Note: Significant changes made since the last version are given in red text.
1. Introduction | 13. Regiments | 25. Housing |
2. The Game | 14. Campaign | 26. Wills |
3. Characters | 15. Volunteers | 27. Spying, Stealing and Working |
4. Time Sequence | 16. Brevet Rank | 28. Civil Trials |
5. Status | 17. Mercenaries | 29. Courts Martial |
6. Support | 18. The Church | 30. Disease and Illness |
7. Clubs | 19. Appointments | 31. Press and Mailing List |
8. Female Companionship | 20. Government | 32. Orders and Deadlines |
9. Loans | 21. Titles | 33. E-mail and Web Site |
10. Duelling | 22. Investments | 34. Turn Reports |
11. Influence | 23. The Theatre Royal | 35. Annex A - Appointments |
12. Military Ability | 24. Royal Academy of Science | 36. Annex B - Abbreviations |
1.1 These house rules consist of clarifications and interpretations of the published En Garde! rules, as well as some additions and changes. Please note that some of these changes are in contravention of the published rules and these house rules take precedence. Knowledge of the published rules will probably be of benefit but the contents of these pages and the beginner's guide should be enough to give enough understanding of the rules to play. Experienced players with a good knowledge of the game and these rules are encouraged to volunteer their services as mentors, to field rules queries from beginners.
1.2 The rules are subject to improvement as the game evolves and to clarify any ambiguity that arises. Any changes will be sent to all players by e-mail with notice of the implementation date. Sections of the rules which become relevant at particular times of the year will be sent as reminders with questions answered. Tables which are relevant to the playing of the game are in separate HTML files, which should be read in conjunction with this document (please make sure your tables show the same version as these rules).
1.3 Those not familiar with the original En Garde! game system should read the separate Beginner's Guide first and look at the list of abbreviations at the end of these pages.
1.4 These House Rules deliberately give a wide variety of 'career' options apart from joining the army. Indeed, many options are not available to those committed to a military career, and some previously military positions have been opened up to civilians. Despite these changes, the intention has been to maintain the flavour of the original game while offering greater variety.
1.5 As this is a role-playing game the rules are merely a framework within which the characters interact; it is the spirit rather than the letter of the law which is most important. If people wish to do something that is not explicitly discussed herein then the GM will consider their proposal, as well as any suggested rule changes/enhancements.
1.6 These house rules are based on the En Garde rules published by SFCP. Thanks are also due to those responsible for other games of EG which have served as inspiration for many aspects of Arcadia. These include: The Banana, Dieu et Mon Droit, Death Before Dishonor, Sage En Garde and The Sun King.
2.1 The game is free and run through e-mail with supporting information and the full turn reports at the web site.
2.2 Turns will be run every 2 or 3 weeks with the turn information being sent out by e-mail. Players are encouraged to submit press to the mailing list, which is forwarded to all players, as this role playing aspect is essential for a successful and enjoyable game. As this is an open-ended game players can miss the occasional turn without any great penalty, but in general players should be able to check their mail at least once or twice a week.
2.3 The game is semi-automated which allows for GM involvement and easy implementation of any rule changes. Please note that errors do occur but if notified, the GM will rectify them or provide appropriate compensation to the affected character.
3.1 Characters will be created by the GM and named by the player, although a name may be refused on the grounds of good taste or if likely to cause confusion due to a similarity to an existing character's or NPC name, or to a standard acronym (as PCs are often referred to by their initials). When a character dies a replacement will automatically be created. Character information includes family background, initial wealth and status, and various physical and other characteristics.
3.2 The following modifications to the existing rules for character creation are in effect:
a) Strength and Constitution are randomly generated by the sum of 3 dice as usual, subject to a minimum score of 5 in each category. Titled nobles take a -1 modifier to both characteristics, and peasants receive a +1 modifier to both. After modification, the minimum score is 5 and the maximum is 18.
b) Endurance is calculated as : 5 x (STR + CON).
c) A separate Expertise rating is given for each type of weapon.
3.21 Changes to characteristics as time goes by can not take STR and CON above 18 or below 3. Expertise in any weapon may not exceed 25 or be less than 3. MA may not exceed 9 or be less than 1.
3.3 If the GM feels that a player has been excessively reckless in order to get a better replacement character, that new character may be subject to penalties in creation at the GM's discretion. We all have to make do with what we have!
3.4 Characters can be referred to by their full name or initials in upper case; mistresses should be referred to by their first name; NPCs can be referred to by either their initials in lower case (if they are named), their position or appointment, or N* for military officers if there is no ambiguity (where * is their MA).
3.5 Players are encouraged to send an initial biography for a new character which will be archived at the web site. This may be updated as time goes by to reflect the individual's fortunes.
4.1 Each turn represents a month of game time. A game month consists of a pre-monthly phase and 4 weeks when various actions can be performed. Three months make up a season and 4 seasons make a year. The seasons are:
Spring : March, April and May
Summer : June, July and August
Autumn : September, October and November
Winter : December, January and February
4.2 Joining regiments and clubs, and duels take place in week 0, i.e pre-monthly. Some other pre-monthly actions are : applying for appointments, using influence, taking out a loan, buying ranks, making investments.
4.21 Some weekly actions are : visiting a club, bawdyhouse or mistress, going to a party, attending church, doing regimental duties, practising a weapon, gym training, courting a mistress. Doing nothing is a cheap weekly option and is the default if no monthly orders are received and there are no NMR orders on file. These lists are not all-inclusive but should give an indication as to when a particular activity takes place. See also the front, rolls are made for death and promotion once per season, regardless of the number of months spent away. If the entire season is spent at the front then a character gets 2 rolls each for mentions and plunder; otherwise only one roll is made for each. Exceptions : Mercenaries get 3 rolls for plunder per season, and one set of rolls is made for people joining a frontier unit in the last month of a season and per month for those in units putting down a rebellion or riot. Characters departing for, or already at, the front get to perform week 0 actions before the campaign results are calculated.
4.4 The sequence in which orders are carried out is as follows:
returning from the front and foreign expeditions
fight duels
embezzle funds
investments mature
borrow/lend/repay debts/sell property
buy bribes
PC and NPC resignations
buying ranks and horses
joining regiments (and buying initial ranks and horses)
applying for and appointing posts
volunteering and departing for the front
joining mercenary units
foreign expeditions depart
gain allowances
pay support for self, housing and horses, in that order
join clubs
being excused regimental duties
paying club dues
buying lottery tickets
weekly actions in order
illness recovery and aggravation
recovery from wounds
pay mistress upkeep
award of battlefield promotions
gaining battlefield plunder and buying horses needed for any new rank
award of titles
loss of appointment if requirements not met
gain influence from new SL, mistress, appointment, etc
gain pay from rank and appointments and pensions from titles
changes in character's social level
changes in mistress' social level
It is worth looking at this sequence carefully when planning your orders. Of particular note is the fact that regimental applications, buying promotions, and applying for appointments, all take place before determining who is at the front. It is worthwhile including both weekly orders and front orders as your character may not spend the month where you expect, for a variety of reasons.
5. Status Points and Social Level
5.1 Status is a valuable attribute, a character's social level affecting just about every aspect of his life. SL can be increased by accumulating SP during a month.
5.2 Status points can be carried over to the next month - the excess or deficit over 2*SL is retained. When at the front no changes are made to a character's SP tally and he resumes with his previous total carried forward on his return to Paris. SPs for certain events such as duels that take place before departing for the front will be held over.
5.3 4*SL status points are required in order to raise an SL - the cost in SPs of doing so is 3*SL, after which the excess or defecit over 2*SL is carried forward.
5.4 If a character has less than his SL in SPs at the end of the month, he loses one SL but is refunded 2*SL SPs.
5.5 A maximum of one SL can be gained or lost in one month in ordinary circumstances. Certain situations which impose an automatic gain or loss are additional and have no effect on the SP total.
5.6 Example: character is SL 8
SP total at end of month | change in SL | SP carried forward |
6 | drops to SL 7 | 6 |
18 | stays SL 8 | 2 |
34 | rises to SL 9 | -6 |
5.7 These SL/SP modifications may seem a little complex at first but the idea is for all sp gains and losses to count to some extent and encourage better role-playing with players not having to calculate their exact totals all the time. It is also easier to drop SLs with this system.
6.1 The original levels of monthly support have been extended to allow for even more conspicuous consumption according to the Support table. The level of an individual's support will stand from month to month, so any required change in the level of consumption must be explicitly ordered.
6.2 If normal support (2 x SL) can not be paid then the unlucky character drops a social level.
6.3 The award of bonus SPs by the GM for imaginative explanations, reported in the press, of how this excessive amount of money is being spent, is possible.
6.4 The support costs for horses and grooms has been simplified to a straight 5 crowns per horse owned per month (unless at the front).
6.5 Horses required for a new rank will automatically be purchased on promotion if the character has sufficient funds net of any outstanding debts. When a rank which requires horses is purchased horses are automatically bought at the same time.
6.6 Members of a cavalry regiment and captains of any regiment require one horse; majors and above require 3 horses. Someone who has lost one or more horses will only receive brevet promotions until he again has the required number of horses. General officers who fail to replace lost horses will incur an SP penalty, akin to that for having no FC in a month, until the situation is rectified.
7.1 A new club has been added (Fleur de Lys) as shown in the full club table. The Fleur's membership requirements are an SL of 18+ or a rank of General (brevet or full, and Field Marshal), Bishop or above, or an appointment as a Minister. The Horse Guards club is open to Subalterns and above of all cavalry regiments.
7.2 A character may only belong to one club at any time, and is automatically excluded from a club if the membership requirements are no longer met or dues are not paid. As long as the dues are paid, the SP are gained for belonging to a club as in the tables, regardless of whether a visit to the club is made that month.
7.3 Toadying to the Crown Prince takes place at the Fleur de Lys, not Bothwell's.
7.4 Orders should indicate who you are trying to toady to and who you will allow to toady to you. For a party, the host automatically allows guests to toady, and guests automatically toady to the host (or the guest-of-honour if of a higher SL). Any half SPs from toadying are rounded up (SP gains/loss explained in tables). An individual may not toady and be toadied to in the same week, and may only toady to one person. A guest at a party who has a higher SL than the host acts as if he allows the host to toady to him.
Example: host is SL 9 and the party is at his club, Hunter's. First guest is SL 4 - the guest gains 8 SP (2.5 rounded up for the SL difference, 4 for the difference in club rankings between Red Phillip's and Hunter's, and 1 for carousing). The host gains/loses no SP through this guest (a guest of SL 1 or 2 would lose him 1SP). Second guest is SL 13 so 'reverse toady', if you like, is in effect. The guest gets just 1 SP for carousing, while the host gets 2 SP for half the difference in SL.
Toadying, whether at a party, club or the bawdyhouse, can only be done in conjunction with carousing. Toadies must pay carousing costs equal to that of the person being toadied to. At a party, the carousing cost for a guest (and any female companion) is equal to the SL of the host, or their own SL if higher; for the host it is equal to their own SL or that of the guest with the greatest SL if that is higher.
7.5 Announcing a party is a good way to let people know who can toady in a particular week. The orders for the party-thrower must include the location and week of the party, as well as a list of who will be admitted and under what conditions (e.g. admit all over SL 5, except members of QOC; carousing costs free to those of SL 8 and above). Whether mistresses are allowed and will be paid for should also be stated. Regimental enemies are considered to have met as regards cause for duels if they are in the same club even if one is at a party and the other is not.
7.6 Orders for those wishing to toady or attend a party, need only state who they are toadying to and in what week. If they are not admitted or the party is cancelled, then the character does nothing, even if he would have been in his own club in any case.
7.7 Carousing at a club needs to be ordered (cost is SL in cr and 1 SP gained) unless someone else is picking up the tab. A mistress who is taken along will, of course, need refreshment too (costing her beau his SL in cr). When carousing, on a roll of 11 or 12 on 2d6, a character will get excessively drunk and must roll on that table for the good/bad outcome of his behaviour. A mistress will consume too much on a 12 and will cause the consequences according to that table. The effects of drunkeness do not apply at the Fleur, Bothwell's or when carousing at a private property.
7.8 Gambling can take place at a club or the bawdyhouse, with a limit of 9 bets being placed per week. One die is rolled for the gambler and the house, with the higher number winning (the house wins ties). The gambler can cut his losses depending on the house's roll, in which case only half of the stake is lost (orders should say something like : cut if house gets a 6). As well as cash winnings, 1 SP is gained per win and 1 SP lost per loss or cut. In addition, the total amount bet in a week divided by the relevant gambling divisor, is gained in SP.
7.9 The Paris Monthly Lottery is the other form of official gambling with tickets costing 20 cr purchased pre-monthly. Orders need only state how many tickets are being purchased. Private gambling is illegal unless the Minister of Justice grants a licence.
8. Female Companionship and Marriage
8.01 Someone who goes for a month or more without any form of FC will start to lose SP (-2 per month since last FC). Ordained members of the clergy and those suffering from a serious illness are not subject to this FC requirement. Months spent at the front, in gaol or on expedition, do not count for this purpose, although any penalty that applied before will resume once back in Paris.
The Bawdyhouse
8.1 If mugged on the way back from the bawdyhouse (1/6 chance), a character loses a minimum of SL in crowns (in small change) as well as any gambling winnings from that week.
8.2 Carousing at the bawdyhouse is automatic and need not be ordered. Taking female companionship is optional and must be ordered, along with any gambling instructions. The cost is SL in cr, in addition to any from carousing.
