Q. What is Puck's real name?  
A. Puck's real name is Eugene Milton Judd. But he prefers to be called Judd as (according to John Byrne, his creator), neither Eugene nor Milton fits his "tough guy" image. He has always been referred to as Judd save for a few instances when Fabian Nicieza was writing the comic (see Then and Now for more information about Fabe's run on AF). Real Puck-fans call him Judd.  

Q. How old is Puck?  
A. This is a tough one. Puck is chronologically about 70+ years old. According to Bill Mantlo (whose creation of Puck's history leaves much to be desired), Judd was born in 1914 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (birthplace info. from the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe). He is a Canadian citizen.  

Q. So is Puck immortal? Or just long-lived? (like Wolverine)  
A. A long story. Puck was born with normal height and lived a life of adventure. He was a mercenary and thief and would have gone on to live out a normal human life-span if not for an incident with the Black Blade of Baghdad. In trying to steal the blade, Judd unwittingly released the demon Raazer entrapped in the hellish blade. In order to defeat Raazer (and hence save the world from this blight), Puck allowed himself to be used as a living vessel to bind Raazer to his own physical body. This resulted in Judd's transformation into a dwarf. Thankfully, current Alpha Flight continuity (Volume 2) ignores this aspect of Judd's history.  

Q. So Puck's not really a dwarf.  
A. Yes and no. According to Mantlo's story, Judd was not born a dwarf, but made one when he used his own body to hold the spirit of Raazer. While his body held Raazer, Puck was afflicted with achondroplasia or dwarfism, which resulted in a stunted body and limbs. The demon was released in #50 and Puck regained his normal height and age and left Alpha Flight. He was later captured by the Master of the World who intended to transform him into a giant-sized dwarf and use him as a mate for Marrina's brood. The Alphans managed to save him but in order to change him back into a man, had to inject him with genetic material taken when Judd was a dwarf, Judd regained his humanity but is now permanently a dwarf  

Q. What are Puck's physical features?  
A. As a dwarf, Puck is 3' 6" tall and weighs 225 pounds. In his pre-Raazer days, he was 6' 6" and muscular. Basically, he is short, broad and very strong. Puck is bald, but hirsute . He once wore a goatee beard (AF Vol. 1) but has since shaved it off, sporting a mustache instead (AF Vol. 2). His right ear was mishapen, apparently due to his time in the "ring" (bullfighting ring? boxing ring?) though in AF Vol. 2, the ear is normal shaped. He has brown eyes and black hair.  

Q. What else has Puck been up to in the past?  
A. Quite a great deal, if AF writers are to be believed. Puck worked in espionage for a time and came into contact with the likes of The Black Widow and Domino (who calls him her "sawed off drinking buddy"). He was also part of a team of mercenaries known as the Outcasts. He also spent a great deal of time in Tibet and India, with the monks and lama and a yogic master. Puck was charged (he has a criminal record) and imprisoned for murder (or manslaughter) before he was pardoned and inducted into Gamma Flight and Beta Flight, then Alpha Flight's trainee team. He also worked as a tavern bouncer in Toronto. Prior to his induction into the Flight programme, he worked at Hull House, an orphanage in Orloo, Ontario, home also to new Alphans, Radius, Flex and Murmur. Strangely, Puck currently has no memory of having met the recruits when he was at Hull House.  

Q. What is Puck's mystical background?  
A. Puck doesn't have any mystical powers per se, but has vast experiences with mysticism and the supernatural. He also travelled to Crystallium, the world of Crystar the Crystal Warrior, twice: once in the past and the second time with some Alphans. And then there's always Raazer.  

Q. What are Puck's super powers?  
A. Due to the transformation from a deformed giant back to a dwarf (genetic manipulation of cellular structure), Puck's tissues were condensed at a molecular level, causing his body to become akin to compressed rubber. He gained superhuman strength class 10 and metahuman class durability). His agility, reflexes and speed are also slightly enhanced. Prior to his transformation, Puck could press 500 pounds and had the speed and agility of a 6' tall athlete. His overall superb physical condition provided him with the reflexes, recovery and stamina far exceeding the average foir a 6-foot adult male.  

Q. What kind of code-name is Puck?  
A. There are two ways one could read Judd's code-name. Judd is an expert acrobat and can use his body to knock down opponents (much like a hockey Puck). Now with his enhanced durability, Judd is much more like this namesake. Puck is also named after the mischievous sprite from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream; this might be in reference to some aspects of his personality and sense of humour.  

Q. What are Puck's other skills?  
A. Puck's fighting skills are a mixture of various martial arts, streetfighting techniques, acrobatics and gymnastics His other skills and abilities include bullfighting (he 'fought bulls' in Spain in the time of Ernest Hemingway), some knowledge of magic (though he is himself unable to use magic) and the ability to put himself in a temporary death-like trance state (learned from an Indian master yogic).  

