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Final Fantasy Screenshots

Squall stands in a decorative room. Fallen Trees and I beams....wonder what happened. Bridge to something...almost looks like a military facility. Fish Resturant. A shop and what looks to be a train station. Exiole the Demon....the First 'Main' Boss
The title screen of the demo The next screen... One of the last scenes in the demo A battle screenshot The Final Fantasy VIII Logo A sketch of the FAKE character Kiko
A picture of Laguna Loire A picture of the world famous Leviathan A picture of Rinoa Heartilly A picture of Seifer Almasy A screenshot of the Spider-Mech chase scene A picture of Squall Leonhart
The beginning of one of Squall's Desperation Move A picture of Zell Dincht Map of Balomb Balomb uniforms A picture of Idia making a speech Another picture of Idia, this time with her mask on
Yet another picture of Idia, this one's of her mask forming The new mascot, Munba A pic of Edea with Rinoa in the background One of Rinoa and Squall dancing together