Leon Lai Ming show you the bird

           In the latest cover of a Hong Kong magazine was a photo of Leon Lai Ming performing an obscene gesture which was taken from his film City of Glass. The publicity made the film company somewhat nervous. In the film Lai Ming plays a new student at the university who becomes a victim to an upperclassmen's prank. He had to say a 50 word curse and perform an obscene gesture. Reportedly during that scene Lai Ming has already asked director Alex Law Kai Yui not to release that photo to avoid negative effect. However he didn't mind doing the scene because the plot required it. After the release of the photo, Golden Harvest film company was very nervous and clarified that they didn't use that photo for publicity purposes. They believed someone obtained the photo through other means. Golden Harvest also received numerous complaints from fans who claimed that the photo might damage Lai Ming's image. Lai Ming's manager Chan Sin Chi expressed, "Actually neither Leon nor myself mind because we know that was a plot requirement! I believe that Leon's fans won't be negatively affected by this."

Bonnie Chiu's body is exposed by Super Camcorder

           A camcorder with see through capabilities has made every female star nervous, even the usually fearless Bonnie Chiu Hok Yi is scared.
           "Ah, it really is the one (Nicholas Tse the bad image boy from TVB) Ting Fung has! Shoot! That day at the Sunshine Project, Tse Fung used the camcorder and all day, I......I......"(Bonnie stop here because she don't want the public to know that Nicholas's saw her naked body from the Camcorder)
           The reporter pretended to know a little and explained to Hok Yi that the Sunshine Project T-shirt was white and made from cotton. Since white is reflective and cotton is so dense it couldn't be seen through, Hok Yi had nothing to worry about. (Really? If you look at the picture in your left you can see through Bonnie's nimple a bit)
           "Shoot! Anyone can buy that machine for several thousand. How can I go out! By adding this and that it's supposed to be able to see through more......"
           With this techonlogy any female star can go out and be see nude. If 18 years old Nicholas Tse is peaking at girls with these Camcorder, than what do you do if it is 16-15-14 years old boys?

Chow Yun Fat's home is robbed
Chow Yun Fat and his wife
Since Chow Yun Fat has broken into Hollywood, he is rarely in Hong Kong. His Kowloon Tong home is mostly under the care of his in laws from Singapore. However, on the morning of the 28th, Fat Jai's in laws discovered that the house has been burglarized. The safe in Fat Jai's master bedroom has been vandalized. The loss has been estimated at around 300,000. Among the materials stolen was an 200,000 antique watch, a favorite of Fat Soe, and other beloved antique jewelry and watches. Luckily no one was harmed. According to the police, recently certain criminal organizations planned and timed criminal activities after learning from newspapers and magazines when artists will be out of town.

Mrs. Chow Yun Fat is hospitalized

           Behind every successful man is a good woman who supports him in silence. Chow Yun Fat is no exception. Mrs. Chow however due to a lack of appetite from work exhaustion suffered internal bleeding of the stomach and needed to be hospitalized. Mrs. Chow said, "My husband has already asked me not to work so hard. My 6 AM to 12AM workload is indeed too tiring so he always beg me to take more time off to rest. I will listen to him and try to reduce my workload." After the incident, the doctors have asked her to stop having spicy food. Thus her usual diet of pepper, coffee and lemon juice will not touch her mouth again. Fat Jai for his wife's health could only keep a close eye on his wife's diet. Fat Soe complained, "Everyday I am used to drinking coffee and having spicy food! Now he won't let me have any, but I know it's for my own good."

Jacky Cheung have plastic surguery?
Even the God of Songs isn't spared the indignity of bad rumours. Some observant have noticed that Jacky Cheung's complexion has improved over the years and wondered if the Hongkong singer had gone for skin exfoliation. Jacky comments were "Me? A guy going for skin peeling? No need for that!" he protested, adding however, that it isn't a big deal to get a facelift. "I think everyone's used to seeing my facial scars and my big nose, though it did cross my mind at one point to improve my looks." With all due respect, we are happy his voice, and not his face, is his fortune.

