snow day(s)!?
the funny thing is.. it wasn't really a snow day.. more like a windchill day. hell yes to -26 below.. we can take that. any day the kids of the 'pool don''t have to get up and go to school is a fantastic day.

}click thumbnails for bigger picture{
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i'm not really sure whats going on because i did not take these two pictures..
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turning on your car to let it warm up so you can go to physical therapy because you're a gimp =
psycho's in the back seat, a person to drive stick, and the brainchild + photographer in the passanger seat
phone call:
tina: so, are you going to come outside?
mark: FUCK what did you do?!
*hangs up and gimps outside*
..meanwhile we're still around the block in fairway east somewhere...
brownman showing us some love...
}back to tina