8.3 Attempting to court a mistress is a weekly action. Orders must indicate the mistress' first name and the amount of money being spent, the minimum being 3 times her SL in crowns. The difference in SL gives the chance of success modified by -1 for each extra 3*SL cr spent (unless she is Wealthy), +1 if she is seeing someone else, +2 if she is engaged, +3 if she is married. A roll of one is always a failure (as is a 2 if she is seeing someone else, a 2 or 3 if she is engaged, and a 2,3 or 4 if married). A character can not court a mistress whose SL is more than 6 higher than his own.
8.4 Orders for courting mistresses should include details of who the character will stand down to (e.g. members of the same regiment). If all of the parties concerned stand down to each other, then the courting attempt goes to the suitor highest up the greasy pole.
8.5 If 2 or more individuals turn up at the same doorstep and nobody stands down, no courting attempts take place and there is automatic cause for a duel for the start of the following month. The winner of the duel gets a -1 favourable die modification for any courting attempt with the same mistress that month.
8.6 Mistresses cost 3 * her SL in cr per month to keep hold of, unless wealthy in which case nothing need be paid (wealthy mistresses do not give gifts as in the original rules). One SP a month is gained for having a mistress, plus one more if she is Beautiful, plus the difference in SL in SP if hers is higher. See the Influence section regarding favours given by mistresses.
8.7 Mistress costs are paid, and SP received, by the character who last successfully courted a particular mistress. The costs start in the same month the mistress was courted. A character may only have one mistress at a time.
8.71 There is a 1 in 36 chance per month of an attached or married mistress increasing her SL by one. A mistress' SL may not exceed 21 and no extra influence is gained for those with an SL over 18.
8.8 If a character already has a mistress and succeeds in courting another the original mistress is left. If he fails there is a 1 in 6 chance he will have committed an indiscretion meaning she will leave him anyway (this is automatic if there is cause for a duel over the mistress being courted due to more than one suitor turning up in the same week). Stealing another's mistress gives automatic cause for a duel. A failed attempt at courting another's mistress also gives cause for a duel if there was an indiscretion.
8.81 If the mistress is out, then the week is wasted although no cost is incurred. A mistress may not be courted at a club or party. Success at a courting attempt counts as FC for that month, as does visiting one's mistress or taking her out. Just having a mistress does not count for FC purposes.
8.9 To propose a character must have been going out with the potential bride for a minimum of 6 consecutive months. The proposal is a week's action and costs 15 times the mistress' SL. The chance of success is as for a normal, unmodified courting attempt. On a roll of 1 there is a 50% chance she will end the relationship.
8.91 After a successful proposal the character may announce a wedding date (or week in game terms), within 6 months of the proposal. The groom must have a house or larger property before the wedding can actually take place. The week of the wedding includes a stag night party hosted by the groom at his expense (as a minimum, he must invite all regimental colleagues and everyone of his SL and above, except for members of any enemy regt). The groom receives a dowry of d6 x 25 x mistress SL in cr (doubled if she is wealthy) and automatically goes up one SL the month he gets married. See also the 'Church' section for details of wedding services.
8.92 If a wedding does not take place within 6 months of a proposal the mistress will leave. An engaged mistress may be courted as per a married mistress (below) with a 2 point penalty (1-3 being an automatic failure) though if successful the engagement is off, the mistress changes hands and there is cause for a duel.
8.93 A married woman may be courted as normal with a 3 point penalty and a 1-4 being automatic failure. If the attempt fails but the suitor is discreet nothing happens; if indiscreet there is cause for a duel. If the attempt succeeds the suitor must choose whether he is discreet or not. If discreet he gets FC but no SP, while the husband loses 3 SP (gossip and so on), held over if he is at the front. If indiscretion is chosen, the suitor gets the SP for the mistress as usual, the husband loses half his SL in SP and there is cause for a duel, although the marriage remains intact. In any case, for a successful courting attempt there is a 1 in 6 chance the wife will fall madly in love. In this case there is an immediate divorce, all 3 parties lose an SL through the scandal, and the ex-husband has cause for a duel.
8.94 A married man may not court other mistresses nor seek a divorce. The mistress listing indicates whether a mistress is married or engaged.
9.1 Characters may loan money between themselves for whatever terms they agree to. Such loans are on an honour basis. Both players must order the loan for it to take effect. An individual may have an unlimited number of such debts with other characters but it is their responsibility to keep track of them.
9.2 The Shylocks will loan a maximum of (100 crowns * SL) to any character that so desires for a period of 6 months. At the end of this period the amount of the loan plus 10% must be repaid or the offending character is disgraced until he is able to meet his debt. A character that fails to pay back his loan after the 6 months, but can afford to, has the money plus an additional 10% deducted from his savings to cover the cost of having to 'send the boys round'. Only one loan can be outstanding with the shylocks at any time. If ,therefore, someone 'tops up' their loan, the total new debt will have to be paid by the due date for the original loan. It also follows that it is not possible to take out a new loan to repay an old one.
9.3 Someone who is at the front when his debts become due need not repay them until the first month he is back in Paris. This also applies to missionaries and characters serving in a mercenary unit, with a foreign expedition, or in captivity. Note that in the turn sequence debts become due before characters volunteer or otherwise leave Paris.
10. Duelling and the Fencing Schools
10.1 A duel can only take place if there 'is cause' between the antagonists. Some situations automatically give cause, such as meeting a regimental enemy, refusing to stand down over a mistress, stealing someone's mistress and so on. These instances will be noted in the Gazette and a duel will take place at the start of the following month unless one or other declines to fight. The status gains table in part III of the tables details the gains/losses from such a circumstance. If under half endurance a duel may be declined with no loss of status. If a challenge is made in the press, this will be mentioned in the announcements summary and all other characters are entitled to cast a vote in their orders. Orders for votes are of the form 'Vote XXX, YYY Yes/No', where XXX and YYY are the people concerned in the challenge and yes/no is for voting whether there is, or is not, cause in this case. Unless there are more no votes than yes there is valid cause for the challenge. This will be noted in the Gazette, with a duel scheduled for the following month.
10.2 Note that automatic cause for the noble/non-noble meeting does not apply in this game, although they are free to make a challenge with that as the reason. If one of the antagonists is away from Paris the duel will be held over for a maximum of 3 months, then cause will lapse. Cause will only arise once between a pair of characters in a month, and there can not be more than one outstanding duel between a pair. Multiple duels can be scheduled for a given month and are fought in the order they are listed in the Gazette. If this is the case, duelling orders should make it clear which orders apply to which opponent. Healing does not take place between duels in the same month but second and subsequent duels will be declined if the 'decline' condition is met.
10.3 Monthly orders should indicate what the default weapon is for that month. Regimental duels always involve regimental weapons. If cause arises during the month, default weapons for that month are the ones that will be used in the duel the following month. If a challenge is voted for, then the default weapons for the same month as that in which votes are cast are the ones used. Weapons involved will be noted in the Gazette. When a challenge is made, the challenger may allow the challenged to select the same weapon for both sides (i.e. the default weapon chosen by the challenged). If the duel then goes ahead, the challenger gains a bonus SP regardless of the outcome, unless the weapon chosen by the challenged party was also the regimental weapon of the challenger.
10.31 If no default weapon is ordered, the regimental weapon will be used; if not in a regt then foil will be used (beware as this is really a practice weapon and is not very effective). These rules ensure that duellists only have to submit orders for one combination of weapons, known in advance. Duel orders must be submitted before the orders deadline for characters who have a duel scheduled. Old duelling orders are no longer retained by the GM. If no orders are received then the character will decline the duel and suffer the relevant SP penalty given in the duelling tables.
Duel Orders
10.4 Duels consist of a number of simultaneous actions performed by each fighter, each action being part of a routine. The tables show which actions are involved for a given routine. Once a routine has been started it will continue to its end, unless surrender or death occurs. For every step of the duel the actions of both parties are compared, and if either or both a performing an offensive action, damage is inflicted simultaneously. Damage is dependent on the actions being compared, the STR of the attacker, and the attacker's weapon. Note that some offensive actions do not do any damage with certain weapons. Minor errors by the GM will not be corrected, as they represent the influence of freak events such as loosing your footing, dropping your weapon and so on!
10.5 The beginner's duelling guide shows the format of duelling orders and an example. Note that actions must be part of a routine (even if it is just a one action routine such as Parry). As well as including conditions for surrender, accepting surrender and dealing with a broken weapon, orders can include 2 optional routines. If the conditions for an optional routine apply when orders state it should be checked for, that option will be inserted into the duelling orders. Options can only be checked for in between routines. Conditions can include the actions just performed by the opponent and anything else the duellist would be aware of (e.g. his opponent's STR if he has been hit, his own END level, what routines his opponent has been using, and so on). Clever use of optional routines considering the weapons being used can make the difference between winning and losing. Any mistakes in orders, such as incorrectly writing a routine, will be corrected by the GM in the most reasonable manner. If your orders are written as routines there is no need to include additional actions due to the use of a 2HS or dagger; if they are written in terms of actions, then these additional rests and closes should be enclosed in brackets to differentiate them from separate close and rest routines.
10.51 The following defaults apply to duelling orders unless orders specifically state otherwise:
10.6 If a duellist blocks his opponent's slash there is a chance the defender's weapon will break according to the Breakage table. Mandatory rests due to wounds or inferior expertise do not apply. Instead, whenever damage would otherwise be inflicted (unless from a thrown weapon), the chance of an effective hit is affected by these factors, as shown in the duelling tables. An attacking action that is not effective does no damage.
10.61 A duellist who expects to have the edge in expertise may wish to put on a display of
fencing technique aimed at humiliating rather than wounding his opponent, by such actions as
cutting his opponent's clothing, scarring him and general 'showboating'. The finesse routine is only possible if a rapier or sabre is being used, and it is the same as a lunge or slash routine respectively.
A finesse action with a rapier is ineffective against a parry, with a sabre against a block, and with either if the opponent jumps back; otherwise the chance of success is as per 10.6. A finesse action does no damage, but gives a 1 sp bonus (and 1 sp penalty to the opponent) if victorious in the duel. Any finesse routines performed by the eventual loser have no effect.
For example, the victor of the duel had performed 2 successful finesse routines and the loser 1.
The victor gets an additional 2 sp and the defeated party loses an extra 2 sp.
10.7 The surrender action is performed as soon as the surrender conditions ordered are met, even in the middle of a routine. Damage from any offensive action from the opponent is still compared to the surrender action, before the duel ends (assuming that the surrender is being accepted).
10.71 If surrender is refused, the duel continues for 2d6 further actions before the seconds (assumed to be everpresent) finally break it up. The one who surrendered carries on fighting from the routine following the one which was interrupted by the surrender routine. If the duel is non-fatal, the person who refused to accept the surrender may be charged with attempted murder (an NPC CPS will do so on 4+), a minor(!) offence. If it is fatal, then the killer may be charged with murder.
10.72 If a fighter throws his weapon then surrenders, the other person may continue to fight for 2d6 actions as above (only if this is in his orders) and will not be charged with attempted or actual murder. Antagonists who both agree to a fight to the death (only allowed for serious matters, not routine ones) gain 5 SP if they survive, and no charges are brought.
10.8 Note 'death' as mentioned in the above paragraphs refers to an END of zero or less. In this case, the Death table is consulted and the victim may escape with a lesser fate. The SP gain for 'killing' an opponent apply as long as a roll on the Death table is consulted, whereas murder charges (10.7) are only brought if the loser actually dies. Wounds recover at the end of a month at the rate shown in the tables. Injuries resulting from a kick can not lead to death. If a kick takes the wounded party below zero endurance, he is treated as being unconscious with END equal to zero.
10.9 Expertise in the weapon used may improve after a duel (see tables) depending on the outcome and the opponent's EXP. EXP may also be improved by practising (with a regimental weapon for free, with another weapon, or at a fencing school), a weekly activity (see Practice table for details). The fencing school attended depends on the EXP in the weapon being practised. Duels do not arise through meeting enemies at a fencing school. Instructors must spend one week per month instructing or lose the post. Strength training may be carried out as a one week action and adds one point to STR and subtracts 5 points from the EXP of the most proficient weapon. This may only be done once per month and may not increase STR beyond 15. A character who has expertise in his most proficient weapon less than 8 may not train STR as expertise has a lower bound of 3. Practice may not take expertise above 21; further gains can only come from experience.
11.1 Influence, in the form of favours of a particular level, can be acquired through a character's own SL, from his mistress, from his appointment, and from NPCs in some other situations. These favours can be used to influence certain decisions made by NPCs.
11.2 Personal influence, dependent on one's own SL, is gained at the start of each season and is wasted if not used (see the tables). Mistresses give their lover a certain amount of influence and Influential mistresses have additional influence. These favours are gained once a character has courted a mistress (unless a previous lover has already used them that year) and are reset at their normal levels in January of each year. Influence from appointments is gained on appointment and once per season thereafter and again is wasted if not used. Special favours can be kept indefinitely until used. Personal, appointment and church influence is recharged at the end of the last month of every season; mistress influence is recharged at the end of December of every year.
11.3 The tables show the minimum level of favour needed to influence an NPC of a particular rank or position. This minimum level favour will yield a one point modifier to the decision roll of the NPC depending on whether the influence is being used for or against a particular decision; every level the favour is above the minimum required gives an extra modifier. Two favours of a particular level may be combined to give one favour of the next higher level.
