IBW News Page 3
Cache River National Wildlife Refuge
Posted on Sat, May. 14, 2005
First, save its home
There are moments you can only imagine. Tim Gallagher, editor of the
Cornell University Lab of Ornithology's Living Bird Magazine, and Bobby
Harrison, a professor from Oakwood College in Huntsville, Ala., are
paddling their canoe in a bayou in Arkansas Big Woods. A big black and
white bird flies across their field of view, about 70 feet away. Both see it
and in unison shout exactly the same thing: "Ivory bill!" It must have been
like watching Lazarus emerge from the tomb, to see such a bird, believed to
be extinct.
Even people who watch birds a lot can't know the feeling. Running into a
common pileated woodpecker in the woods is delight enough. It's a big bird
that takes a lot of territory, makes a lot of noise and leaves a lasting,
delightful impression. But to see the one everyone thought was gone so long
ago, it's the instant of a lifetime, and a discovery that should touch the
hearts of everyone interested in the lives of birds, people, wildlife of all
kinds. That sighting took place Feb. 27, 2004. In 7,000 hours of searching
since then, there have been 15 more sightings.
The last conclusive sighting of the bird came in Cuba in 1944. In the United
States, its disappearance was thought to be one of the sad results of
progress. The ivory-billed woodpecker is a shy animal with a huge appetite
and a need to roam across vast tracts of forestland. It was no surprise, then,
that the sightings came in the swampy forests of eastern Arkansas, a
difficult place for man and, apparently, a paradise for an ivory-billed
In the glow of such good news, though, it is important to remember that the
story of endangered species is ongoing. Progress has extracted an immense
price from nature, one that can never be repaid and one that is measured in
long lists of plants and animals that have simply disappeared from the face
of the Earth. The assumption was that the logging destruction of the old
forests of the southeastern U.S. long ago sounded the death knell for this
ivory-billed woodpecker.
There is a lesson out in those Arkansas swamps for those who would work
to preserve endangered species: If you want to save the animal, save the
land on which it lives.
� 2005 The Sun Herald and wire service sources. All Rights Reserved.
First, save its home
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