Why DDS ?
What is DDS ?
Who Can Use ?
Materials Delivered
Which DDC ?
How Much Time ?
How to Find ?
Communication Address


Why Document Delivery Service ?

Ever increasing subscription cost of learned journals, decreasing value of the Indian Rupee against major foreign currencies and the stagnant library budgets during the last one decade or so are some of the major factors that have compelled our university and other libraries to reduce their collection of journals to very minimum level. This is directly and indirectly has been affecting the academic and research work in the universities in our country. To over come from this situation and to make optimum use of the existing collection of some of our resourceful libraries in support of academic and research work the Document Delivery Service is being launched under the INFLIBNET Programme. 
What is Document Delivery Service?

The Document Delivery Service is a new service initiated by INFLIBNET in collaboration with the following six university libraries which are well known for their strong collection base and commitment to provide timely service. 

  • Tata Institute of Social Science, Mumbai 
  • Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi ;
  • University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 
  • Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 
  • Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 
  • Panjab University, Chandigarh

Under this service, the above mentioned six university libraries will serve as Document Delivery Centres and deliver, on demand, the copies of papers from learned journals, conference proceedings and other materials available in their collection at nominal cost. This service is provided on No Profit – No Loss Basis and Expected to be prompt. No library today, can hope to hold every item required to meet the needs of its users under the crisis faced due to resource crunch. Hence, sharing of resources using computer networks has become a necessity. It is with this goal in mind that INFLIBNET has initiated the Document Delivery Service. The role of INFLIBNET here is mainly to act as a catalyst in promoting this service to the academic and research community in India. 

Who can use this Service? 

The service is open to any one who is working or studying in the academic and research institutions, government departments and other public funded organizations. Requests from profit making and commercial organizations will also be met. However, the priority will be given to the requests coming from INFLIBNET member institutions. Preferably, the request for availing the service should be made through the respective library. 
 What materials can be requested?

Following materials which are not held by the requesting library, can be requested under this service

  • Articles from journals
  • Papers from conference proceedings
  • Any other materials required for academic and research purposes, depending on the availability and policies of respective Document Delivery Centres. 
Please note that there is no restriction on number of items to be requested at a time.
How do we order the materials?

The request, listing the items required with complete bibliographical information can be made using any of the following options. 

                            Normal letter by post 
                            Telephone (in case of urgency) 
                            Requests in person are also honoured. 

To facilitate this, communication address of each DDC is given at the end, which may kindly be used. As far as possible, the requesting library is urged to make use of the specific forms designed for availing the service. The requesting library/individual will have to follow the copyright     regulations and therefore will have to give an undertaking in  the request itself that the "requested material will be used  only for academic and research purpose and not for any commercial gains". It may please be noted that requests with incomplete bibliographical information of items required, will not be entertained. 
How are the materials delivered ?

Requested materials will be delivered using any one of the  following options depending on your need and payment. 

                            Electronic delivery using email. 
                            Speed post / courier 
                            Normal post 
                            By hand, if the user personally visits the DDC. 
How much time does it take to receive the requested materials ?

Each Document Delivery Centre will make best effort to  deliver the requested materials as early as possible.  However, following schedule will be adhered to. 

  •  For rush/urgent orders (by fax/speed post) within 48 hours from the  time of receipt of orders. 
  • In case of routine orders, within maximum five days from the date of receipt of order. 

In case the requested material is not available, suitable response will be sent within 24 hours. 
What are the charges ?

The fee for the service is charged depending on the type of members and mode of delivery. Following fee in general will  be charged by all the Six Document Delivery Centres. 

For INFLIBNET Member Libraries

                    Electronic Document Delivery using Internet options.

                    Rs. 5.00 upto 5 pages or part thereof and Rs.5.00 for
                    subsequent 5 pages or part thereof. 


                    Rs. 10.00 upto 5 pages or part thereof and Rs.10.00 for
                    every subsequent 5 pages or part thereof. 

                     Fax/Courier/Speed Post

                     Rate charged for photocopy plus actual charges of
                      Fax/Courier/Speed Post

For Non-Member Libraries:

                     Electronic Document Delivery using Internet options.

                     Rs. 7.50 upto 5 pages or part thereof and Rs.7.50 for
                     subsequent 5 pages or part thereof. 


                      Rs. 15.00 upto 5 pages or part thereof and Rs.15.00 for
                      every subsequent 5 pages or part thereof. 

                      Fax/Courier/Speed Post

                      Rate charged for photocopy plus actual charges of
                      Fax/Courier/Speed Post

Commercial Organisations:

                      Electronic Document Delivery using Internet options.

                      Rs. 10.00 upto 5 pages or part thereof and Rs.10.00 for
                      every subsequent 5 pages or part thereof. 


                      Rs. 20.00 upto 5 pages or part thereof and Rs.20.00 for
                       every subsequent 5 pages or part thereof. 

                      Fax/Courier/Speed Post

                      Rate charged for photocopy plus actual charges of
                      Fax/Courier/Speed Post
When is the payment is to be made and waht is the mode ?

The members and Associated member libraries of INFLIBNET can make the payment on supply of  requested materials. However the accounts should be settled on quarterly basis.  All non-member, commercial organizations and individuals will have to pay in advance. To avoid the delay and paper work, it is suggested that a depositaccount with minimum of Rs.500/- may be opened. 

Payment towards all outstation requests be made through Demand Draft drawn in favour of respective Document Delivery Centre (e.g. Head, Document Delivery Centre,  Tata Institute of Social Sciences in case of Tata Institute of Social Sciences ). For local requests made in person payment be made by cash. 
Which DDC should we approach for availing the service  ?

For the convenience and providing efficient service, following        geographical areas have been allocated to each Document Delivery Centres. 

                            Tata Institute of Social Science, Mumbai 

                            Diu and Daman, Goa, Gujarat, Maharashtra

                            Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 

                            Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Manipur,
                            Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura Uttar

                            University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 

                            Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, West

                            Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 

                            Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshadeep, Pondicherry,

                            Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 

                            Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan 

                            Panjab University, Chandigarh 

                            Chandigarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu &
                            Kashmir, Punjab 

We encourage requests to be sent to the Document Delivery  Centres mentioned above for your region. If the required document is not available in the DDC in your region, you may send in your request to other DDC where it is available. 
How  to find whether the required material is available in any of the DDC ?

INFLIBNET in collaboration with all the six Document Delivery Centres has created a database viz. ‘Union Database of  Current Serials of DDC’. This database has nearly 4000 unique serial titles subscribed by the six centres and it is  updated regularly. To find out the availability, you may access  the database on-line from INFLIBNET’s website at ‘http://www.inflibnet.ac.in under serials database. The same database in the form of printed catalogue will be available at  your library. You may look in to the same. Alternatively you may send an email or a formal letter to any of the DDC. 
Communication Address of all DDCs

Request can also be sent to the following address ?

Name of the Centre : INFLIBNET Centre 
                            Address : Opp Gujarat University Guest House 
                            P B No. 4116, Navrangpura 
                            Ahmedabad – 380009 
                            Contact Person : Dr. T S Kumbar 
                            Telephone No. : 079 – 6305971 / 6304695 /
                            Fax : 079-6300990 / 6305630 
                            Email : dds@inflibnet.ac.in ; 
                            URL : http://www.inflibnet.ac.in

 e-mail: muttayya@bom3.vsnl.net.in