11.4 Favours can not be sold or transferred between characters, although they can of course be used to benefit another character for whatever compensation can be agreed.
11.5 An NPC will resign from his rank or appointment on a 7 or more. See the Volunteers section for influencing an NPC to volunteer. Most decisions made by an NPC can be influenced (e.g. appointing positions, judging trials and court martials, choosing force commitment and deployment) although promotions can not. Unless specified as otherwise, a modified roll of 7 or more is required for success. In general, a roll of 1 always results in failure regardless of the amount of influence used.
11.6 Most instances which use influence need to be announced by the announcements deadline prior to the orders deadline in which they will apply. Exceptions to this are decisions which are going to be made by an NPC anyway (regular events like choosing force commitment or sending foreign expeditions, decisions which must be made such as a judge making a trial verdict, and asking to be excused regt duties). Once someone has announced an application for an appointment or an intention to use influence, other characters are free to use influence for or against this decision without making additional announcements.
example : Henri has announced that he will apply for the position of Brigade Major. After modifiers he would need a 4+ to get the job so he uses a level 4 favour to gain a +1 modifier to the die roll (level 4 being the minimum level required to influence a Brigadier General, the appointer of this post) . An enemy of his uses a level 6 favour against this decision for a -3 modifier, leaving Henri needing a roll of 6 to get the job.
11.7 Favours can be bought in the form of bribes, the cost for each level shown in the Bribes table. For each bribe made a die is rolled with a 3 or more indicating the bribe mimics a favour of the same level, a 2 meaning the money is pocketed but no influence is gained, and a 1 indicating that the attempted bribe has been reported (money is still spent with no effect, but the CPS may bring charges, an NPC doing so on a 4 or more). See also Spies.
11.8 Successful bribes may be combined with normal influence. Announcements do not need to state whether a bribe is being used, or the level of any favours being used (although the monthly orders, of course, have to).
11.9 If a bribe used by the accused to influnce the outcome of a trial or court martial is reported then he is automatically found guilty if the trial is for a minor offence, is found guilty of a minor offence if he was acquitted of a major offence, or will face a civil trial for bribery the following month if found not guilty at a court martial.
12. Military Ability and the Academy
12.1 A character's MA is initially between 1 and 6, a higher score being better. MA may change due to good or bad battle results if in a command position, and by studying at the Military Academy. MA is rounded down when being used to calculate battle results and may never fall below 1 or rise above 9.
12.2 MA effects battle results of units that a character is commanding or is an adjutant to, may affect his own personal outcome on campaign, and may modify the chance of getting certain military appointments. The commander of a regt and above has an effective MA one higher than normal if his adjutant (BM for a bde) has an MA 2 or more higher than his own. Effective MA for a commander of a battalion and higher is increased by 1 for each unit that has a BR of 1 or 2 above his unit in the chain of command (and decreased by 1 for each BR of 5 or 6). Effective MA may also be increased/decreased if friendly forces have a significant numerical superiority/inferiority. These changes to effective MA are cumulative and temporary and may not take effective MA below 1 or above 10.
12.3 The Military Academy exists to improve standards of strategy, tactics and leadership. Three week courses are run which improve the student's MA by half a point for each 3 week course completed at a cost of 100 crowns (payable in the first week to cover books and instructor fees). MA may not be increased beyond 3 by such means; any further increases must come through experience. The 3 weeks of a course must all take place in a single month to count, although they do not have to be consecutive.
12.4 There are 3 new appointments (military) in connection with the Academy: the Principal and 2 instructors. The instructors must each spend one week per month instructing (during which time they can do nothing else) unless they are at the front. Instructors that fail to meet this requirement are removed from the post.
12.5 If commanding a battalion or higher level unit, current MA and the actual battle result (BR, from 1-6, 1 being the best) determine whether MA is changed at all as follows. If (7-BR) is greater than current MA, then MA is increased by one. If MA is 6 or more and BR is 1 then MA is increased by one; if MA is 6 or more and BR is 2 then MA is increased by half a point. If commanding a regt or higher level unit, a BR of 6 leads to one point loss of MA due to a blow in confidence.
13.1 Attempting to join a regiment is a pre-monthly (i.e week 0) action, although any number of regiments can be applied for as long as they are in descending social order as per the application table. If rejected, a character may reapply as soon as the following month. If the Colonel (or acting commander) of a regiment is a player-character then the decision over who to admit rests with them. Standing orders to admit anyone or no-one can be lodged, but prospective candidates must still meet the minimum requirements for that regiment. The number given is the minimum required on one die for success. There is a -1 modifier to the roll required for every 2 rejections that same month.
13.2 The highest rank that can be purchased on entry to a regiment is Captain ( not Major as in the published rules) although only if there is a vacancy. Members of cavalry regts and captains of any regt must buy a horse and equipment (100 cr); majors and above of any regt must buy 3 horses. Regimental Chaplains of cavalry regiments and those serving with a frontier regt or mercenary unit do not require horses. There is a fixed number of officers that can hold each rank in a regt as shown in the regimental tables. There is no limit on the number of subalterns in a regt.
13.3 All PC privates and subalterns are considered to be in the 1st battalion/Squadron, with the exception of subalterns who have acting command due to vacancies in the structure above them. Privates may never hold an acting command. A and B companies comprise the first battalion, C and D the second, and E and F the third.
13.31 Subalterns and privates must do 1 and 2 weeks of regimental duties per month, respectively, unless excused by their Btn/Sqn Commander (NPC will excuse character for one week only on 5+ on one die, if requested, and can be influenced). The only weekly activity which can be combined with regt duties is practice with the regt weapon, though this must be ordered.
13.4 Seniority within a given rank is in top to bottom order as far as command positions go. For example, if a Major's slot becomes vacant and is not filled, then the Captain of A Company/Troop becomes the acting 3rd Battalion/Squadron commander. Similarly, officers take acting command of units above them in the table if the position is held by someone who is serving outside of the regt (e.g. a Brigade Major, or an aide to an officer also on campaign). Subalterns take acting commands due to vacancies above them in the order in which they come in the regimental listings - this is the order in which they joined the regiment.
13.5 PCs take priority over NPCs when determining who gets promoted into a vacant slot. PCs are promoted into vacant slots in order of their seniority. A candidate who would only take a brevet rank comes after other officers of the same rank regardless of seniority. Priority between officers without seniority (such as Subalterns without any acting Company command status) is determined by the higher modified promotion dice roll, or greasy pole order in the case of a tie.
13.6 This area always sounds more complicated than it really is but different games all deal with these issues in different ways. The essential points here are that command of only one unit can be held at any one time, and seniority within the regt is in a strict top to bottom order. The following example should make things clear:
Before | After | |||
Colonel | N6 | Regt commander | N6 | Brevet Brig Gen |
Lt Col | N5 | 1st Btn commander | vacant | |
Maj | N4 | 2nd Btn commander | N4 | act 1st Btn cdr |
Maj | N3 | 3rd Btn commander | AdT | act 2nd Btn cdr |
Captain | N2 | A Coy commander | N2 | act 3rd Btn cdr |
" | AdT | B Coy commander | FGH | act A Coy cdr |
" | FGH | C Coy commander | N1 | act B Coy cdr |
" | N1 | D Coy commander | RR | act C Coy cdr |
" | vacant | TdB | act D Coy cdr | |
" | vacant | N | act E Coy cdr | |
Subaltern | RR | acting E Coy commander | ||
Subaltern | TdB | acting F Coy commander |
Above is shown a regimental listing before(left) and after(right) a spell at the front to illustrate several points. Note that N5 and N3 died and all 4 PCs in the regt were awarded a promotion. The NPC Colonel was promoted to BBG so still occupies his slot. N4, the surviving Major was not promoted so the Lt Col slot is vacant. Both PC Captains take priority over NPCs for determining who gets the vacant Major's slot, and as AdT is senior to FGH in the regt he gets it (note that he is now the junior Major to N4). So FGH gets no promotion and simply moves up one step in seniority but still below N2. Similarly RR and TdB were promoted Captain, and RR took the most senior available slot as he was previously senior to TdB (E coy compared to F coy). Note that had the 2 Subalterns not had any acting command positions, then there final position in the regimental table would be reversed as TdB rolled a higher promotion roll than RR
Everyone takes acting command of the Battalions and Companies from top to bottom order, with F Coy being led by a NPC Subaltern. Note that if the BBG gets a Brigade Command then he will still occupy the Colonel's slot until confirmed in his new rank, but everyone in the regt will move up one step as far is command is concerned (an officer is not allowed to command more than one unit at any one time). Obviously, if he failed to get his promotion within the year and was reverted to Colonel then everyone below would move down one step in the command responsibilities.
13.7 Only one rank may be purchased at a time (except when initially joining a regt) and ranks may not be skipped. Note that it is no longer possible to purchase the rank of Lt Col or Col. If more than one character attempts to purchase a vacant rank, it goes to the most senior applicant; in the case of subalterns with no acting command status (and therefore no seniority) it goes by greasy pole order. If horses required for the new rank can not be afforded then the rank can not be bought.
Changing Regiments
13.8 A character may change regiments only once during his career, as this practice is felt to undermine regimental loyalty. The attempted change must be to a regiment of higher social rank (i.e. further up in the Regiment Application Table), and to a regiment of the same type (cavalry or infantry). Under no circumstances may a character attempt to join his enemy regiment. There is no need to resign the current position before applying, but if successful, the character will have to pay the normal purchase price for each rank he buys, and is limited to buying a rank no higher than Captain initially.
13.81 A character who resigns or his dismissed from his regiment may attempt to join any regiment at a later date with the exception of his original regiment. Such attempts are subject to a one point unfavourable modifier. Resigning leads to the loss of any appointment that is dependant on the character's military position, even if such a position is regained in a new regiment.
13.9 Note that there are fewer regts compared to the original game, to increase competition and provide more regimental enemies. Those brigades that do not feature in the army list in the tables are considered to be based too far from Paris to have relevance. Plenty of advance notice will be given if any of these units are returning to Paris. A result of this is that a greater proportion of the regular army go on Summer Campaign. Note also, that there is no RNHB regt in this game. Brigade organisations are shown in the tables, with some changes to the original friends/enemies links.
14.1 During the Summer some or all of the regular army will go on campaign, as decided by the Minister of State and MoW. Given these decisions, the Field Marshal comes up with a force structure for the campaign, which dictates the number of armies and divisions.
14.11 During June and July, the Force Commitment and Deployment tables are consulted by the MoS and MoW respectively. A die is rolled on each for NPC ministers (subject to influence) while a PC simply chooses a number. The FM then decides on a force organisation in August, using the guidelines in the tables, and decides whether there will be a substitution (see Volunteers below).
14.2 Units receive a battle result (BR) with an individual BR depending on luck, the MA of the commander and his adjutant (or Bde Maj for a brigade's result), and the success or otherwise of higher level commands.
14.21 As well as the effects in the Military Ability section, and the 'Occasions for title attempts table', a commander's BR may modify his own circumstances. If a commander's BR is better than his immediate superior's he gets a -1 modifier for promotion and MIDs (a btn/sqn commander also gets a +1 death modifier); if the BR is 2 or more worse than his immediate superior's these modifiers are reversed. Note that a PC btn/sqn commander only calculates a BR to get these modifiers, get title attempts and MA increases; the regt's BR is still used to assess the personal outcome for all members of the regt.
14.22 A BR of 5 or 6 if commanding a bde, div or army leads to court martial charges of gross incompetence, as does a BR of 6 if commanding a regt.
14.3 This is an example command structure for a campaign where 4 brigades are sent, showing the key positions:
Field Army (Commander/Adjutant)
1st Division (Commander/Adjutant)Heavy Brigade (Brigadier/Brig Major)2nd Division (Commander/Adjutant)
Frontier Regiments (Commanders/Adjutants)1st Foot Brigade (Brigadier/Brig Major)Guards Brigade (Brigadier/Brig Major)
3rd Foot Brigade (Brigadier/Brig Major)
Note that the Guards Brigade serves directly under the army commander, outside of any division, in this particular example. So, before the BR for the Royal Marines is assessed, we need to know the BR of the Field Army, 2nd Div and 1st Foot Brigade. Individual battalions/squadrons also have their own BR if commanded by a PC, as affected by the MA of the Btn commander, but without any adjutant.
14.31 The following people will be on campaign : commanders of armies, divisions and brigades involved (as well as their aides and adjutants or Brigade Major for a bde), members of a regt on campaign (including chaplains). A character attached to 2 units serves with the higher level one. Commanders, aides and adjutants of brigades and above use the command modifiers instead of regimental ones.
14.4 Given a unit's BR each PC (and NPC of importance) has a chance of death, promotion, mention in despatches and plunder. This depends on the deployment for that unit and the rank, command position and regiment of the individual. Note that NPCs get half the normal combined rank and regt modifier rounded down unlike in the original rules. Orders for a character at the front, should include under what circumstances he will be recklessly brave or be a poltroon (e.g. if death roll is over 10 reduce it to 10, if death roll is under 8 increase it to 8). These instructions are shown on the character sheets and remain in force until a change is ordered.
14.41 When being recklessly brave (reducing the death roll) the opposite modifier applies for promotion, mentions and plunder.
