Gateway of Gorgoroth,
Temple of the Most High God and King of Middle Earth, Sauron.

March 25, Third Age 3019.


This is a MERP adventure for any number of players up to 21, in which the PCs are minions of Sauron given a chance at redemption at the moment of their Dark God's death. Originally written as a two-to-three-session convention game, this can serve as a wonderful introductory adventure for an early Fourth Age campaign. Withdrawn to Mordor gives players a glimpse of the dark side of Middle Earth, and an excellent opportunity to prove that heroism isn't always born and bred in concert with goodness.

The characters will look familiar to anyone who plays the Middle Earth CCG. All are minion characters or agents from that game, persons devoted to the service of Sauron and arrayed by the Dark Lord and his Ringwraiths against the Free Peoples of Middle Earth. Have you ever looked at the sad, hollow eyes of Gisulf, betrayer of Woodmen-town, and wondered if he would dare forsake his oaths to Darkness for one last moment of peace? Does the proud visage of Ivic, Haradan merchant prince whose business takes him regularly to Pelargir on Anduin, make you wonder if he doubts the right of Sauron's cause? If so, this game is for you!


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