History of Zakhara

In ages long past, the maiden of great beauty (later known as the Loregiver) was born among mortals. Both gods and genie lords desired her, but she managed to trick them all with the aid of Fate. Inspired by Fate, the maiden wrote the scrolls of enlightened Law of the Loregiver, which were destined to be discovered much later. The Loregiver herself remained at Fate's side.

Grand Caliphs at Huzuz

  1. Ahmad al-Assad, the Lion of Faith 1-57
  2. Nasir al-Nasr, the Great Eagle 57-86
  3. Umar al-Fatih, the Conqueror 86-93
  4. Ali al-Silmi, the Peaceful 93-121
  5. Hasan al-Tajir, the Merchant 121-159
  6. Wasil al-Aadil, the Fair 159-169
  7. Abbas al-Qanuni, the Lawful 170-197
  8. Othman al-Muta'allam, the Suffering 197-228
  9. Umaya al-Qawi, the Strong 228-258
  10. Harun al-Kabir, the Ancient 258-376
  11. Ibrahim the Worthless 376-378
  12. Yusuf the Simple 378-380
  13. Mansur al-Latif, the Kind 380-401
  14. Anwar al-Bahhar, the Sailor 401-447
  15. Husein al-Banna, the Builder 447-484
  16. Suleiman al-Rabb al-Jinn, the Master of Genies 484-524
  17. Achmed al-Assad, the Explorer 524-565
  18. Khalil al-Assad al-Zahir, the current Grand Caliph 565-???

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