Welcome to the monsters section of this site. Here you will encounter all the monsters appearing in RE2 along with a physical description of each monster along with how many shots etc. they take to kill.
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These are the first of the new breed of beasts that you will come across. You saw one in the hallway with the I-got-my-head-twisted-off policeman. These things lash out their tongues at you and can do some serious damage if you're not careful. These too, can easily be run around to conserve ammo.

Knife = 14 hits
Handgun = 8 shots
Shotgun = 3 shots
Custom Shotgun = 1-2 shots
Crossbow = 2 arrows
Grenades = 3 grenades, 2 fire , or 1 acid
Submachine gun = 4%
Magnum = 1 shot
Custom Magnum = 1 shot
Tazer = 12% 
Flame-thrower = 6% 
Rocket Launcher = 1 Rocket

Lickers 2:
You will meet another kind of licker of slightly different color later on in the game. These ones can take seriously more punishment than the normal ones. So you really want to try and avoid these.

Knife = 16 hits
Handgun = 12 shots
Shotgun = 4 shots
Custom Shotgun = 3 shots
Crossbow = 2 arrows
Grenades = 3 grenades, 2 fire , or 2 acid
Submachine gun = 2%
Magnum = 3 shot
Custom Magnum = 2 shot
Tazer = 15% 
Flame-thrower = 6% 
Rocket Launcher = 1 Rocket


There is something like 6 different kinds of Zombies within the confines of RE2. The include men, women, police officers, lab technicians, and regular citizens. Just like in RE1, easy to kill and easy to avoid if you don't feel like killing.

Knife = 27-33 hits
Handgun = 4-8 shots
Shotgun = 1-2 shots
Custom Shotgun = 1-2 shots
Crossbow = 1-3 arrows
Grenades = 1 of any kind of ammo
Submachine gun = 4%
Magnum = 1 shot
Custom Magnum = 1 shot
Tazer = 10% 
Flame-thrower = 8% 
Rocket Launcher = 1 Rocket

No picture available.  Alligator:

Luckily for you, there is only one Alligator in the game. You have to coax him to follow you to a certain screen so that you can kill him (shouldn't be too hard to make him follow you considering he's kinda hungry). 

Knife = HA! HA! That's funny
Handgun = 15 shots
Shotgun = 9 shots
Custom Shotgun = 7 shots
Crossbow = 11 arrows
Grenades = 9 grenade, 8 fire , or 5 acid
Submachine gun = 30%
Magnum = 6 shots
Custom Magnum = 3-4 shots
Tazer = 30% 
Flame-thrower = 20% 
Rocket Launcher = 3 Rockets
There is a way to kill the alligator with one shot. When you get into the hall where it is, you should see a button on the wall. Press it when the gaiter is following you and a canister comes down. When the alligator chomps on it, shoot the canister. Wonderfully, the canister was filled with gas and explodes the gaiter's head into a billion little pieces. 

Those nasty rotting dogs are back again as well. They are still kind of easy to maneuver around. 

Knife = 8 hits
Handgun = 6 shots
Shotgun = 2 shots
Custom Shotgun = 1-2 shots
Crossbow = 1-3 arrows
Grenades = 1 of any kind of ammo
Submachine gun = 2%
Magnum = 1 shot
Custom Magnum = 1 shot
Tazer = 8% 
Flame-thrower = 6% 
Rocket Launcher = 1 Rocket


The cockroaches are only in one part of the game: the wind tunnel. Although on biting you does not take any damage, if you get 4 attached to you at one time, it's an instant death. Play it safe and just run by them.

Just step on them and they'll die
Knife = 1 hit
Handgun = 1 shots
Shotgun = 1 shots
Custom Shotgun = 1 shots
Crossbow = 1 arrows
Grenades = 1 grenade, 1 fire , or 1 acid
Submachine gun = 1%
Magnum = 1 shot
Custom Magnum = 1 shot
Tazer = 1% 
Flame-thrower = 1% 
Rocket Launcher = 1 Rocket


The crows have been made far less dangerous than they were in RE1. They can still peck your eyes out, but they are also now totally easy to kill.

One hit from anything can kill these things. IF you can hit them, that is. 

No picture available.  Maggots:
The maggots are only found near then entrance and within to the moth room. They fall form the ceiling to attack you. These are probably the easiest enemies to kill in the game. They shouldn't even be called monsters they're that weak.

