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Well, I finally got around to editing my SNL page.  I made a few movies myself for the Best of '97 special.  They're cool, but I didn't have enough room on the lines to put the little picture.  Anyway, here they are:
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- Chris Farley in Matt Foley, motivational speaker. 3.05 MB. 26 secs.

  - Pat skit ending. 297 K. 17 secs.

  - Church lady yelling "Satan, get out of his buttocks." 1.28 MB. 13 secs.

  - Buckwheat talking to Alfalfa. 1.28 MB. 12 secs.

  - If you've got big thirst... Chris Farely, Adam Sandler. 5.51 MB. 113 secs. 

  - Operaman singing about Fergi. 1.59 MB. 22 secs. 

  - Mr. Subliminal reviews the movie rating system. 4.9 MB. 67 secs. 

- It's time to play "Geek, Dweeb or Spazz." AVI format. 1.58 MB. 58 secs.

- Operaman singing about David Copperfield. AVI format. 668 K. 23 secs.

Best of '97

- The duo's theme song.  AVI format.  660 K.  24 secs.

- A message about smallpox from the Spice Girls.  AVI format.  1.07 MB.  40 secs.


Adam Sandler sings his Chanukah Song - 190 secs. 4 megs.

Buy books, CDs and videos about SNL and ex-members of its cast


Mike Myers' How to be an International Man of Mystery


Chris Farley's Beverly Hills Ninja

Chris Farley's Tommy Boy

Adam Sandler's Billy Madison

Adam Sandler's Happy Gilmore

Mike Myers' Austin Powers

Best of Saturday Night Live: 1993


Adam Sandler's They're all gonna laugh at you

Adam Sandler's What the hell happened to me?

Adam Sandler's What's your name?

Saturday Night Live

More movies and sounds are coming!
If you have any comments or file requests, email me with the form.

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