S.S. Prince Edward Island

Built:  1914
Shipbuilder:  Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Length:  300'
Width:  52'
Autos:  80

Interesting Facts:

She was the firstrailcar ferry on the Borden-Cape Tormentine route, and enabled the retirement of iceboats.

She had a bow propeller, which allowed her to weaken ice ahead of her by creating turbulence under it

In her first year, she made 560 round trips

The S.S. Prince Edward Island narrowly escaped an encounter with a U-Boat in the gulf in 1942 on her way home from a refit in Quebec.  SHe was in front rank of a convoy travelling down the St. Lawrence when a torpedo struck a greek ship 400 feet to port.

In 1968, upon the arrival of the M.V. John Hamilton Gray, the S.S. Prince Edward Island was retired for good, at an age of 54 years.

In the summer of 1989, she was still afloat, serving as a barge in Whitby, Ontario.
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