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Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology 2
Extended presentations of discrete topics and image archives are likely to be listed here.
- Age, Gender and Status Divisions at Mealtime in the Roman House
- Alexander the Great's Home Page
- Amazons in Greek Mythology
- Ancient Civilizations and Lost Cities
- Ancient Greek World at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
- Ancient Roman Place Names and Their Modern Equivalents
- Ancient Rome
- Andrew Riggsby's Home Page
- Archaeological Photography
- Archaeological Resource
- L'Arch�ologie sous les mers. From the Minist�re de la Culture et de la Francophonie.
(English version)
- Archaeology in Luxembourg
- Archaeology in Malta
- Archimedes
- Art History on the Web. With headings for Greek Classical, Etruscan, Hellenistic, Roman, Early Christian, Byzantine, Medieval and Romanesque categories.
- Art Images
- Assyria On-line
- Avillium
- Babylonian and Egyptian Mathematics
- Barbarians on the Greek Periphery? Origins of Celtic Art
- The "Best of" Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
- Byzantium 1200
- La Casa Romana
- Chaironeia: Plutarch's Home on the Web
- The Christian Topography of Cosmas Indicopleustes
- Christus Rex et Redemptor Mundi. In addition to being overtly religious, this site has many good images.
- Classical Myths, The Ancient Sources
- Classical Text Editor
- Clemens' Canonical List of Romans
- Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt. From Boston University.
- D. Anthony Storm's Web Site on Plato
- The Decline of the Library and Museum of Alexandria
- Egeria and the Fourth Century Liturgy of Jerusalem
- The Electronic Beowulf from the University of Kentucky or the British Library.
- Eranos, Acta philologica Suecana
- Foz Coa. Paleolithic art threatened with submersion.
- A Glossary of Literary Devices and Rhetorical Terms
- Gods on File. A web site for mythology.
- Greek Font to Unicode Converter
- The Gregory of Nyssa Homepage
- Histoire de l'art
- History of Mathematics. See under regions for Mediterranean material.
- The House of Ptolemy
- I, Claudius
- Images for Art History at the Australian National University.
- Images from History
- Images of Orality and Literacy in Greek Iconography of the Fifth, Fourth and Third Centuries BCE
- Index of Images From Vergil MSS Vat. lat. 3225 and 3867
- IRIS University of Cincinnati Classics Slide Collection
- The History of Plumbing
- Hungryfrog Educational Software
- Jay's History and Technology Back Pages
- The Later Seleucids
- Legion XIIII: Ancient history brought to life
- Levantine Castles
- Library of Congress Vatican Exhibit
- The Ludovisi and Boston Thrones
- Maecenas: images of ancient Greece and Rome
- Mithraic Material from David Ulansey
- Mithraism
- Mothers of Time: Seven Palaeolithic Figurines from the Louis Alexandre Jullien Collection
- Mythology in Western Art
- Navigare Necesse Est
- NILE: Northern Illustrated Lectures in Egyptology
- Palynology & palaeoclimatology. From the Australian National University.
- Period and Style for Designers. Don't be fooled. Lots of images from many periods.
- Portraits of Roman Emperors
- Pottery Processing in the Field: The First Step Toward Publication (AIA Panel)
- Presocratic Philosophers
- Professor George E. Mylonas Expedition to Mycenae
- QTVR Interface to the Perseus Project
- The Return of Odysseus and the Elements of Euclid
- Roma e il suo fiume
- Roman Ball Games
- Roman Calendar
- Roman Coins of the Early Empire
- Roman Military Sites in Britain
- Romanae Antiquae: an informal look at the lives of women in ancient Rome
- The Romans Page
- Scrolls from the Dead Sea: The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Scholarship
- Second Temple Synagogues
- Servers for the Levant. From Norway. Try the historical images.
- The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
- The Shroud of Turin Home Page
- Slide Shows with Images from the Perseus Project.
- SPQR: The Game.
- Symbolism in Architecture, The Window of Appearance: The Temple Palace of Rameses III at Medinet Habu 1175 BC by Mohammed Motlib
- Tradtitions of Magic in Late Antiquity
- Translation in Context
- Turkish Home Page
- Von den ersten Siedlern zu den Trois Seigneurs Arch�ologische Funde aus dem Biterrois
- The Warfare and Tactics of the Roman Republic
- Windows on Italy. A brief history of Italy.
- World Art Treasures
- The World of the Vikings: A project led by the National Museum of Denmark and The York Archaeological Trust
- Xenophon Homepage
- The 1995 Excavations of the Megaron at Midea
- Ager Salonitanus Project
- Alexandria: shining pearl of the Mediterranean
- The Ancient City of Athens
- Aquileia
- Archaeological Fieldwork Server. From Cornell.
