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Welcome to my AD&D Information section!

    In this webpage I will discuss many different aspects of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (AD&D). As my membername implies, I am a dungeonmaster. I have been one for about four years. I don't know everything but I hope I can help you with any problems.
    First, in order to play AD&D, you must have a player character (PC). The dungeonmaster (DM) is the person who runs the game session. However, without the PCs the DM has nothing to do. Therefore, it is important that the DM and his - I will use a masculine tone - PCs get along. It may not be wise to game with your enemies - but then again it could be really fun if you happened to forget to guard their back.
    A good book to have, if you are a PC, is The Player's Handbook (PHB). This book contains all the information a PC will need to start gaming. It is essential that this book be available during gaming sessions.  For all you DMs, make sure you have the PHB accessible as well. In addition, you will need another resource, The Dungeon Master Guide (DMG). The DMG is very important for every DM to have. Without it, gaming sessions will become one big argument about rules.
    There are many other books one can buy before starting your first AD&D session. But I feel that these two books, for their respected people, are all you need. I believe that after you get started, you should then look into purchasing some more references such as the Player's Option, series.
    There are, however, three other important things needed to play AD&D. They are dice, pencils, and paper. You can purchase dice at the same store you purchased the PHB or DMG. Paper and pencils are essential to any gaming session, as they are the only ways you can record information.
    Now once all these things are ready, you can create PCs. The steps are outlined in the PHB. Make sure the DM approves your PC.  Once you have finished making your character, you can begin playing.  It will be up to the DM and his PCs to decide in what campaign they will play.  Click on a campaign setting below to get a detailed description.

Forgotten Realms






Dark Sun




    After you have decided on where you will be playing, think about how and when you will play. Decide upon a date that the whole group can play on. Then it will be the DMs job to have his adventure ready for his PCs.

It will be helpful if you know some more background information on character forming, so click here.

Want to find a good place on AD&D? Try this nifty link:


If you have any questions about AD&D or otherwise, please e-mail me at Dungeonmaster9@hotmail.com

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