Nicholas Tse Calls It Quit
The rising star from TVB Nicholas Tse decided to quit shows business for a year due to health problem. Source says that he has Asthma and the fact he cannot handle the pressure of being a big star. Anti-Nicholas fan are happy with his depature from shows business because of his bad attitude and bad singing. As some of you already know, his first movie as the Younger Ekin Cheung in the Movie "Young and the Dangerous" caused a big stirred because of its bad language. This movie was rated III(usually stand for sexy and nudity flim) for its profanity. Many muisc fan dislike Nicholas because of its ego minded attitude to take over the Big Four singer from HK music. Perhap he has a bad attitude but his music is not as bad as people think. Nicholas actually make it into the Top Ten music in my music page. Hate him or not his music producer did a good job in writing some of his songs. His successful rate will depend on how he clean up his bad image and sing more quality songs.

Jackie Chan interview with Next Magazine
Question: Being an Asian actor, do you feel it is necessary to make it America to attain glory?

Jackie: I will say no it isn't. But in my heart I will say yes! Do you want to? I want to! It's a goal. Making Hollywood films, I've tried and failed. Tried again, failed again! So you can say that I've never had the confidence to make a true Hollywood film. So when I made RUSH HOUR, I was very nervous!

Q: Actually the films you make in America are only B grade films. But when you are in Hong Kong, you are making A grade films. A grade, B grade, doesn't it feel weird in your psyche?
J: My biggest asset is that I know myself and I know my enemy. I know that I don't have the qualifications to do an A grade film, so I do B grade ones.
Picture here shows Jackie's son
Q: Your son is already fifteen years old. Are you happy when you are together?

J: I don't understand him very much. I haven't talked to him much. However, my home is very happy. There are a lot of things that you don't see and you don't know. I'm in a better situation than other people. Those who openly marry and openly divorce, there are too many. Before, my son couldn't say, "Jackie is my father." Right now, I ask him to say it but he says that he won't. He's afraid someone will take him hostage. Kids are very rebellious. Before, when I told him not to talk, he would talk. Now I tell him to talk, he won't talk ... ...

Cathay Pacific flight attendants have troubles with Leon Lai Ming
Lai Ming is actually not too popular at the airport these day. Reportedly when he went on a trip, flight attendants saw Leon and of course they asked for pictures and autographs. Lai Ming however was only willing to sign one, when the second one asked he began to look disturbed, "Again? I don't think so!" Lai Ming's assistant even wrote to Cathay Pacific to complain about the flight attendants disturbing Lai Ming, which gave plenty of problems to the girls. It's only an autograph. There is no need to go that far. It's no wonder flight attendants hate Lai Ming so much!

Kenny G comment on Andy Lau Singing ability
While Kenny G and Lau Tak Wa collaborate on Andy Lau's new song "You are My Woman", Kenny G said that he had a hard time following Andy Lau style of singing at first. Kenny G did later say after numerous tries with Andy he finanlly accept Wa jai style of singing. He comment that Andy is very professional in his work and he enjoy working with Andy Lau. --(I wonder does he meant it? After all he did comment on Andy's style of singing????)-

Jackie Chan's family background is again in question
Picture here shows Jackie and his father
Perhaps because of his international star status, Jackie Chan's life and family background have always been talked about in rumors. The latest report said that Jackie Chan's original family name isn't Chan but Fong and that he has two older brothers in China. The report pointed out that Jackie has a step brother Fong Si Tak. In the Fong family record both Jackie and his father's pictures appeared, but their names are not listed as the well known Chan Kong Sun and Chan Chi Ping, but as Fong Siu Lung and Fong To Lung. The 57 year old Fong Si Tak said that his father Fong To Lung soon after Liberation left his home to make a living and was never heard from again until 1982 when through the authorities he found him and his brother Fong Si Ping. At the time they didn't know that their father has already changed his name nor did they know that their step brother is the famous Jackie Chan. In 94, their father paid to edit the Fong family record, added Jackie in it as Fong Siu Lung and photos of both of them. At that point he found out his relationship with Jackie Chan. As for why Jackie's last name is not Fong, Fong Si Tak explained according to his father after arriving in Hong Kong he changed his last name to Chan. When Jackie was born he was named Chan Kong Sun, and when he was sent to train he named him Sing Lung which meant hoping son to become a dragon.

This HK gossip page is updated whenever there is bad news or important news about HK star. So check this page every month for detail

Articles and Photos are courtesy of Sing Tao Daily, Next Media, Apple Daily, Ming Pao Daily, Oriental Daily News & Ta Kung Pao. All Rights Reserved 1999.

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