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Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology 4
- American Academy in Rome
- American Classical League
- American Numismatic Society
- American Oriental Society
- American Philological Association
- American Research Center in Egypt
- The American School of Classical Studies at Athens
- American Schools of Oriental Research
- American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy
- Archaeological Institute of America
- Association of Ancient Historians
- The British Epigraphy Society Homepage
- British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem
- The Campanian Society
- Center for Ancient Studies at the University of Pennsylvania
- Center for Computer Analysis of Texts
- Center for the Study of Architecture
- Centre d'Histoire des Religions
- Centre for East Roman Studies at the University of Warwick
- Centre for Roman Studies
- Centre National de la Pr�histoire
- Le Centre Pierre Paris
- Centro para el Estudio Interprovincial en la Antig�edad Cl�sica
- Classical Association of Canada/Soci�t� canadienne des �tudes anciennes. Also at this server: E-mail addresses of Canadian Classicists.
- Classical Association of Minnesota
- Classical Association of New England
- Classical Association of Scotland
- Classical Association of the Middle West and South
- Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest
- Classical Association of Virginia
- Earthwatch.
- Hatti: Association des Amis de la Civilisation Hittite
- Institut fuer Altertumskunde. See the Antikensammlung.
- Institute for Advanced Studies
- Insitute for Antiquity and Christianity
- Insitute for Nautical Archaeology, Egypt
- International Council of Monuments and Sites. Includes Internet Resource Guide for Heritage Conservation
- The International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies
- Joint Association of Classical Teachers (JACT)
- Le Laboratoire d'Analyse Statistique des Langues Anciennes
- The Maryland Junior Classical League
- The Malcolm and Carolyn Wiener Laboratory for Aegean and Near Eastern Dendrochronology
- National Junior Classical League Home Page
- Oxford University Center for the Study of Ancient Texts
- Society for Late Antiquity
- Society for Libyan Studies
- The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies
- The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies
- Albert-Ludwigs-Universit�t
- Althistorische Institute der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
- ACL List of Undergraduate Programs in Classics
- Amherst College
- Ancient Studies Collaborative Program
- Bates College
- Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford
- Boston University
- Brooklyn College
- Brooks School
- Brown University, Classics
- Brown University, Old World Archaeology and Art
- Bucknell University
- City University of New York
- Colby College, Archaeology.
- College of the Holy Cross
- Cornell University
- Duke University
- Florida State University
- George Mason University
- Harvard University
- Indiana University
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Eastern Meditterranean Archaeology
- Latin/Greek Institute
- Miami University (Ohio)
- Montclair State University
- Oxford University
- Purdue University
- Rhodes College
- Rutgers University
- Saint Louis University
- Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
- Stanford University
- SUNY at Buffalo
- Tel Aviv University, The Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology
- Trinity College
- Union Collge
- Universit� de Neuch�tel
- University College, Dublin
- University Departments and Programs. From ArchNet
- Univeriy of Barcelona
- University of California, Los Angelos
- University of Chicago
- University of Cincinnati
- University of Cologne, Archaeological Institute
- University of Evansville Department of Archaeology and Art History
- University of Glasgow
- University of Iowa
- University of Kentucky
- University of Leicester, School of Archaeological Studies
- University of Leicester, Ancient History
- University of Michigan, Classical Studies
- University of Michigan, Interdepartmental Program in Classical Art and Archaeology
- University of Mississippi
- University of Missouri, Art History and Archaeology
- University of Missouri, Classics
- University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- University of Oregon Teaching Materials for Ancient History
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of Queensland
- University of Saskatchewan
- Univerity of Texas at Austin
- University of Virginia
- University of Wales Swansea
- University of Waterloo
- University of Western Ontario
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Wabash College
- Washington University
- Wellesley College
- Wesleyan University, Classical Studies Department
- Aegean Prehistory by Jeremy Rutter
- Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar
- Ancient Civilization Web Site
- Ancient Technology
- Archaeology: An Introduction - An electronic companion
- Augstine Seminar at the University of Pennsylvania
- Classics Course Database
- CyberLatin
- Daily Life Course Notes
- A Forum for Latin Teachers
- Greek History
- Internet Resources for Latin Teachers
- Introduction to Ancient Egypt
- An Introduction to Roman Archaeology
- Latin Course by James O'Donnell.
- Latin Teaching Materials
- The Midle East: From the Roman Empire to the Mongol Invasions
- New Tools for Teaching by James J. O'Donnell. This is a general introduction to the topic written by a Classicist.
- Resource Center for Roman history at Indiana University
- Software for Classics from Oxford
- Software from Zeus Interactive
- A Visual Tour Through Late Antiquity
- VRoma: A Virtual Community for the Teaching of Classics
- World Cultures: An Internet Classroom and Anthology
- The Ancient Olympic Games Virtual Museum
- Ashmolean Museum, Oxford University. With pages for the Cast Gallery and Beazley Archive.
- The British Museum
- Brooklyn Museum
- Cagliari (Sardinia) Archaeological Museum
- David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, Univeristy of Chicago. The Catalog has pointers to Mediterranean material.
- Fine Arts Museum San Francisco
- Harvard Semitic Museum
- Harvard University Art Museums
- Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow
- Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology, University of Memphis
- The International Museum of the Horse
- Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, University of Michigan
- Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Louvre, Paris: Home Page, Oriental Galleries, Egyptian Galleries, Greek, Roman, and Etruscan Galleries
- Louvre, Paris: Le WebLouvre
- The Manchester Museum
- Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University. Ancient Egypt, Ancient Near East, Greece and Rome.
- Musei Vaticani
- Museum of Antiquities
- Musuem of Art and Archaeology, University of Missouri
- Museum of Classical Archaeology, University of Cambridge
- The Oriental Institute
- The Classical Collections of the Otago Museum
- Shefton Museum
- University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology
- University Museum, University of Pennsylvania: Museum Applied Science Center for Archaeology
- University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
- University Museums, University of Mississippi
- Virtual Library entry for museums
- Atlas of the Greek and Roman World
- Atlas historique de l'Antiquit� tardive
- Database and Atlas of Palaeovegetation
- Geography of Roman Gaul
- GIS Related Resources. From Holy Cross.
- Global Images from GRASS GIS. There are some nice images of the Mediterranean writ-large here.
- Interactive Ancient Mediterranean
- Maps and Codices of Roman Empire
- Maps of Regions of Greece
- Mediterranean Oceanic Database
- The Perry-Casta�eda Library Map Collection: Electronic Maps. Excellent resource for maps of particular countries.
- Perseus Atlas Project from Holy Cross.
- Thesaurus of Geogrpahic Names, The Getty Information Institute
In order to read the news groups listed here, your Web client must be set to access an NNTP server.
- AegeaNet Information
- Archive of Ancient Mediterranean E-Mail Lists
- Classics List
- A list of e-mail lists (by Maria Pantelia)
- FAQ: Network resources of interest to anthropologists
- sci.archaeology
- sci.classics
- W3 Home Page
- Expo: Point of departure for all Library of Congress Exhibits and more.
Background Notes:
2000 January 27: Spiral Galaxy In Centaurus
Credit : FORS1, VLT, ESO
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