
Job:Ex-Top ranking soildier
Weapon: Masumane(Long sword)
Even amongst the elite troops of SOLDIER, Sephiroth was known as the best. His past is locked away in a secret file held by Shinra inc. His gigantic sword, Which only he can handle, has very destructive power. Sephiroth is said to have disappered during a battle long ago, his current whereabouts are unknown.
True Story (Warning Spoiler)
Sephiroth's mother, Lucrecia was a Scientist working with Vincent, Dr. Gast, and Hojo. He was created through an experiment to test how Jenova cells would react to a child before it was born. So Hojo impregnated Lucrecia and while in the womb he injected Jenova's cells into young Sephiroth. The result was one of the most powerful beings to walk the face of the earth. Sephiroth joined Soldier and became 1st class almost immediatly. When Cloud encountered Sephiroth in Nibelheim Sephiroth was killed, Jenova was taken to Midgar for research, and broke out. Jenova disguised herself as Sephiroth and killed President Shinra. She brought Sephiroth back to life to fulfill his duties.