14.42 When being a poltroon (increasing the death roll) there is a chance of being noticed unless the exact modified death roll is made. On a roll of 2 or less the cowardice has not been noticed and rolls may be made for mentions and promotions as normal, though not for plunder. On a 3, 4 or 5 rumours circulate about the poltroon's actions even though there is no hard evidence - the character gets no mention, promotion or plunder and loses 1 SL on his return to Paris. On a roll of 6 or more, the act of cowardice has been blatant - no mention, promotion or plunder and an automatic court martial on return to Paris. For every modifier in excess of one made to the death roll, there is an additional +1 modifier to the above die roll (e.g. orders state that 'if death is under 9 increase to 11', and the death roll is 8 - a +3 mod is therefore applied to bring it to 11, giving a +2 mod to the subsequent die roll if he survives).
14.43 A roll greater than the death roll leads to death, while a roll equal to the modified death roll leads to a roll on the 'Dicing with Death' table (no promotion, MIDs or loot; see Capture section below). Note that even if the death roll is 12 or more, a roll of 12 gives a 50% chance of death and a 50% chance of rolling on the 'Dicing with Death' table - everyone on the battle field faces some risk.
14.44 If the promotion roll is made or exceeded the character is promoted as above provided there is a vacancy and he meets the minimum requirements. If the promotion can not be taken then a MID is received instead.
14.45 If the mention roll is made or exceeded the character gets a mention in despatches worth 1d6 sp per month for 3 months on returning from campaign. After the 3 months each MID is worth 1 sp per month for life. A character who gets his second MID is entitled to a title attempt (only once). Second and subsequent mentions for a character below SL 6 do not count as his title attempt. The next MID once he is SL 6 and above (provided he has at least one already) give his one title attempt for mentions.
14.46 If the plunder roll is made or exceeded the character gets a random amount of loot affected by the type of deployment and the battle result.
14.5 When on campaign pay and allowances are received though no support costs, club dues, or other monthly expenses need be paid.
14.6 Capture by the enemy leads to several possibilities (see also Mercenaries and Spying). Captives will be held prisoner for a maximum of 3 months after which they are killed or released (50% chance) and have a 1 in 6 chance of contracting a serious illness per month. Friends may offer a ransom of captive's SL x 100 cr from the month after capture, but only once for each prisoner. There is a 50% chance a ransom will be accepted (otherwise no money is spent) with the prisoner returning to Paris at the end of that month. Aside from waiting to see what happens, there are 3 other ways to get free: escape, rescue, and treachery.
14.61 Regimental Chaplains that are captured automatically have their ransom offered the following month by the Church.
14.7 Prisoners may not communicate with other characters (this can not be enforced but it breaks the spirit of the game) though they can with people they are held captive with. Two or more people from the same army that are captured in the same campaign will be held together. A prisoner who escapes or is released has one fewer horse, if any, than before.
14.8 An escape attempt takes a month (see Escape table). People held captive together may choose to make a group escape attempt, though they must all order this for it to happen. Seriously ill people may not attempt escape on their own though they can be part of a group. The modifier for people with a STR of 15+ can apply up to twice if their are 2 such people in a group. Rank modifiers apply as higher ranks are guarded more closely; a group takes the least favourable rank modifier of all participants (only once). Everyone in a group shares the same fate. If successful they return to Paris at the end of the month.
example : A Pvt, Major and Lt Col from the same army are captured. They decide to wait out the first month and see if their ransoms are offered, but they are not! In this month the Major becomes seriously ill. They decide to mount a group escape attempt in their 2nd month of captivity. The Pvt and the Lt Col both have a STR of 15+. Total modifier for the group is -2 : -1 (group), -2 (2 with high STR), 0 (rank mod for Lt Col) and +1 (Major's illness). If they had tried to escape individually, the Major would be unable as ill, the Pvt would have a -2 mod (rank and STR), and the Lt Col would have a -1 mod (STR). So in this case the Pvt has nothing to lose by teaming up with the others, and on the plus side has the opportunity to tell his daring escape tale over and over, and might gain the eternal gratitude of the Major.
14.9 A rescue attempt may be mounted by one or more PCs acting as a group. Such an attempt takes a whole month (no costs or status as if at the front). A group gains a -1 mod if they number 3 or more; anyone having an MA of 6+ in the group gives a -1 mod (only once) and STR and rank mods apply as for escapes. There is an additional -1 mod if the prisoners had planned their own escape that month. The outcome is taken from the Rescue table and is independent for each rescuer and prisoner: there are no mods to the death roll and an exact roll leads to 'Dicing with Death' as usual. If captured, rescuers are kept together and with any prisoners that didn't escape (daft foreigners never learn!). If the mission is a success (at least one prisoner makes it back to Paris) all rescuers get an automatic MID.
14.91 The final option is for the captive to be treacherous and offer to 'bat for the other side' (spy for the capturing nation). This may only be attempted if he is being held on his own, and only tried once. A roll on the treachery table determines whether his captors laugh at this pathetic attempt to save his skin, kill him for being such a weasel, or indeed take him on as a spy. If they do, he is treated as having escaped and all spy rules then apply to him.
15.1 No unit may volunteer or be volunteered during the regular Summer campaign season, although the Field Marshal may be petitioned to substitute one regiment for another of the same type (infantry or cavalry). An NPC FM will make a substitution on a 7+, and will choose the petition rolling highest if there is more than one, and by greasy pole order for tied rolls. Once a substitution has been made it may not be changed or reversed until the following year. The minimum period that a unit can spend at the front is 2 months. Therefore units can not volunteer or be volunteered in the last month of any season, although an individual could join a Frontier regt at this time to serve one month only.
15.2 The largest unit that can volunteer is a Brigade, the smallest is a Battalion or Squadron. Note that if the 1st battalion/squadron volunteers, then all PC subalterns and privates in that regt must go with it (except for subalterns with an acting command due to vacancies above them). Individuals can not be excused from accompanying their unit or transferred between squadrons or battalions. Someone who is on campaign will not return until the end of the season even if their seniority or new appointment gives them a different command. Any changes to acting commands resulting from such circumstances are held over until the end of the season. Example: There is a vacant major's position in a regiment so the senior captain, having acting command of the 3rd battalion, volunteers it for the front. While at the front another captain buys the major's position but will not take command of the battalion until it returns from campaign.
15.3 An NPC will volunteer his command, if requested, on a 8 for a Brigadier, a 7 for a Regimental Commander, or a 6 for a Battalion/Squadron commander. If the position of Brigadier is vacant for a particular brigade, then that unit can not be volunteered.
15.4 A Brigadier may volunteer his entire brigade (includes himself and his aide), or one or more regiments from the brigade (in which case they operate independently with no brigade command personnel). A Regt Commander may volunteer his entire regt or one or more battalions/squadrons of his regt.
15.41 The number of volunteer units at the frontier in a given season may not exceed a combination of one whole bde, or 3 regts, or 9 btns/sqns. If a greater number than this volunteer/are volunteered then priority goes to those units commanded by the highest ranking officer, followed by greasy pole order (PCs over NPCs). Units can not be recalled before the end of a season to keep volunteers within this limit.
15.5 Intentions and requests to volunteer must be submitted as press before the announcements deadline so that other characters have a chance to influence or veto such decisions. The Minister of War may veto the volunteering of an entire Brigade, the FM may veto the volunteering of any particular regiment, and the appropriate Inspector General (of infantry or cavalry) may veto the volunteering of a particular Battalion/Squadron. An NPC will order such a veto on a 7, if influenced.
15.6 A commander that volunteers a unit without announcing it beforehand, will have his orders successfully executed but will be subject to charges of a breach of military discipline.
15.61 Volunteered Bdes and Regts serve independently; individual Btns and Sqns are attached to a random Frontier Regt. These units use their normal regimental modifiers rather than those for a frontier regt, even if they are attached to a frontier regt.
Frontier Regiments
15.7 Frontier regts are on campaign all year round. Civilians will always be accepted as a private, but ranks can not be purchased. Members of the military who volunteer to serve with a frontier regt join initially as subalterns, if their permanent rank is that or above. Promotions are possible within a frontier regt but vacant slots are taken by NPCs.
15.71 The number of frontier regts changes to meet requirements. Their names clearly indicate their distinction, even if they take the name of a 'missing' regt from the original EG rules (e.g. 69th Arqubusiers[Frontier], 3rd Frontier Regt). All frontier regts are infantry. Volunteers serve in a random regt unless one is specified in their orders. Officers serving in a frontier regiment do not require horses.
15.8 If a character is awarded a promotion while serving with a Frontier Regt, he is also promoted in his own permanent regiment provided there is a vacancy, he meets all the usual criteria, and his frontier rank is the same or higher than his permanent rank. A character serving with a Frontier Regt gets paid the higher salary of his regular pay or his Frontier pay. A character who survives a tour with a Frontier Regt loses any rank he has in the Frontier Regt as soon as he returns to Paris.
example : JP is a subaltern in the RFG and spends a season as a volunteer with a frontier regiment as a subaltern where he is awarded a promotion. There is a vacant captain's slot in the frontier regt but JP does not have the required SL to be a captain in the RFG. He is therefore promoted to brevet captain in the RFG and to captain in the frontier regt. If he returns to Paris at the end of the season he loses his frontier captaincy but retains his new brevet rank in the RFG. If he stays at the front for another season and gets another promotion, his brevet rank in the RFG becomes his permanent rank and he is promoted to major in the frontier regt if there is a vacant slot.
15.81 A colonel of a frontier regt who is promoted to BBG remains in command unless he later takes command of a brigade.
15.82 A character who joins a frontier regt due to Disgrace, or through lack of funds, takes the rank of subaltern if his permanent rank is that or above. Those sent to the Frontier as a sentence take the rank of private.
15.83 A member of a frontier regt (not a volunteer btn or higher level unit) who is caught poltrooning (i.e. rolls a modified 6+) is summarily executed in the field, rather than going to Court Martial.
15.84 Frontier regts do not have adjutants or chaplains.
16. Brevet Rank and the Field Marshal
16.1 Promotion is to brevet, rather than full, rank for promotions beyond the rank of Colonel and when the candidate does not meet the minimum SL required. SL requirements for members of the General Staff must be met.
16.11 An officer who is promoted but can not afford the horses required for his new rank is instead promoted to brevet rank, horses being borrowed from the regimental stables. If he has the money, horses will automatically be purchased when required. He is confirmed in his new rank as soon as he buys the required number of horses.
16.2 If the holder of a brevet rank subsequently reaches the minimum required SL, he is confirmed in that rank. Another promotion also confirms the rank. Brevet rank lasts for a maximum of 12 months at which time the rank is lost, unless the officer holds an appointment which requires that rank, in which case he maintains his brevet rank as long as he continues to hold such an appointment. A Brevet Brigadier General (BBG) still occupies the Colonel's slot in his regt.
16.21 Brig Generals (full) and above have no regimental associations.
16.3 In order to be promoted from a general staff brevet rank an officer must hold the appropriate command for that rank. When promoted in this way, the officer assumes the permanent rank and must obtain another promotion to reach the next brevet rank. For example, if a BBG were to receive 2 promotions while commanding a brigade he would become a Brevet Lt General, but would then need a promotion while commanding a division to become a full Lt Gen.
16.4 The position of Field Marshal is taken by the full General in the Summer Campaign that makes the highest promotion roll. If nobody qualifies in this manner, then the current Field Marshal has the option of remaining in the post for another year or retiring. If the position is filled or the incumbent retires, then the current Field Marshal returns to his full General rank and effectively retires from the military on full pay, but unable to take up any military appointment in the future. Retired Field Marshals do not require an aide. If the position of Field Marshal is left vacant then the Minister of War makes those decisions and appointments which would have fallen to the former.
16.5 The Field Marshal does not go on campaign although his aide accompanies his regt if it is going.
17.1 If a character meets the required criteria he may serve with a foreign mercenary unit for a whole season, with the option to extend his contract season by season. The default order at the end of a season spent as a mercenary is to return to Paris. A volunteer must resign from any French regiment (losing any associated military appointment also) before he can join the mercenaries. Military experience is not a requirement for mercenary service as long as the minimum criteria are met (see below).
17.2 Mercenaries are organised into individual battalions, with the same structure as a regular army battalion. Volunteers can only join a unit as a private or subaltern if they meet the minimum criteria: for a private, and END of 120 or more and EXP in any weapon of 14 or more, and additionally for a subaltern, an MA of 4 or more.
17.3 If more than one character volunteers in the same season they will automatically serve in different battalions, unless all individuals concerned state in their orders that they wish to serve alongside each other. PCs may name the unit in which they are serving, subject to GM approval. A PC commanding a mercenary unit may choose who to admit, but applicants must still meet the required criteria. NPC mercenary commanders may not be influenced.
17.31 There are no minimum SL requirements, no purchase price for a subalterncy. nor do newly promoted captains and majors need to purchase horses.
17.4 A season spent in a mercenary unit is treated like a season spent at the front (i.e. pay and allowances received and no expenses) regardless of whether the unit sees any action or not. Monthly rates of pay are given in the mercenary tables.
17.5 At the start of each season, one die is rolled for each mercenary battalion with one or more characters in it, as per the Mercenary Deployment table (this can not be influenced). If a PC is the CO (i.e. the Major) of the battalion then he may opt for the unit to spend the season in the Paris area rather than take a random deployment. This can not be done for two successive seasons as the unit would disband and seek action under new leadership. If a random deployment is made a PC major must take what is given as this represents both the best option available and what is popular with the other mercenaries. PC mercenaries deployed in the Paris area for a season get to perform weekly actions as usual with full mercenary pay as well as 4 sp per month, regardless of their rank (for tough reputation and unusual uniforms).
