AT - Links to Austrian Archaeology
  207. ArchDATA: Carrefour WWW de l'arch�ologie en France
  208. ArchNet. Access to archaeological resources on the internet. From the University of Connecticut, Storrs.
  209. ArchWEB Nederland
  210. Byzantium: Byzantine Studies on the Internet
  211. Circle of the Muses
  212. The Classics Page
  213. Deutsche Datenquellen: Alte Geschichte
  214. Deutsche Datenquellen: Klassische Philologie, Neugriechisch
  215. Diogenes' Links to the Ancient World
  216. Egyptology Resources
  217. Electronic Resources for Classicists: The Second Generation
  218. Etruscan Resources at the University of North Carolina
  219. Exploring Ancient World Cultures
  220. Forum Romanum Includes virtual tour of Rome.
  221. Greek (Attic / Hellenic) Sites on the World-Wide Web
  222. Guide to Early Christian Literature on the Internet
  223. Horus' Web Links to History Resources
  224. Labyrinth: Medieval Studies Infoserver. Relevant bibliographies and much other material can be found here.
  225. Library of Congress Resources for Latin and Greek Classics
  226. Link to Ancient History
  227. Look it up! Searchable Resources for Classics
  228. Patrick Conway's Page on Roman Archaeology
  229. Rassegna delle Risorse Elettroniche per lo Studio dell'Antichita' Classica
  230. Repositories of Classical Texts or Publications
  231. RomanSites A catalog of websites on Roman antiquity.
  232. ROMARCH Home Page
  233. Voice of the Shuttle: Classical Studies Page
  234. World History
  235. World History Compass
  236. Worlds of Late Antiquity
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August 13 1995: The Sun Erupts
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