Just step on them and they'll die
Knife = 1 hits
Handgun = 1 shots
Shotgun = 1 shots
Custom Shotgun = 1 shots
Crossbow = 1 arrows
Grenades = 1 grenade, 1 fire , or 1 acid
Submachine gun = 1%
Magnum = 1 shot
Custom Magnum = 1 shot
Tazer = 1% 
Flame-thrower = 1% 
Rocket Launcher = 1 Rocket


The moths are kind of like the crows were in RE1, really annoying flying creatures that are tough to get a lock on. Beware that these aren't your ordinary moths, these can spray a poisonous fog at you. The also don't make any noise so you can't hear them coming.

Knife = 28 hits
Handgun = 24 shots
Shotgun = 10 shots
Custom Shotgun = 6 shots
Crossbow = 7(close) arrows
Grenades = 8 grenades, 4 fire , or 10 acid
Submachine gun = 10%
Magnum = 4 shot
Custom Magnum = 3 shot
Tazer = 30% 
Flame-thrower = 32% 
Rocket Launcher = 1 Rocket


This is the final kick-your-ass boss in the game, also known as G-Type. And it will undoubtedly kick yours more than once considering you have to face it about 7 times , but all in different forms.

Killing - Mutation 1
Knife = 34
Handgun = 33 shots
Shotgun = 9 shots
Custom Shotgun = 5 shots
Crossbow = 11(close) arrows
Grenades = 9 grenade, 8 fire , or 5 acid
Submachine gun = 30%
Magnum = 6 shots
Custom Magnum = 3-4 shots
Tazer = 25% 
Flame-thrower = 20% 
Rocket Launcher = 3 Rockets

The plants are about as much of a bitch as the hunters were in RE1. They can attack from a long distance sith their poisonous spit. Luckily for you, they also hate fire, so if you have them use the flame-thrower or flame grenades.
No picture available.  Spiders:

These giant arachnids are hardly ever dangerous, unless you're stupid. In most cases you don't have to fight them to succeed. Just run around them while watching for the occasional poisonous acid spit.

Knife = 8 hits
Handgun = 6-7 shots
Shotgun = 2-3 shots
Custom Shotgun = 1-2 shots
Crossbow = 2 arrows
Grenades = 3 grenades, 1 fire, or 2 acid
Submachine gun = 4%
Magnum = 1 shot
Custom Magnum = 1 shot
Tazer = 13% 
Flame-thrower = 10% 
Rocket Launcher = 1 Rocket

No picture available.  Tyrant-103

Yes, the Tyrant is back, although sometimes referred to as Mr. X. This time he wears clothes and follows you around for a while. Busting through walls just to annoy you. He appears only in the second scenario of each character. You can only knock him down the first few times you see him. He will always get up again. The only time that you can kill him is very late in the game. 

If you do decide to knock him down instead of run, be sure to check his body (he won't get up again while you are in the room) for some mad amounts of ammo.

Knocking Down
Knife = 34
Handgun = 33 shots
Shotgun = 9 shots
Custom Shotgun = 5 shots
Crossbow = 11(close) arrows
Grenades = 9 grenade, 8 fire , or 5 acid
Submachine gun = 30%
Magnum = 6 shots
Custom Magnum = 3-4 shots
Tazer = 25% 
Flame-thrower = 20% 
Rocket Launcher = 3 Rockets

The third of fourth time (depending on how you play), the Tyrant will be meaner than usual and will take more to knock him down.
Knocking Down #3
Knife = 34
Handgun = 33 shots
Shotgun = 9 shots
Custom Shotgun = 5 shots
Crossbow = 11(close) arrows
Grenades = 9 grenade, 8 fire , or 5 acid
Submachine gun = 30%
Magnum = 6 shots
Custom Magnum = 3-4 shots
Tazer = 25% 
Flame-thrower = 20% 
Rocket Launcher = 3 Rockets

The last time you face the Tyrant (near the end of the game) you will be able to kill him. You have to hit him with a certain amount of ammo before a mystery woman drops a rocket launcher for you till kill him with. 
Knife = Again, I laugh
Handgun = 13 shots
Shotgun = 5 shots
Custom Shotgun = 3 shots
Crossbow = 4(close) arrows
Grenades = 5 grenade, 4 fire , or 2 acid
Submachine gun = 10%
Magnum = 3 shots
Custom Magnum = 3 shots
Tazer = 20% 
Flame-thrower = 10% 
Rocket Launcher=1 Death

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