17.51 If there is a riot or rebellion and troops are required to suppress it, any mercenary unit stationed in the Paris area is automatically involved.
17.6 If fighting alongside French forces then the battalion obtains a battle result just as for an individual battalion in a non-campaign season. If this is the case during a regular campaign season the mercenary battalion is treated as an independent battalion within a randomly assigned division (but not within any brigade).
17.7 If fighting against 'some other nation' the battalion obtains a battle result as for an individual battalion (use the 1st Brigade row to determine force deployment).
17.8 If fighting against French forces then the mercenary unit is considered to be up against a randomly selected regiment. Force deployment is the opposite to the French regiment concerned (i.e. D against A or S, A or S against D (50% choice), and F against F). The battle result for the mercenary unit is (7 - opposing regt's BR) - no die roll for the mercenaries.
17.81 If a PC in either the French regt or the mercenary battalion is captured then a PC in the capturing unit may arrange for his ransom to be accepted instantly or pay it himself. In such a case a PC CO may overrule such a decision. If prisoners are taken on both sides then they can be exchanged on a one-for-one basis instantly at the discretion of the lowest level unit commander that commands both the unit of those captured and the regt opposing the mercenaries. NPCs will automatically conduct such exchanges and if there is a choice of PCs to free will free those of higher SL first.
example : The Cardinal's Guard are serving in their brigade in the 1st division and have a mercenary unit opposing them. A mercenary PC and 2 PCs from the King's Musketeers are captured. The Guards Brigadier in this case chooses whether to exchange the mercenary prisoner for one of the musketeer prisoners. An NPC will automatically free the musketeer highest up the greasy pole, while a PC brigadier has the choice to exchange either or none of the prisoners. If the French prisoners were taken from a regt within the 1st Div but outside the Gds Bde, then the Div Commander would be faced with these choices instead.
17.82 A mercenary who is captured by French forces and not released in the above manner has no chance to escape. He does not stand trial, but automatically serves 2 months in gaol and loses 3 SL on his release, unless the Minister of War intervenes (an NPC MoW will not).
17.83 A mercenary captured by another nation is treated as in the regular capture rules.
17.9 The MA of the unit commander is 1d6+3, if it is an NPC. Mercenaries use their own table for combined modifiers for rank and regiment In this case NPCs do get the full modifiers for their status. Mentions are not possible while serving as a mercenary (nor are title attempts), while death and plunder rolls are made as normal (exception : mercenaries get three rolls for plunder for each full season fighting). Reckless bravery is an option as per usual but poltroonery is not possible within a mercenary unit.
17.91 Promotion is handled differently as each battalion is a self-administered unit. The major can not be promoted at all. If the major is killed then someone must replace him. If both captains survive then the one to roll highest gets the post (note PCs do not take priority over NPCs in this case). Vacant captains slots are similarly filled by NPC subalterns unless any PC subaltern rolls higher. A PC major may choose who gets promoted into a vacant slot but he may not leapfrog someone (for fear of mutiny). Privates roll for promotion as per normal with no modifier and take the promotion even if their MA is less than 4. If a PC is promoted in the above manner and returns to Paris than it has no effect at all. If, however, he opts to spend the next season in the same unit, he gets to keep his new rank, until he finally leaves for Paris. Finally, a PC major who is leaving for Paris may nominate a PC captain in the same unit as his successor if there is one.
18.1 Attending church is a weekly action (cost is SL in cr, 1 SP gained). Mistresses can be taken (and have their collection money paid unless Wealthy), and church-goers have no causes for duels through other people who are also attending church.
Careers in the Church
18.2 To become a member of the clergy one must first be accepted as a Student of Theology (SoT) and then complete a course of study leading to ordination. A character may try once a month to be accepted as an SoT until successful (pre-monthly action):
SL : | 3 | 4,5 | 6-8 | 9+ |
die roll needed : | 5+ | 4+ | 3+ | 2+ |
An SoT has none of the restrictions that accompany priesthood, and may remain in the military. The only requirement is to spend at least one week per month in religious study (no cost) unless at the front, in gaol, or on an expedition; otherwise SoT status is lost along with any accumulated weeks of study. This does not apply to the month in which SoT status is first gained. An SoT gains 1 SP in a month where at least one week of study is carried out.
An SoT may choose to spend an entire month at a monastery to study (counts as 5 weeks of study, no support costs or SP changes as if at front, no cause for duels, and other effects concerning stealing, recovery from wounds and arrests). Once 20 weeks of study have been amassed, the SoT can choose to be ordained as a Priest but must resign from the military first.
18.3 Priest is the lowest rank in the clergy. Priests and above face some restrictions while enjoying certain benefits: They may not be in the military (except as Regt Chaplain) but face no restrictions concerning personal wealth, property or carousing. They may duel as normal but may also decline any duel for no loss of SP. They may not be titled and lose any title (though not the pension) on ordination; if however, a straight 6 is rolled when there would normally be a title attempt, the clergyman is granted estates by the King instead (worth 1 SP/month and 25cr/month for life, on each occasion). Priests and above may take mistresses and go to the bawdyhouse but they are not subject to any SP penalty for failing to have any FC, nor may they get married. Finally, priests must perform two weeks of duties per month, and curates one week. These duties can be combined with other religious activities (such as attending church, performing services).
18.4 The Church table shows the 'rank' structure of the church as it affects those living in Paris. Vacancies will arise as PCs and NPCs advance, die, retire, etc, allowing attempts at advancement to the next higher rank (inf can not be used). Once a new rank has been obtained, a period of at least 3 months must pass before a higher rank can be gained. If a vacant position is not filled by any of the eligible candidates, then the advancement checks are made again the following month. A PC can decline to be advanced (in order to retain a particular appointment, for instance) but must order this explicitly. Clergymen receive pay, status and influence (per season) as shown in Church table, in addition to any appointment held.
18.41 The rules for advancement in the church have parallels with those for the military. Seniority runs from top to bottom in the structure, with PCs having priority over NPCs. Bishops and Archbishops are similar to generals while the Cardinal is a similar position to that of FM.
18.42 There are additional appointments open only to certain members of the clergy: Regt Chaplains, Chaplain of the Army, Cardinal's Secretary, and Royal Confessor. Clergymen are eligible for certain other appointments as shown in the appointments table, and may volunteer to accompany foreign expeditions as missionaries (see Investments).
18.5 Regimental Chaplains (or Padres) need the minimum SL, and get the same pay and status, as a Subaltern in that regt (but do not have to do regt duties). They accompany their regt on campaign and roll for death, mentions and plunder as for a Subaltern, but get only half the amount of plunder rolled. If caught poltrooning, then the Padre is subject to military discipline rather than a Tribunal. Resigning as Chaplain just before the regt is due to depart for the front could lead to a Court Martial charge being brought.
18.6 Clergymen attending church do not have to make a donation but if they do so, gain 1 SP as normal (default is no donation unless orders state otherwise). They may give a sermon as a weekly activity once per month. This sermon can be used to praise or lambaste another non-clergy PC, or denounce a theatre production being staged that month (see Theatre Royal). Orders should briefly state the nature of the praise or criticism being preached. A particular individual can not be publicly praised or criticised by the same clergyman more than once per season.
Position | SP gain/loss for subject of sermon | Collection |
Priest | +/- 1 | 1d x 5 cr |
Curate | +/- 2 | 1d x 5 cr |
Pastor | +/- 3 | 1d x 5 cr |
Bishop | +/- 4 | 1d x 10 cr |
Archbishop | +/- 5 | 1d x 10 cr |
Cardinal | +/- 6 | 1d x 10 cr |
The table shows the amount of crowns that can be taken from the collection during the week of a sermon.
18.7 Wedding services gain SP for both the clergyman and the groom as follows:
Position | SL range | Cost for groom | SP for both | SP for guests |
Curate | 4-10 | 50 cr | 1 | 0 |
Pastor | 8-14 | 100 | 2 | 0 |
Bishop | 12+ | 200 | 3 | 1 |
Archbishop | 15+ | 400 | 4 | 1 |
Cardinal | 18+ | 1000 | 5 | 1 |
SL range determines which options are possible and necessary depending on the groom's SL. An NPC will always perform the service if asked. Half of the costs paid goes to the clergyman conducting, the rest to the Church. Wedding guests do not donate to the collection or gain normal SP for attending church.
18.8 Clergymen can be tried for civil offences as normal, while religious offences are dealt with by an ecclesiastical tribunal, consisting of 3 of the accused's superiors selected by the Cardinal. The format of a tribunal is similar to that of a court martial, with possible punishments including: a fine (d6 x 100cr) to the Church, loss of appointment, one or two months confined to the monastery, extra religious duties and so on. A CPS who arrests a man of the cloth who is then found not guilty, loses the appointment immediately.
18.9 Clergymen may admit themselves or a friend to the monastery for the purpose of resting/illness recovery or avoidance of arrest. Orders must state if refuge is being given to a particular person for a given month. Theology students do not get the healing or refuge benefits of a monastery just be studying there - they would have to be taken by an ordained clergyman for that.
19.1 Vacant appointments will be advertised in the monthly turn report. All applications for an appointment must reach the press before the announcements deadline if it is to go ahead. If no PC applicants are successful, an NPC appointer will fill the post with another NPC wherever possible. A PC may choose to leave an appointment vacant for a maximum of one additional month before it must be filled if possible.
19.11 Vacancies will not be competed for if they are due to be filled the following month anyway according to the calendar; they are instead left vacant for this additional month. An appointment can not be made if the position that appoints it is vacant.
19.2 Only one military or civil appointment may be held at any time except for Fencing School Instructors, who can have a second appointment (not another school though). It is no longer necessary to resign from an appointment before applying for another. One may not appoint themselves to a position they normally appoint. Having resigned, one can not re-apply for their old post within 3 months. Similarly, if an application fails, at least 3 months must pass before another attempt at the same job can be made, unless the appointment has since expired (see below) or been filled and then vacated in the mean time.
19.3 The Calendar table shows when each appointment expires in the year. The Appointment tables show the requirements for the position, number available, die roll needed, who appoints it, and benefits associated. An applicant's MA affects the die roll for some military appointments, SL affects all appointments. If the appointer is an NPC, he can be influenced over accepting/rejecting particular applicants. Annex A gives additional notes for individual appointments. An unmodified roll of 1 always results in a failed application. Otherwise, the appointment goes to the applicant with the highest modified roll, unless the appointer is a PC in which case he simply chooses who to appoint, though the minimum requirements for the post must still be met.
19.4 If the holder of an appointment fails to maintain the requirements of the post (such as rank, SL, etc) he loses it. At the end of the Summer campaign the new army structure comes into effect. Consequently, appointments in a unit which ceases to exist in the new structure will be lost at that time, rather than in the month shown in the calendar.
19.41 Note that military appointments require an exact rank, while civil appointments require a minimum rank or minimum title. In general, an appointment will be lost if the holder gets promoted beyond the rank required, with the exception of aides to general officers who can remain in their post. Military appointments are open to holders of brevet rank, while civil appointments require the full rank given in the appointment tables as a minimum.
19.5 The appointer of a particular post may not sack the holder, although he could influence him to resign (if an NPC), as could anyone. Resigning from an important appointment at a sensitive time may lead to a Court Martial (e.g. if an army commander resigns the month before, say, the Summer campaign begins), although this could be avoided by resigning from the military totally (see Court Martial rules).
19.6 Certain appointments are considered to be 'full-time' and will be lost if the holder takes an extended absence by going to the front or joining a foreign expedition. Such posts include Ministers (though not the CPS), Provincial Governors and the City Governor, Royal Confessor, and the Adjutant General. Such posts are lost as soon as the holder commits himself to an absence rather than on his return. Therefore, one who is out of Paris may not apply for one of these 'full-time' appointments.
20.1 These house rules aim to make life as a minister a bit more challenging for higher ranking individuals than in the original game. Many of these aspects will not be revealed until individuals 'need to know', although the press may occasionally carry rumours and gossip hinting at some of these issues including foreign policy and public finances. The King may lose patience with a government plagued by problems (riots, rebellions, embezzlement, bad military results, etc). Occasionally PCs will be approached by an NPC with an offer of accepting a task (carrying its own risks and rewards) - detailed instructions will be given to the characters concerned if and when this circumstance arises.
20.2 Certain in-game decisions will be taken by a majority vote among ministers, the Cardinal (if a PC) and the GM (King), although the King may have more than one vote! Similarly, players with higher-level characters will carry more weight when players are consulted over possible rule changes and enhancements.
20.3 Occasional random events may occur, making life a bit less predictable. These include, but are not limited to: NPCs taking actions in line with their positions, NPCs leaving Paris or getting sacked, fires and disease, club refurbishments, gala balls, NPC trials and Courts Martial, arrival of new mistresses, royal hunts and competitions, parades and inspections, summons to the royal court, exceptional taxes, riots, rebellion, and so on. The last 3 cases are discussed below:
20.31 Ordinarily the burden of taxes is borne by the masses, but the Chancellor may occasionally
impose an exceptional, one-off tax on the Church, the Nobility or both, in order to fill a hole
in the public finances. When the Church is taxed all clergymen are liable to pay an amount equal
to 10 times their monthly church pay. For a tax on the nobility, the amount due equals 10 times a noble's monthly pension. Such a tax imposed by an NPC will be noted in the turn report, while
a PC Chancellor must announce such a decision. It is assumed that those who are liable will pay
the amount due, and this will taken from the characters' funds the following month, unless they
state in their orders that they are not going to pay. The Tax Evasion table shows the chance of
an NPC MoJ taking action against defaulters, dependant on the individual's wealth at the time the tax was announced, as shown in the Greasy Pole. If the MoJ is a PC, he will be sent a list
of tax defaulters and may choose to impose the same penalty as an NPC would, or not, on an individual basis. The MoJ must make such decisions the month following that in which the tax was raised, or there will be no effect for defaulters.