Q. Is it true that Puck is in love with Heather Hudson?  
A. Yes. Puck was deeply attracted to Heather after the first death of her husband, James MacDonald Hudson (Guardian). Heather was feeling vulnerable and Puck became a close friend and confidant. However, Puck has never directly told Heather of his love (though Heather has suspected in the past). Puck still carries a flame for Heather, though the return of James Hudson has made matters a lot more complicated. At present, Puck may be getting involved with Dr. Myra Haddock, head of Prometheus Division of the new Department H (AF Vol. 2 #6).  

Q. Who would be Puck's greatest foes?  
A. Perhaps the Master of the World can be regarded as Puck's greatest enemy, primarily because of what the Master did to Judd (genetic experimentation). Judd was also a prisoner of the Dreamqueen in Liveworld and had been tortured by the evil demoness. And of course, one must not forget Raazer!  

Q. What books do Puck like reading?  
A. Judd likes Shakespeare (AF Annual #1) and Ernest Hemingway (he admires Hemingway's economical, gutsy style and stories).  

Q. Just how smart is Puck?  
A. While the extent of his education is unknown, Judd possesses above average intelligence, is conversant with computers and information technology and possesses vast knowledge and experience with mysticism and the supernatural (though not on par with Shaman's or Talisman's). He has good investigative skills and can also speak seventeen languages.  

Q. What have Puck's costumes been like?  
A. Puck's original costume consisted of a black-blue body suit and head piece. His arms and legs were bare. He wore wristbands and the funkiest pair of boots you've every seen.There was a big red/orange "P" on the front of his suit. He later added leggings to the same costume (perhaps because Byrne got sick of having to draw those hairy legs! :-) ). His other costume was a full red and white body-suit with a head-piece with the red Canadian flag emblazoned over the left chest. His current costume (as of the relaunch) is a gold and blue body suit, head piece and leggings. His arms are bare and he doesn't have wristbands. His more recent costumes can be assumed to be made of unstable molecules or some synthetic stretch fabric.  

Q. Is it true that Puck knew Wolverine before he became a part of Alpha Flight?  
A. Given that both Judd and Logan have a history in espionage, it is likely that the both of them have met before. However, this is not the case as Logan only knew of Judd in #17 and only then through recognising Judd's "signature" in an incident in Maracaibo. Since then, Larry Hama has gone on to ret-con this with a story in Wolverine's own title about Judd and Wolvie in WW2 Spain. Ernest Hemingway guest stars in that story.  

Q. Is it true that the character of Puck is based on that of the Golden Age Atom?  
A. Yes. John Byrne has admitted this in his column "A Flame About This High" in John Byrne's Next Men, Puck shares a number of characteristics with Al Pratt, the Golden Age Atom. Both men are short (though Pratt is a short human), strong and are scrappers. Puck has since evolved into his own person.  

Q. Who are Puck's closest friends?  
A. Puck has always been close to Heather Hudson. He has also been advised by Michael Twoyoungmen -- Shaman -- about his relationship with Heather. Currently, Puck acts as mentor and trainer to Flex (Adrian Corbo) one of the new members of the revived Flight.  

Q. Does Puck smoke?  
A. No. That's the flat answer. Any images of Judd smoking a cigar is simply artistic license by the artist. Puck has never been depicted smoking until Pat Broderick began his run as penciller on Alpha Flight.  

Q. What is Puck's role in Alpha Flight?  
A. Puck appears to be Alpha's battle tactician. He has the most combat experience of all the Alphans. He is also a good combatant with his superhuman strength, durability, speed and agility. His experience makes him a good leader in the field -- something which has produced tension between himself and the new, younger Guardian, leader of the new Flight.  

Q: Why does Puck end almost every second sentence he speaks with "eh"?  
A: Puck does not complete every second sentence with "eh". He does, however, put "eh" at the end of his spoken sentences at times. This, I am told, is a Canadian trait, and perhaps reflects Puck's cultural and social background.  

Q. Is there a Puck action figure on the market?  
A. Not yet, but Toy Biz is planning to launch an Alpha Flight line of action figures and Puck will definitely be one of them. Check HERE for more details. (Note: this link may not work as the site it links to is only temporary).

Q. What about some Puck trivia? Do you have any?  
A. Sure. Fire away.  

Q. What's Puck's favourite beer?  
A. Molson Canadian. According to Steve Seagle (AF Vol. 2)  

Q. What is Puck's star sign?  
A. Capricorn  

Q. Puck seems to think himself a 'chick magnet' of some sort. Is he?  
A. Um... Next question! More seriously, though: While Judd certainly doesn't fit into the normative "superhuman" physical ideal, he does seem to have a way with woman. A nurse who was attending to Puck when he was hospitalised in Fort Albany, Ontario (Vol. 1 #5) even went so far as to say: "I just want a six-pack of Judds to take home with me." *shudder*. More recently, he's been flirting with Dr. Myra Haddock of Prometheus Division. 

Have you more questions about Puck? Why not ask the man himself? Click here to send Judd a message.  
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