Doc University
Service Medical School
Pendleton, California
21 Camp del Mar
Here are
some pictures of this crazy school. It was an intense five and a
half week evolution. I didn't have a choice whether or not I wanted
to come here. But that's okay, I survived. And I had
a lot of fun and a lot of scars.
in the field,
here to train,
feel no cold,
feel no pain.
bust your damn hearts!!!
I was infected with the Anthrax virus!!! I'm gonna die....
DT1: Who are we?
Us: 2nd Platoon!!!
The best there is,
the best there was,
the best there ever will be!
DT1: Why?
Us: Because that's the bottom line!!!
DT1: Who says?
Us: Sixty-six Hard Charging Devil Docs!
A quick shot after a long hike.
DT1: 2nd Platoon is 2nd to what?
Us: NONE, DT1!!!!
Oh boy, what fun... Patroling sucks and can be scary at times.
Platoon Sgt: Sound off!!!
Us: Honor, disipline, order...
That's why 2nd Platoon stays north of the border!
Peace out! Picture taken during a class about Triage.
Platoon Sgt.: Prepare for personel weapons count!
Us: Prepare for personel weapons count! SsshhhhiiiiT!!!
A picture of Huynh and Ping. That is what our barracks look like
in the background and the Pacific Ocean is to the left.
Picture taken during the land navigation course... We never found
our destination. Oh well....
Third Squad Second Platoon
HA Landry: 2nd Platoon, About Face!
Sound off!!!
Us: We represent all day and night, the Devil Docs will stand
and fight!
HA Landry: They say we dare!
Us: But we don't care!!
HA Landry: They say were bad!
Us: That's so, so sad!
HA Landry: They say we're tough!
Us: Hell no, just rough!
HA Landry: Lock'em on, yea YEA!
Us: We rowdy rowdy
we rowdy rowdy!
HA Landry: What?
Us: We baddy baddy,
we baddy baddy,
Home sweet home! We lived out here. It sucked not to be
able to take showers for days!