
(or insert your own men in drag joke here)

Federation: WWF

Members: Mosh and Thrasher

“Real men wear skirts” was team slogan for this tag-team and as we all know real men wear yellow construction helmets. Mosh and Thrasher were a metal loving group of skirt wearers. Now this wasn’t too bad and I guess was based on all the weird fashion of metal people like Marilyn Manson. Then it turned into utter crap. After Chaz’s (Mosh) “just a kid from Jersey” gimmick ended he hooked back up with his old tag mate Thrasher. They then wore some of the most ugly and repugnant ring attire ever. Mosh wore a stuffed bra and Thrasher added badly applied white face make up to his attire. They who were once tag team champions were made into foolish jobbers. Chaz would go on to suck in another tag team Lo Down.
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