20.4 In the main, riots may erupt onto the streets of Paris when taxes are considered to be unjustly high. If the City Governor sets extortionate taxes a riot may break out (same chance as for unrest for a PMG - see Annex A and Embezzlement Table). If the City Governor is an NPC there is a chance his actions may lead to riots. If riots occur, the Governor must command the City Militia (treated as a frontier regt) against the masses. The deployment is as for Field Operations and the Governor uses the modifiers for a Colonel of a Frontier Regt.
20.5 The riot is suppressed on a battle result of 1-3. On a BR of 4 the riot continues another month and gains momentum - the Minister of War must select a whole regt that is based in Paris to assist the Militia. The Governor commands this brigade-sized unit and uses the modifiers for a Brig Gen and Brigade Command. A BR of 5 or 6 means the subduing force has been beaten back, the riot gains momentum as above, and the City Governor is disgraced and dismissed. The MoW must then select a Brig Gen or above to lead the troops the next month. This continues each month the riot persists with the force required growing by one regiment every time the riot gains momentum until suppressed. A replacement commander who gets a BR of 5 or 6 is not disgraced but instead court martialled when the riot finally ends.
20.6 No loot is available when suppressing a riot. Promotions and MIDs are available as normal for all except the Governor. Poltroonery is not an option for a Governor trying to suppress a riot or rebellion. If the Governor is captured by the mob he is killed and the riot ends. While a riot is ongoing, planned theatre productions and balls are postponed, and the Paris monthly lottery does not take place.
20.7 If a Provincial Governor's tax policy (see Annex A) leads to unrest, rebellion breaks out in his province. This may happen to an NPC Governor also. The Governor must lead a frontier regt against the rabble as for 'Riots' above. A BR of 1 or 2 crushes the rebellion, a 3 or 4 extends the rebellion by another month, while a 5 or 6 leads to the Governor being disgraced and dismissed, and the rebellion gaining momentum as for riots. Other details are as for 'Riots' above.
20.8 If a replacement commander crushes the rebellion or riot, he has the automatic right to succeed the disgraced governor, if he meets the minimum requirements. If unrest persists for more than 3 months or encroaches upon the Summer campaign, it is up to the Government and FM to come up with a plan to rotate regts and meet all commitments. Note that battle results for riots and rebellions are generated for each month rather than on a seasonal basis. If the position of governor is not filled by the replacement commander, it will be open for appointment from the month after unrest is put down.
Inciting Riots and Rebellion
20.81 A character may try to incite riots in Paris or rebellion in a particular province in order to cause problems for the government or governor. Such an attempt takes 3 weeks of effort in a given month and its effect depends on the amount spent (in employing agitators, printing leaflets, arming peasants and so on). A character must have an SL of 5 or more to do this or he will not be taken seriously.
20.82 If the number for Success is rolled, unrest breaks out the following month. If the governor is trying to raise excessive tax that month anyway the Unrest Modifier is applied to the roll for riot or rebellion due to tax. If the number in the Caught column is rolled then the instigator has been found out though costs are still paid. This is a serious offence which will automatically lead to a trial if the CPS is an NPC.
20.83 The costs shown in the table for rebellion are doubled if trying to incite a riot in Paris. Due to their skill in such areas, spies use the row below that for the amount spent for everything except the chance of being caught, which remains unchanged.
Amount Spent | Success | Unrest Modifier | Caught |
500 cr | 10+ | +2 | 2 |
1000 cr | 9+ | +3 | 2-3 |
2000 cr | 8+ | +4 | 2-4 |
5000 cr | 7+ | +5 | 2-5 |
20.9 A character who is disgraced loses any appointment and must join a Frontier Regt until the appropriate condition is met:
a) 12 months have been served for someone who fought a regimental colleague;The exception is for members of the clergy who, if disgraced, are despatched immediately as a missionary to a random location (see Investments). This is treated as a normal expedition, except that no other characters may go along and nobody may invest in it. If the missionary survives he is no longer disgraced.
b) he is able to pay off his debts if that was the cause;
c) he is mentioned in despatches for a Governor that failed to put down unrest or riots
20.91 Disgraced characters are not considered for title attempts nor may they apply for any appointment.
21.1 Orphans of noble parentage are the only characters who are titled when they arrive in Paris. The Titles table lists the occasions which merit a title attempt for Chevalier, or the next highest in the table if already titled. Anyone below the minimum SL shown in the table does not have an attempt.
21.2 There is a 1 in 6 chance of the King conferring a title. This may not be influenced and is affected by a one point favourable modifier for each 3 SL the candidate is above the minimum required for the title being attempted. Multiple title attempts all count but only one title can be gained in any one month. Previous failed attempts have no effect on future attempts.
21.3 Once titled, SL is automatically increased to the 'new SL' if it currently lower, the SP shown are awarded that month or the next month back in Paris if away, and the character starts to receive the monthly pension shown in cr.
21.4 Members of the clergy may not have titles but success at such an attempt (no modifiers applying) results in the King granting Estates (1 SP/month and 25/cr per month for life, on each occasion).
21.5 Title attempts for Ministers (and the Chancellor, Provincial and City Governors, Director of the Theatre Royal, and Chairman of the Royal Academy of Science) are now made annually in December, by way of a New Year's Honour List, to prevent people 'job-hopping' for multiple title attempts.
21.6 Those serving a sentence at the frontier are not considered for title attempts. Provincial Governors/City Governors are not considered for New Year's honours if there is unrest/riots in their province/Paris at the end of December, although they are still eligible for title attempts through good battle results while putting down unrest.
21.7 Title attempts are made at the end of the month.
21.8 Dukes who are successful at subsequent title attempts receive additional estates on each occasion.
Foreign Expeditions
22.1 In the last month of each season the Chancellor decides whether to send ships on a foreign expedition (NPC will do so on 5+ on d6) selected randomly from the table (a PC chancellor gets to choose). Investors can put lumps of 1000cr into an expedition either individually or collectively with the hope of reaping a large dividend. A character who invests 1000cr or more by himself also has the option of going along on the voyage. Someone who does this and survives gets a 100% greater return than they would have if they remained in Paris, although there are considerable risks involved. Full time members of the regular army would have to resign before joining a foreign expedition; members of the clergy (priests and above) can go only as missionaries.
22.2 Each expedition takes a detachment of Royal Marine Privates, led by a Subaltern. Any PC marine Pvt may volunteer to go. If more than one marine Sub volunteers for a particular expedition, the Regt CO chooses who goes (an NPC will choose whoever is higher up the greasy pole). Marines on expedition get double normal monthly pay.
22.21 Missionaries disembark on arrival and are not considered to be onboard the ships when checks are made for pirate attacks. If they survive then they do share the fate of the ships if there are storms on the way home. They roll for death and loot, dependent on the location of the mission.
22.22 If the number for 'pirates' is rolled, the ships of the expedition come under pirate attack and any returns on investments for that voyage are halved. If this happens then all PCs with the expedition (including marines but excluding missionaries) consult the personal outcome table for pirate attacks rolling for death, promotion and mention (for marines only), and treasure. There are no modifiers to these rolls and poltroonery is not an option. Note that there is a separate 'Dicing with Death' table for pirate attacks.
22.3 If the number for storms is rolled in the last month of a voyage's duration, then the expedition does not return and all investors lose their stake. Any PC onboard must roll for survival and the chance to retrieve treasure. Survivors are shipwrecked and have a choice of actions:
22.4 An investor who returns from a successful expedition is given a title attempt. If 2 consecutive expeditions fail to return, the Chancellor is dismissed from office by the King.
Other Investments
22.6 Details for other Investments (Arms, Commerce and Finance) are given in the tables. See also the notes for Quartermaster Generals and the Chancellor in Annex A.
22.7 Investments in Arms, Finance and Commerce can only be made in Mar, Apr or May, and payouts are always in the following September. Note, however, that Commerce returns are dependent on the BR of the campaign just finished, while Arms and Finance returns are dependent on the decision taken that Summer on how many brigades will go on campaign the following year.
22.8 A QMG may nominate an arms supplier, and the Chancellor may manipulate funds on behalf of a Finance investor, at any time before the start of the Summer season. Once a choice has been made it may not be changed.
23.1 Characters may stage a production at the Theatre Royal, provided they are not full time members of the regular army, or ordained members of the clergy. Production of a play costs 500 crowns and a 2 week rehearsal must be held the month before it is scheduled to open. Two whole (though not necessarily consecutive) weeks are required to write the play before reharsals can begin (writing as a weekly activity costs nothing). Only one play may actually be performed in any month (see 'Director of the Theatre Royal' in Annex A).
23.2 A mistress will take part in the play if asked by her regular lover at the start of rehearsals (and if she does participate, she is not available to be courted for the term of the production, except by the producer of the play). The play runs for the whole of the next month with the manager being required to attend the first week. He must also host a party at his club or house after the opening night. All those attending the play are entitled to go to the party unless especially barred by the manager (this is an exceptional instance where an individual may be in 2 different locations in one week - the theatre and the location of the party). Members of the Royal Family will attend the play and party on a roll of 6 on one die (but not a bawdy production).
23.3 Players may hire yobs to hiss and boo the production at a cost of 50 crowns. Each time this is done, 2d6 are rolled and a 12 indicates a riot occurs doing 100-600 worth of damage (to be paid by the manager). If the Royal Family is present the manager automatically loses one SL.
23.4 Success of the play is determined by rolling 2d6 with the following modifiers:
+1 if a professional producer is retained (cost=50)
+1 if the show is advertised as bawdy
+1 if the playwright has staged 4 or more successful productions previously
+1 for each 100 crowns spent on lavish props (max of +3)
+1 for every 4 characters attending the show (max of +3
+1 for each beautiful mistress in the show (max of +2)
+2 if the Queen or Crown Prince attend
+3 if the King attends
-1 for each character hiring yobs (max of -2)
-1 for each ordained clergyman that publicly denounces the show (max of -2)
-4 if there is disease in Paris
Modified Roll | Outcome | SP for audience | Net Ticket Sales |
8 or less | Total flop | 0 | 0 |
9-12 | Nothing special | +1 | +200 |
13-16 | Successful | +1 | +400 |
17 or more | Triumph | +2 | +800 |
SP for audience are in addition to any from the first night party.
The manager gets/loses SP equal to the modified dice roll minus 9.
Net ticket sales is the amount in cr recouped by the manager before the 500 cr costs are included (only half this amount if the Director of the Theatre Royal takes a slice, see Annex A).
23.5 A box at the theatre costs 40 crowns and can hold up to 6 people and gains the purchaser 1 SP. The manager gets a free box for the first week (but not the SP). A seat costs 5 crowns. These costs are double on the first night (i.e. for people also attending the party in the first week). Attending the theatre is a weekly activity.
23.6 A production will only last for one month.
23.7 A character is entitled to a title attempt for every 4 successful productions he has staged. 'Successful' means a production that is Successful or a Triumph.
24. The Royal Academy of Science
24.1 The Royal Academy (RA) exists to promote understanding of and progress in the sciences. Fellowship of the RA is possible for one who is neither a full time member of the regular army, nor an ordained member of the clergy. Fellowship is lost on joining the army or being ordained as a priest.
24.2 A prospective fellow must submit a treatise on a subject of his choosing concerning an observation, experiment, or invention in the physical or social sciences. A total of 4 weeks must first be spent in research and writing, though not necessarily in the same month. An summary of the treatise should be sent to the King (GM) who will copy it to any PC who is a fellow. Votes are then cast and a die rolled to see whether the candidate is admitted as a fellow. A 4 or more is required with each vote counting as +/-1 (for or against) and the King having 2 votes. The King can use his 2 votes apply any modifier from -2 to +2, depending on his view of the submitted treatise.
24.3 Fellowship lasts for 12 months from the date of acceptance of the last thesis. A fellow submitting a further thesis gets a +1 modifier but may not vote on the acceptance of his own work. A fellow gains 1 SP per month per thesis that has been accepted by the Academy, as long as he remains a fellow, subject to a maximum of SP per month equal to the fellow's SL. He may also attend the annual Royal Address and Reception in October (takes place at the Fleur, fellows must pay their own carousing costs but get SP for club rankings as for toadying, plus a bonus 5 SP).
24.4 Every 4th thesis that is accepted gives the character a title attempt. There is an additional civil appointment, the Chairman of the Royal Academy of Science (see Annex A).
25.1 Property may be purchased as a weekly action for cash only (no mortgages) according to the housing table. Property may be left in a will, sold back to the market for 75% of cost, or sold to another character for any terms agreed. Shortages of supply in an area of the property market will be announced in the press.
25.2 Failure to pay the monthly cost of property owned results in a loss of one SL. Falling below the minimum SL required to purchase a property already owned incurs no penalty.
