



Europe Now

Europe 1000

Game Maps

Game Maps

These are detailed maps related to campaign-specific sites. Most were generated using Campaign Cartographer. The maps on this site are meant for "public consumption". Thus, they contain only information meant to be known to player-characters.

The World

179K - The World according to Ars Magica

Mythic Europe™

933K - Map from Mythic Europe™ Sourcebook

Black Forest

1.2M - Relief Map of the Black Forest

Our Demense

145K - 4 by 6 miles, with Gruntsville & Convent

Contour Map

41K - As above, with enhanced Terrain-Countours

Local Aurae

96K - As above, with Aura-Types & Densities

"The World" and "Mythic Europe" are from the Ars Magica Sourcebook, and are the intellectual property of Trident Inc. The use of these trademarks here is without permission (other than the general notice on their web site), and does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of those properties.

The "Black Forest" relief map was provided by the Black Forest Tourist Bureau. The image has been altered slightly near the mountain of Feldberg (east of the city of Freiburg), to incorporate the Sanctus Trismegistus site.

All other maps in this section are © 1999 by Terry Roddy. They may be freely used for private purposes, but may not be sold or otherwise used in money-generating activities without the author's permission.

Europe Now

Europe 1000

Game Maps

Europe Now

These are images of contemporary Relief Maps, to give a sense of place and proportion to the Europe 1000 maps, below. They give a crude sense of the type of terrain, and list some major cities (many of which existed 1000 years ago). From the Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection at the University of Texas at Austin.


235K - Germany to Nowegian Sea, circa 1981

Eastern Europe

316K - Germany to Black Sea, circa 1984


309K - Mediteranean to the North Sea, circa 1991


390K - Switzerland to Denmark, circa 1994


256K - Austria to Tunisia, circa 1986


310K - Including the Black Sea, circa 1982


269K - Norway to Finland, circa 1986

Europe Now

Europe 1000

Game Maps

Europe 1000

These are images of actual historical maps, circal A.D. 1000, from the Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection at the University of Texas at Austin. They present a "large-scale view" of the geopolitical situations of the period:

Baltic Lands

462K - Very large-scale, Russia to Francia


349K - Byzantium, Bulgars, Magyars, Etc.

Central Europe

379K - Working map for Campaign Region


336K - Meshes well with Central Europe

Viking Routes

86K - Viking Transport-Routes (8th-11th centuries)

Western Empire

357K - Carolignian Empire circa 887 A.D.


83K - Anglo-Saxon Merchant's "World Map"

World (2-Tone)

27K - Two-Tone, high-contrast version of above

High-Quality maps are hard to come by in the Middle Ages. The old Roman Empire maps are probably the best "generally-avaialble" in cartography...and that only in major centers of civilization. These are from Bill Thayer's "LacusCurtius" Web-Site:


663K - The British Isles

Gallia (N)

766K - Northern France

Gallia (S)

712K - Southern France


843K - Northern Europe


612K - Spanish Penninsula

Europe Now

Europe 1000

Game Maps