Dr. Charles Panati, Physicist, Scientist & Author of Long Island

Sayville's World Famous Scientist

Dr. Panati's specially is the getting to the origins of things and he wrote many best selling books on the subject, and was an editor for Newsweek magazine. Where did the many ordinary things that we do and use come from? What is the origin of religious symbols? Where does hydrogen, the simplest element come from? How about the origin of the name of a hamburger?

He lives in West Sayville near Melissa Joan Hart childhood home and is the world's top authority of the origin of things. Is there any higher reason why this scientist is in the Sayville area of all places?

From his book Sacred Origins of Profound Things:
23. Satan: Lucifer to Genies
24. Exorcism: Satan to Dybbuk
25. Antichrist: "666" to Apocalypse Now


The Geller Papers - Uri Geller Psychic Powers

Dr. Panati wrote a book about Uri Geller's claimed psychic powers from the perspective as a scientist. Dr. Panati said, "Can he bend metal by gently stroking it - or not touching it at all?" This book highly is recommended by Uri himself. These were people that dealt with the supernatural realm.

From the New York Times Book Review:  "... eager to raise and then to answer ... a great many ... interesting questions about world religions and why their adherents believe and behave as they do ..." 

- Tom Ferrell

Is Mr. Poole Mr. Panati? He was the Harts neighbor for years.

Compare to Dr. Pananti to Mr. Poole on Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Same coloring and build.

"When I first saw the picture of Dr. Panati I thought, 'He reminds me of 
Mr. Poole on Sabrina.'"  - Quote from a Sabrina Fan

1. Both were teachers (a professor)

2. Teach science  (Physics is science)

3. Both are intellectuals

4. Mr. Poole was an adult friend of Sabrina, Dr. Panati of Melissa Joan Hart.

5. Both names start with a P. and end with a vowel.
Mr. Poole
Mr. Panati  (Dr.)

6. Friendly person

7. Look alike and have the same build.

8. Both unmarried.

9. Both see themselves as scientists first, teachers second.

A really big coincidence or design?

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