25.3 A house or larger property must be owned by the potential groom before a wedding can take place.
25.4 Private parties may be held at one's house with the maximum number of guests shown in the property table (carousing costs as normal). The owner of a Large Mansion or Chateau may host a ball once per season (carousing costs are doubled). All attendees and the host get a bonus SP for being at such a ball, and there is a 1 in 6 chance that the Crown Prince will attend (can be influenced) and allow all guests to toady to him. The potential host of a ball may invite the Crown Prince before confirming it, thus allowing him to charge guests an appropriate fee. Guest totals include any mistresses taken but not the host and his mistress/wife. The effects of drunkeness do not apply at private parties. Guests at a private party receive half of the difference between their SL and the minimum SL required for that class of property in SP, rounded up. For example, an SL 7 guest at a party at a large mansion gets 2 SP in addition to any from carousing and toadying.
25.41 If more people try to attend a party than can be accommodated at the property, they will be admitted in descending order of social level.
25.5 Selling property and buying off other characters is a pre-monthly action which takes place at the same time as borrowing and lending.
26.1 Wills can no longer be made.
27. Spying, Stealing and Working
27.1 Unscrupulous individuals may seek employment as a spy for a foreign power, an option which brings monetary reward along with significant risk. Not surprisingly, spies are not known as such to other players unless they are caught and tried for treason. Spies get 50 cr per month for their efforts (but no SP) and must spend one week per month in Paris engaged in spying activities. Spies may never voluntarily retire (as they would be silenced in an unpleasant manner) although they are dismissed if they are uncovered (even if they are not tried).
27.2 Seeking employment as a spy is a risky and time-consuming business as contacts need to be made while treading carefully to avoid suspicion. Such activity requires 3 weeks of effort in one month (not necessarily consecutive weeks) after which 2d6 are rolled to determine the outcome. A roll of 2 or 3 means the individual has been entrapped by government spies, and will automatically be tried for treason the following month. A roll of 9+ (8+ if SL 8+, rank of Major or above, or a government minister) results in success, with the character being employed as a spy immediately. Any other roll means the attempt has been fruitless, although further attempts can be made in subsequent months.
27.3 For each month in which a spy spends a week actually spying, a roll of 2 on 2d6 means that suspicions have been aroused about his activities. His services are no longer required by the foreign power in question and there will be an automatic arrest and trial if the CPS is an NPC. If the CPS is a PC he chooses whether to make an automatic arrest (between turns) and hold a trial for treason the following month, or ignore the matter. If the spy involved happens to be the CPS then he is immune from prosecution although he still loses his position as a spy.
27.4 In the month of May, instead of the normal week's spying, a spy may try to gain some especially useful intelligence concerning the upcoming Summer campaign. This must be explicitly ordered or just the normal activity will take place, takes the whole month, with no expenses paid as if at the front. This option entails additional risk, but if successful adds 1 to the BR of any army involved in the campaign to come, and earns the spy 1d x 100 cr as a reward. The chances of being caught and of gathering useful information are dependent on the rank and position of the spy as shown in the table:
Position | Caught | Success (BR and crowns) |
Government | 12 | 8+ |
Army or Div | 11 exactly | 7+ |
Lt Col and above | 11 exactly | 8+ |
Other | 10 exactly | 9+ |
Government applies to any minister; Army or Div applies to anyone in an Army or Division command, i.e. commanders, their aides, and adjutants. The BR mod can apply only once regardless of the number of spies involved.
27.41 If in Paris a spy may attempt to follow one other character. There is a 50% chance of all
of the target's actions, including pre-monthly actions, being revealed to the spy.
27.42 Spies can bribe NPCs without fear of being reported. If the bribe would have been reported it is instead treated as money spent with no effect. This does not apply if trying to bribe the king or the judge of a trial in which the spy is the accused.
27.43 Spies are adept at inciting riots and rebellion.
27.5 If a spy is captured while at the front, he is automatically released after one month's captivity. The 'official story' will be that he has escaped, to avoid revealing his spy status.
27.6 Stealing from other PCs is a weekly activity which entails considerable risk. One die is rolled: a 1 or 2 transfers 10% of the target's wealth to the thief (up to a maximum of 500 crowns); a 3 or 4 gives no opportunity to steal that week; a 5 or 6 means the thief is caught. A thief that is caught spends the remainder of the month in gaol and will be tried on a 4+ by an NPC CPS at the start of the next month. A PC CPS chooses whether to take the matter to a trial. Stealing is a minor offence. When the thief is freed the original target of the stealing attempt has cause with the thief, though loses nothing if he declines to duel him. In this case he would not stand trial if he killed the thief in the duel, even if he refused his surrender.
27.7 Characters who are short of money may spend one or more weeks working to raise some cash, although such activity is looked down upon. Each week of work earns the character 2d6 cr and loses him 1 SP. The seriously ill may not work. Orders may state what kind of work is being sought, but the GM determines what was actually done. One seeking exceptionally appropriate employment may have the 1 SP loss refunded by the GM.
27.8 Another option for the hard up is to announce in the press that they are available for errands, in the hope that a PC may use his services, or that an NPC might offer some task (perhaps of dubious legality).
28.1 In circumstances described in other sections, where an automatic arrest is made, the Commissioner of Public Safety may choose to ignore the matter and dispense with a trial.
28.2 If the CPS is a PC, he may issue a warrant for an arrest, regardless of the presence of any evidence, as a pre-monthly action unless a trial is already scheduled for that month (see Appointments). To make an arrest, either the CPS or one of his ferrets, must be in the same location as the victim in any week of that month. Someone at the front, on an expedition, resting or seeking refuge (though not just studying) at a monastery, or in a province may not be arrested in this way. To arrest someone who is working, entertaining at home, doing nothing or training strength, the CPS or ferret must have ordered to arrest that person that week 'at home'. A week's arrest attempt 'at barracks' is needed if the person is practising his regt weapon or doing regt duties. If the person in question is actually committing a crime that week (e.g. stealing, spying) he is arrested and found out.
28.21 An arrest attempt negates any other actions planned for that week if successful, although an arrest attempt 'at home' or 'at barracks' can not be combined with any other actions. Only PCs may be ferrets, and the CPS may dismiss ferrets pre-monthly at any time, unlike normal appointments.
28.3 If the arrest attempt fails, then the warrant becomes public knowledge. The CPS may continue to seek an arrest the following month, or cancel the warrant. If arrested, a character loses any actions from that week, and spends the remainder of the month in gaol awaiting trial if arrested for a serious offence or for stealing. Again this will be public knowledge and the CPS must hold a trial in the first week of the following month or release the prisoner as a pre-monthly action. The charges being brought must be announced.
28.4 Trials are judged by the City Governor (for minor offences) or the MoS (for serious offences). A PC judge simply decides whether the accused is guilty or not and states this in his orders; he must spend that week attending the trial. Alternatively, a PC may delegate responsibility to an NPC minister, thus 'passing the buck' and allowing him to do something else that week. The decision of an NPC is made by a dice roll as shown in the 'Crime and Punishment' table. Only the sentence specified in the table can be imposed. Appeals to the King for clemency must be made immediately and announced so that anyone can influence the decision. Interpretation of sentences if different for members of the clergy and the general staff (full Brig Generals and above). A sentence of 3 or 6 months at the frontier translates to one tour of duty as a missionary for a clergyman (see Disgrace), a 12 month sentence to 2 back-to-back missions. 'Dismissed Regiment' for a member of the general staff leads to loss of any appointment and demotion to the next lower non-brevet rank (Brig Generals are unaffected). 'Dismissed Regiment' for a member of the clergy leads to 'demotion' to Priest and loss of any appointment.
28.5 Witnesses must make themselves known through the press or to the GM. They must be of an equal or higher SL than the accused, and may not be from the same, friendly or enemy regiment. They must spend that week's action attending the trial, and may not remain anonymous. Witnesses do not have to tell the truth, and may send a summary of their testimony to the press or with their orders. The CPS can not be a witness although his ferrets can.
28.6 If a clergyman is found not guilty, the CPS is dismissed from office. If the Cardinal or MoS is being tried, the King acts as the judge. An NPC that is having charges trumped up against him is automatically arrested if in Paris, but will use all the influence of his SL and position to defend himself. An NPC CPS can not be influenced to make a bogus arrest.
28.7 Anyone who has been charged may not appear as a witness in their or any other trial until their own trial has been resolved.
29.1 The Adjutant General is responsible for overseeing the military judicial system. If evidence is given to him, he may decide whether to press charges (an NPC will do so on a 4+, may be influenced). If the AG is a PC, evidence should be sent direct to the player concerned; if an NPC, it should be sent direct to the GM and not the press. An officer of the rank of Lt Col or above may bring up evidence concerning anyone in his command, whether it is genuine or not. An NPC will not do this. An NPC AG will not consider multiple false allegations made within 6 months of each other concerning the same individual.
29.2 If the AG decides to press charges he must schedule and announce a court martial to take place in a particular week of the following month. The accused is automatically under 'loose arrest' until that date (he may make normal weekly actions except for the week of the court martial itself, but may not leave Paris). In the case of an automatic court martial for cowardice and gross incompetence (see 'Campaign' section) he must schedule these for the earliest possible date. Multiple courts martial for the same charge may be held in the same week with the same presiding officers.
29.21 Anyone who is awaiting a military trial may not purchase any rank until the court martial has taken place. Anyone who has been charged under military law may not appear as a witness in their or any other trial until their own trial has been resolved.
29.3 The outcome is decided by majority verdict from a board of 3 presiding officers, appointed by the AG. Two of these officers should be one rank higher than the accused (min rank of Cap) and the third should be 2 ranks higher (min of Maj). Presiding officers may not be from the same, friendly or enemy regt as the accused. If a Col or Brig Gen is the accused, the AG may appoint himself as one of the presiding officers. The MoS, MoW and FM are used to judge Generals. An NPC AG will make a random selection between PCs and NPCs in choosing presiding officers. A PC AG is free to choose anyone he pleases though he must announce his choice to give them time to comply. PCs may not refuse to sit on a board (or more precisely, they are subject to indiscipline charges if they refuse - and the AG's office goes into overload!). Presiding officers use that weeks action in attending the court martial. The Chaplain of the Army is included as one of the presiding officers if the accused is a Regimental Chaplain.
29.4 A maximum of 2 witnesses may appear for the defence and prosecution and they too must use their week's action attending the court martial. They must either have a rank or SL at least equal to the accused and may not be members of the same, friendly or enemy regt.
29.5 PC presiding officers are free to choose a guilty or not guilty verdict which they should include in their orders. Each NPC will decide as per the numbers and modifiers given in the court martial table. If found guilty the sentence is taken from the table depending on the offence and the accused's rank. If there is a choice of sentence, the senior presiding officer chooses, and should include this in his orders also.
30.1 There are 3 levels of illness between fully healthy and dead : minor, serious and terminal. An ill person has a chance each month of their condition improving or worsening one step depending on their circumstances. An improvement from minor illness leads to a recovery, while a worsening of a terminal illness leads to death. Illness may start at the minor or serious stage depending on the cause.
30.2 If there is disease in Paris, all in the city have 3d6 rolled, and contract a minor illness if that number equals or exceeds their CON. Each whole month spent in foreign captivity or in a civil gaol gives a 1 in 6 chance of contracting a serious illness. A missionary who rolls his death roll exactly returns with a serious illness. A soldier who suffers an infected wound on campaign is treated as having a serious illness.
30.3 Contracting a serious illness while already ill worsens it to a terminal one, unless already terminally ill, in which case death ensues.
30.4 A minor illness has no effect other than the possibility of it worsening. Serious and terminal cases do not heal from wounds at all but may freely decline duels without penalty and are not subject to penalty for lack of FC. Serious and terminal illness also affects escape chances.
30.41 A member of the military suffering from a serious or terminal illness does not have to do military duties. A member of the military suffering from a serious or terminal illness does not accompany his regiment on campaign nor may he volunteer.
A spy suffering from a serious or terminal illness does not have to spend a week spying if in Paris; an SoT does not lose SoT status for not advancing his studies.
30.5 Each month spent suffering from an illness gives a chance for getting better or worse. One die is rolled and on a 1 or 2 the illness gets worse by one step. The illness is reduced one step in severity on a 3-6 if the whole month is spent resting at the monastery, on a 4,5 or 6 if the whole month is spent resting (doing nothing) elsewhere, or otherwise on a 5 or 6.
30.6 Resting at the monastery is only an option for ordained members of the clergy, or people taken by such a clergyman. Even though SoTs can study at a monastery this does not count as rest so they too would have to be taken by a priest or higher to rest there. Resting can not be done at the front, on expedition or in gaol.
30.7 The effects of contracting a second illness (30.3) and recovering/getting worse (30.5) are cumulative and simultaneous.
31. Press and the Mailing List
31.1 Messages sent to the mailing list ( as press should include a subject heading appropriate to the content and an indication in the body as to who it is from and to (in terms of game characters). The server automatically inserts [Arcadia] as the first word of the Subject line. Another message can be replied to in the subject field but please don't quote whole messages directly. You can choose whether to receive individual messages from the list server, or a daily digest (see the website for further information).
31.2 Messages should be kept in character, with any comments from the player himself contained in brackets at the end. This should be done for announcements to minimise the chance of them being overlooked. Impersonating another player will most likely lead to expulsion from the game; similarly a message may not be sent claiming to be directly from an NPC. Finally, excessive abuse or foul language will be frowned upon with warnings before expulsion.
31.3 Bear in mind that any letter or narrative sent to the press is read by all players and its contents known to all characters. If it is intended to keep it quiet, it should be sent direct to the players concerned or to the GM. Anonymous messages can be sent to the GM who will forward them to the mailing list.