- Archeodonum SA
- Anglo-American Project at Pompeii
- Athienou Archaeological Project
- The Australian Expedition to Pella in Jordan
- Capo Alfiere. A Neolithic site near Crotone, Calabria, Italy
- Carthage, Tunisia: Archaeological Field School (University of Alberta)
- Catalh�y�k: Excavations of a Neolithic Anatolian Tell.
- Chianciano Terme
- The Chrisitan Catacombs of Rome
- Combined Caesarea Excavations. Underwater Excavations of Sebastos: King Herod's Harbor.
- Combined Caesarea Expeditions
- Conimbriga: A Roman Town in Portugal
- Constantinople Home Page
- Corinth Computer Project
- The Cornell Halai East Lokris Project
- Dome of the Rock
- Egyptological Fieldwork Directory
- Eleusis Archaeological Project
- Excavaciones en la ciudad romana de Arva (Alcolea del R�o, Sevilla)
- The Forum Romanum Exploring an ancient marketplace
- GABII: un progetto di valorizzazione e di recupero archeologico attraverso l'impresa sociale
- GIS and Remote Sensing for Archaeology: Burgundy, France
- Une grotte orn�e pal�olithique en France (Ard�che)
- Ground Truth: Bronze Age Northern Spain.
- Hacimusilar Project
- History of Sardinia
- Horace's Villa near Licenza
- Islamic Architecture in Isfahan
- Izmir Region Excavations and Research Project
- Jarash. From the Jordan page at MIT.
- The Jerusalem Mosaic
- Kommagene: Watchful Stones
- The Korinthia Regional Research Consortium
- Land of Sumer and Akkad
- Late Roman Delphi
- Lepcis Magna. The Roman Empire in North Africa
- Leptiminus Archaeological Project, Tunisia
- Les Carnets d'Arch�ologie
- MARWP:Minnesota Archaeological Researches in the Western Peloponnese.
- The Marki Project, Cyprus
- The Megiddo Excavations, Tel Aviv University
- Mochlos Excavation Project
- Mostra il Monte delle Anfore: Monte Testaccio in Rome
- National Endowment for the Humanities: Archaeological Project Guidelines and Archaeology Projects On-Line.
- Nea Paphos Hellenistic Theatre Excavation
- Nemea Valley Archaeological Project - Archaeological Survey
- The Newstead Research Project
- Nimes: 2000 ans de culture latine
- Ognina. Underwater archaeological survey off Sicily
- The Ohio State Excavations at Isthmia
- L'Oppidum de Bramefan (commune de Puyloubier, Bouches-du-Rh�ne)
- The Oriental Institute has made available reports on its projects.
- Ostia: Harbour of Ancient Rome
- The "Palace" of Diocletian at Split. From the EXPO at UNC.
- Petra. From the Jordan page at MIT.
- Plan de Rome, Universite de Caen, Basse-Normandie
- Pompeii Forum Project
- Pompeii from Tulane
- Project Zeugma: The use of remote sensing and GIS technology for archaeology on the Euphrates
- Proyecto Carteia
- Pylos Regional Archaeological Project (PRAP), Greece
- The Riu Mannu Regional Archaeological Project
- The Roman Gask Project
- The ruins at Rione Terra in Pozzuoli
- The Samnites in the Royal Palace at Caserta
- Lo Scavo del Monte Castellare
- Ancient Shikhin, Israel
- The Sloinge Project
- SMU Excavations at Poggio Colla (Tuscany, Italy)
- Southern Temple Excavations at Petra, Jordan (Brown University)
- The Step Pyramid Complex of Djoser
- Tannanim Archaeological Project
- Tel Hazor, Israel
- Tel Rehov
- Tell en-Nasbeh Research Project
- Tell Tuneinir, Syria
- University of Cambridge Theban Mission: 1992, 1993, 1994.
- Tusculum: Proyecto de investigaci�n
- University of Chicago Excavations at Isthmia
- The University of Melbourne Northeastern Turkey Archaeological Project
- University of Michigan/University of Asiut Project in the Eastern Desert of Egypt.
- University of South Florida Excavations at Sepphoris, Israel: 1993, 1994, the glass from Sepphoris.
- Valeria Archaeological Survey Project
- Vichten, Luxembourg: the Roman mosaic
- Volubilis (Morocco: Pomp and Grandeur on the edge of the Roman world
- Wadi Araba Archaeological Research Project
- Webacropol
- Williams College Excavations at Psalmodi, France
- The Wroxeter Hinterland Project
- Xanten. A computer reconstruction of Colonia Ulpia Traiana.
- Zeugma
Background Notes:
March 23 1998: Starbirth in NGC 1808
Credit: J. Flood (AAI), M. Mutchler (STScI), WFPC2, HST, NASA
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