Donald Barry has been playing in bands since the age of 6, when his mom's family band made it all the way to the tryouts for the Ted Mack Amatuer Hour in New York after appearing on local TV.  Having played from the steel pier in Atlantic City to years of almost religious practice at home to the radio, Donald joins TKO after appearing in many local bands in the past.  His strength here lies in his ability to compose smoothly with all musical elements and not just the bassist.  Plus, the band practices at his house sometimes (Thanks, Tanya!) which is cool...
Donald Barry
Drums, background vocals
Scott Johnson
Lead Vocals
Scott's been singing since age 5 in one form or another.  With a background in choral and Broadway music, he is the beginner in the group when it comes to rock 'n roll.  Early influences from such pop rock stars as Billy Joel, Elton John, Steve Perry & Dennis DeYoung are his basis for how to approach TKO's music.  His strong, melodic voice works well the the other singers in this or any group.  He's working with the best group of players he's ever been with.
Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Mike Puhk now makes Springfield, Virginia his home.  Those crazy Canucks let us practice there...Thanks Mrs. Puhk!  In addition to being a full time bass player, Mike has also been one of the principle songwriters and musical composers of the group, working with Darin for over ten years.  Mike's musical talents also include his strong voice and his keyboards background.  He's played with local bands such as the Garage Boys, Misunderstood & Sojourn.
Michael Puhk
Bass, background vocals
Darin Manuel
Guitar, background vocals
Darin Manuel was born and raised in Gaithersburg, MD.  He has been playing and writing songs since 1981, and is the band's primary musical creator.  Darin also has experience in sound engineering and recording.  He has been involved in many projects in the past, including the bands Eclipse, Out of Mind, Sojourn, Twist of Fate & Soothsayer.  Darin also appeared on the original band documentary television program the "Larz From Marz" show.  His skills on guitar are not limited to electric rock stylings: very adept at  acoustical guitar, he composes almost hypnotic Spanish sounds with his Gibson.
Band Member Biographies