GemStone III Getting Started Maps..for those less Rangerly
PSSSSSSTtttt....It's me, Kirby, I's hiding in da trees. Don't tell's no one OK? Der's dis Wizard dats
a lil peeved with me..uhh I kinda ate part of a scroll one day in da Scribe's Den. Turns out twas one of his's was I supposed ta know dat I ask ya...Anyways I hears he's lookin for me, so be a Pal ok and don't tells on me. I laid out
some maps for ya's to look at. Hope dey helps ya get where ya need to go. Good luck friend. Best listen to ole Kirby and
Dont Eat Any matter how tasty dey look.
Wehnimer Landing town map
Coastal Road map
Mine Road map
Upper Trollfang map
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