"Ice is Nice!"
This is my fan page for Icehouse,
"the 100,000-year-old game from Mars" by Andy Looney (of Looney
Labs fame) and John
What I've got at the moment:
- Tourney stuff
- My Icehouse Games -- the pieces are all but begging to be used in game design... there has been a relative explosion of new games just in the month or so (as of early December 1999) since folks started getting their hands on the new sets. Even I find myself coming up with new games! ;-D
- The Piecenik Pages -- dedicated to Icehouse pyramid construction. "Blessed are the Piecemakers!" :-D
- My Piecenik Gallery
- My first polyclay stash, Gouda, given as a gift to Mike Sugarbaker for help with WCI1. This is Premo, my preferred clay, in a color that claims to be "translucent". (1999)
- My first stash for myself, Rhymes With, a silver Premo stash. Here it is in a game of Mercenary Icehouse with Mark Fitzsimmons's fine wooden pieces (This was the first game I played in which all of the pieces were handmade!). (1999)
- Emerald ... City -- coming soon
- Martian Zebra -- still in the design stage
- Other Piecenik oddments:
- A useful thing to know about
piece sizes, if you're making your own pieces. (Includes the coining of
the term "piecenik".)
- Eeyore
translated the above into workable measurements.
- Piecenik lore -- the early sets
- Important safety tips from Nyrath the Nearly Wise on prudent handling of polymer clay.
- The definitive instructional guide to painting wooden pyramids, by Zarf.
- If you make pieces, see the end of this document for a polite request that you send a sample piece to Looney Labs. As Dr. Cool says, "We'd be sad if our collection were incomplete."
- Some thoughts on the Shotgun
strategy. (In search of the better flak jacket. ;-7 )
- The story of how I learned the game.
- This page has been sadly lacking a link to the Unofficial
Icehouse Home Page...
- ...and a link to the Icehouse Links and
Reviews Page.
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Last updated 2002/05/31