StatisticsAttributesDEX: 7 STR: 14 TOU: 14 PER: 9 WIL: 9 CHA: 9 Initiative: 10 Physical Defense: 9 Number of Attacks: 2 Spell Defense: 11 Attack: 15 Social Defense: 12 Damage: Horns: 19 Armor: 12 Tail: 13 (8) Mystic Armor: 5 Number of Spells: N/A Knockdown: 18 Spellcasting: N/A Recovery Tests: 6 Effect: N/A Death Rating: 70 Combat Movement: 30 Wound Threshold: 18 Full Movement: 60 Unconsciousness Rating: 63 Legend Points: 630 Equipment: N/A Loot: Horns worth 2D20 x 10 silver pieces. Poison in tail can be recovered for 1D4 vials of Step 8 poison. |
COMMENTARY:The K'tchykx usually charges into battle. A character may attempt to cut off a K'tchykx's leg by doing a Wound on a Called Shot. Fighting on 3 legs will give the K'tchykx an additional -1 penalty to Attack and Damage tests. Cutting off 2 legs makes it fall and affects the creature as if it were knocked down for the rest of the fight. If the K'tchykx does a Wound on a Tail attack, the character is immediately poisoned with a Step 8 Damage Type poison. The poison lasts for 3 rounds unless cured. |