31.4 Characters may receive bonus SP or two for particularly good/witty/in character press. Characters who are the subject of particularly effective libel or put-downs may lose an SP or two (although not just for a stream of random insults!). If the person concerned is away from Paris, such SP gains and losses are held over.
32.1 The Beginner's Guide at the website gives an example showing the preferred format for orders. The subject line should include the character's initials and the game month the orders are for (e.g. Arcadia - June orders for AdT). Copies of orders sent should be kept until the turn report comes out, just in case they are somehow mislaid in transit. Orders should be sent to the GM directly rather than to the mailing list.
32.2 The following orders are 'sticky' and remain at their current values unless a change is
32.3 NMR orders can be sent and will be kept in reserve in case needed. Similarly, advance orders can be sent to cover holidays and other absences.
32.4 The turn report will state the Announcements and Orders deadlines for the next month's turn. In general there will be a week between these deadlines to allow players time to read the press and compose their orders. Orders deadlines will typically be between 2 and 3 weeks apart, except for the game's Summer season where deadlines will be shortened if a significant proportion of characters are at the front. If no orders are received by the orders deadline, the character will do nothing that month unless NMR orders are held or that character is at the front.
32.5 After the announcements deadline, a message will be sent to the mailing list from the GM (or a volunteer assistant) detailing announcements for that month (such as planned parties, challenges, job applications, uses of influence, intention to volunteer, etc).
33.1 The web site ( has a copy of the latest rules, turn reports and other information related to the game, such as archives, character biographies and more general articles.
33.2 Orders and general mail to the GM should be sent to, and not the mailing list. Please include 'Arcadia' in the subject line.
34.1 Once the turn has been executed, character sheets will be sent by e-mail to each player. The Beginner's Guide explains the format of these reports. If the layout of the character sheet is unclear, try using a fixed width font to view it or save it as a text file.
34.2 The monthly turn report comes in the form of 'The Gazette' with a narrative of the month's key events and information in the form of tables and lists. The Gazette is uploaded to the website and notification sent to the players when this happens.
34.3 The Gazette will not duplicate press messages sent during that turn, although important messages may be summarised. Players may send press/articles for inclusion in the Gazette at the editor's (i.e. the GM's) discretion.
Annex A - Additional Notes for Appointments
Trooper of the King's Escort Each month: on a 12 gets a class 9 favour from the King, on a 2 gets dismissed from the escort and can not rejoin.
Trooper of the Cardinal's Escort As above except 12 means a class 8 favour from Cardinal. This effect does not apply if the Cardinal is a PC.
Ensign of the King's Escort Each month: on a 12 gets a class 9 favour from King, on an 11 gets a class 8 favour from Crown Prince and can toady to the Prince once the following month for free (Prince has SL 19). Also gets a -1 modifier when applying to be the Crown Prince's Aide. Again, on a roll of 2 he is dismissed.
Ensign of the Cardinal's Escort As EKE above except noticed on an 11 exactly (class 8). This effect does not apply if the Cardinal is a PC.
Captain of the King's Escort Appoints TKE. Each month on an 11 or 12 gets a class 9 favour from King; on a 2 gets a class 8 favour from Queen, gets FC, and is dismissed!
Captain of the Cardinal's Escort Appoints TCE. On an 11 or 12 he gets a class 8 favour. On a 2 he knows too much - on 1-3 (d6) he is dismissed but gets a monthly gift of 45 cr (added to any allowance); on 4-6 he is silenced permanently (!). CCE can use any inf he has on this latter roll but may not bribe or use others' inf. These effects do not apply if the Cardinal is a PC.
(the rolls for members of the escorts are not made for characters at the front)
Aides to General Officers Jobs are available with all PC General Officers and an NPC General Staff 'pool'. If an aide's boss is on campaign then the aide goes with him, serving in the same command; otherwise the aide serves with his own unit as normal. The appointment is upgraded if the General gets promoted, even if the usual requirements are not met. Note the difference between an aide (admin and personal matters) and an adjutant (military matters). Be aware that aides to BBGs of a Frontier Regt also serve at the frontier.
Aide to the Crown Prince May toady to the Prince once a month for free, and can take one friend or his mistress along.
Brigade Major Serves as adjutant to Brigadier in Brigade Command, or with regt if his regt is on campaign without the whole brigade. Gets additional SP for brigade status (see tables). The BM must come from a regt in that brigade.
Instructor, Military Academy Must spend one week per month teaching (unless at the front) or lose the position. Weeks teaching count as weeks of study also.
Division/Army Adjutant Serves with Div/Army command on Summer campaign with high MA assisting the Div/Army Commander. Serves in regt in non-campaign seasons.
Principal, Military Academy Appoints instructors.
Brigadier Appoints BM. Commands brigade on Summer Campaign and if he volunteers brigade at other times. If he is a Brevet Brig Gen, he does not serve with his regiment, which is led by the second-in-command. Gets additional SP for brigade status. A BBG may only apply to be Brigadier of his own brigade, while a full Brig Gen may apply to command any bde. Exception : a BBG of a frontier regt may apply to command any bde.
Quartermaster General of an Army Does not accompany the army on Summer campaign, although he will accompany his own regt if a BBG. At the start of the campaign he may decide whether, and how much, to try and embezzle(see Embezzlement table). If he does so the army in question has its BR modified as shown in the table due to shoddy equipment and lack of supplies. If caught he is accountable to a Court Martial rather than the MoJ. He may also nominate a particular arms investor (see Investments) for his army for the upcoming campaign, yielding returns for the investor as if an extra brigade had been sent. If the QMG has invested in arms that year, he may nominate himself as a supplier. An NPC QMG can be influenced to nominate a particular arms investor on a 7+ on one die.
* Provincial Military Governor There are 5 provinces as far as this game is concerned - Brittany, Loire, Languedoc, Burgundy and Champagne (covering the NW, W, S, E and NE regions of France, respectively). The governor must spend at least one month in his province a season or lose the post (can not perform weekly actions but counts as rest for wounds and may take his mistress; can not be arrested while out of Paris). Once per season may choose to tax the masses extortionately for personal gain (see the Embezzlement Table and the Rebellion section). If the governor is not a general, the position is called Provincial Governor, but is treated just the same. If the appointment is gained in the last month of a season that month does not have to be spent in the province and excessive taxes can not be raised for that season.
* City Military Governor Acts as judge for trials for minor offences. May tax the Paris populace extortionately once per season (see the Embezzlement Table and the Riots section). Known as City Governor if not a general. Appoints Captains and Ensigns of the King's and Cardinal's escorts.
Inspector General of Cavalry/Infantry Appoints Brigadiers of cavalry/infantry brigades and may veto the volunteering of particular squadrons/battalions.
* Adjutant General Appoints Div Commanders (may not appoint himself!) and the Principal of the Military Academy . Does not go on campaign. Admin duties include overseeing the Court Martial system.
Army Commander Appoints the QM General for his army as well as its Adjutant.
Field Marshal This is a unique rank rather than an appointment but is included for completeness. Appoints Army Commanders, Adjutant General and Chaplain of the Army. Decides the organisation of Summer campaign forces in August and any regiment substitution. May veto the volunteering of a particular regiment.
Regimental Chaplain Need the minimum SL, and get the same pay and status, as a Subaltern in that regt (but do not have to do regt duties). They accompany their regt on campaign and roll for death, mentions and plunder as for a Subaltern, but get only half the amount of plunder rolled. If caught poltrooning, then the Padre is subject to military discipline rather than a Tribunal. Resigning as Chaplain just before the regt is due to depart for the front could lead to a Court Martial charge being brought. Does not need a horse if a chaplain of a cavalry regiment.
Chaplain of the Army Stands as a presiding officer for a court martial of a Regt Chaplain. Does not go on campaign. Must have previously been a Regt Chaplain in order to apply.
Fencing School Instructors There is one position available at each of the 4 schools. Can be held in addition to one other military or civil appointment (including DoF, but only if he is an instructor first - one may not appoint oneself to any position). Must spend one week per month teaching or immediately lose the post (even if at the front). See Weapons Practice table for full details.
Director of the Fencing Schools Appoints instructors. May practise at any school for free.
Director of the Lottery Each season he may pocket some of the money from ticket sales at the risk of being caught (see Embezzlement Table).
Director of the Theatre Royal Chooses which production gets staged in a particular month (may choose his own). May pocket half of a production's net ticket sales but will get found out on a roll of 11+ on 2d6 (see the Embezzlement table). This does not affect the profit of the production as it represents unpaid taxes, false book-keeping and such. The applicant may not be a member of the military or the clergy and must have staged at least one successful production himself. The holder is entitled to an annual title attempt.
Chairman of the Royal Academy of Science Gets 2 votes on questions of fellowship. May not be a member of the military or clergy and must have been a fellow for more than 12 months. The holder is entitled to an annual title attempt.
Commissioner of Public Safety Seeks out traitors to the Crown. This is no longer an 'additional' appointment. May appoint up to 2 ferrets to assist him, paying them whatever he likes. Being a ferret is not a 'proper' appointment, and their identities are kept secret. He may make an unlimited number of arrests (but only one per month) and may trump up charges against 5 PCs in a year. He must trump up charges against at least one PC, and get a conviction, in his first 2 seasons in office or lose the appointment. Successful prosecution of a Minister allows him to assume his portfolio if he meets the minimum requirements, and he may take half the value of any confiscated property. See the Civil Trials section for details.
* Chancellor Decides whether a foreign expedition is sent each season. Appoints Director of the Lottery. May embezzle public funds (see Embezzlement table). He may also manipulate state funds to benefit a particular finance investor, yielding a return as if one fewer brigade were sent on campaign. If the Chancellor has made a Finance investment that year, he may benefit his own investment. Further details about this post will be sent to the player concerned on appointment.
* Minister of Justice Determines the outcome of all embezzlement cases (apart from QM Generals who are court martialled instead). An NPC will find the accused guilty and award a death sentence on 7+ on 2d6 (may be influenced, sentence is 'all property confiscated' and loss of one SL for DoTR caught pocketing ticket revenue). The King may commute a death sentence as for a Civil Trial. A PC MoJ must decide the fate of the accused within 2 months of being notified of the offence. The MoJ also rules in cases of alleged tax evasion. Further details about this post will be sent to the player concerned on appointment.
* Minister of War Chooses force deployment. Appoints Inspector Generals. May veto the volunteering of a particular brigade. Further details about this post will be sent to the player concerned on appointment.
* Minister of State Chooses force commitment. Judges serious cases in civil trials. Appoints DoF, CPS, MwoP, Chancellor and MoJ. Further details about this post will be sent to the player concerned on appointment.
Note : For all cases of embezzlement and tax raising mentioned above, being caught (or causing unrest or riots) means that no money was raised. Such attempts can not be made in the first month of office as embezzling funds comes before the gaining of appointments in the turn sequence.
Annex B - Abbreviations and Acronyms
BBG * | Brevet Brigadier General |
B Gen * | Brevet General |
BLG | Brevet Lieutenant General |
Brig Gen (or BG) * | Brigadier General |
Cap | Captain |
Col | Colonel |
FM | Field Marshal |
Gen | General |
Lt Col (or LtC) | Lieutenant Colonel |
Lt Gen (or LtG) | Lieutenant General |
Maj | Major |
Pvt | Private |
Sub | Subaltern |
* : There is plenty of scope for confusion between these 3 (as well as 'Bde' and 'Brig', see below). Please try to ensure you use the correct abbreviation, or if in doubt, just spell it out fully.
Adj | Adjutant |
AG | Adjutant General |
B | Beautiful (mistress attribute) [or Block in duels] [or Brevet] |
Bde | Brigade |
Bde Maj | Brigade Major (appointment not a rank) |
BM | Brigade Major |
BR | Battle result |
Brev | Brevet |
Brig | Brigadier (appointment not a rank) |
Btn | Battalion |
C/E/T KE/CE | Captain/Ensign/Trooper of the King's/Cardinal's Escort |
Chap | Chaplain (Regimental) |
CMG | City Military Governor |
CO | Commanding Officer |
CoE | Chancellor of the Exchequer |
Con | Constitution |
Concon | Conspicuous consumption |
Coy | Company |
CPS | Commissioner of Public Safety |
Cr | Crown (monetary unit) |
CRAS | Chairman of the Royal Academy of Science |
d6 | The roll of a 6 sided die |
Div | Division |
DoF | Director of the Fencing Schools |
DoL | Director of the Lottery |
DoTR | Director of the Theatre Royal |
End | Endurance |
Exp | Expertise |
FC | Female companionship |
GM | Game Master |
I | Influential (mistress attribute) |
Inf | Influence |
MA | Military ability |
MID | Mention in despatches |
Minister | Refers to MoS, MoW, MoJ, Chancellor and MwoP |
mod | Modifier to a die roll or required die roll |
MoJ | Minister of Justice |
MoS | Minister of State |
MoW | Minister of War |
MwoP | Minister without Portfolio |
NMR | No move received (orders) |
NPC | Non-player character |
PC | Player character |
PMG | Provincial Military Governor |
QMG | Quarter Master General (of an army) |
Reg(t) | Regiment |
SL | Social level |
SoT | Student of Theology |
SP | Status point |
Sqn | Squadron (Battalion equivalent in the cavalry) |
Str | Strength |
Trp | Troop (Company equivalent in the cavalry) |
W | Wealthy (mistress attribute) |