Cloud Strife

Born August 19 in Nibelheim, Cloud is now a 21 year old mercenary who was once a member of the elite Shinra fighting force group known as SOLDIER. Walking around with his enormous Buster Sword, he will do alomost any job for money. In the start of the game, he is hired by a terrorist group called AVALANCHE. As the story proceeds, Cloud begins to find out about the things that really happened.

As the main character of the game, Cloud is a pretty good fighter. His physical attacks are strong and he will serve as a good front row person as long as you don't equip to much Materia on him. I usually equip the best Materia on him throughout the game since he his in your party 95% of the time and the Materia will grow faster. When you get the Rune Blade for Cloud, I keep it on him up until the last parts of the game since it has double Materia growth and is also pretty powerful. Also, when I get the ribbon, I put it on Cloud because he has the best spells and I don't want him falling asleep or any other abnormal status changes that affect his magic casting to stop him. Before you use Cloud's Ultima Weapon towards the end, make sure that almost all of your Materias are at the Master level since Ultimate Weapons have no growth. Also remember to keep his HP up when he has the Ultima Weapon since the higher his HP, the higher the Damage it does. Remember to get Cloud's level four limit break, Omnislash, at the Gold Saucer by getting 32,000 battle points. It comes in real handy.

Most of these images were taken from Dark Bob's Final Fantasy 7 Image Archives. These pictures are copyrighted by Sqaure and others and are the property of their copyrighters and creators. I in no way claim ownership to these pictures.