
To My Patch Trading Page

Hi! My name's Cyndi. I'm just finished my 10th year as a Girl Scout leader, and look forward to number eleven. Both my daughters are now Cadette Girl Scouts, and my son is a Bear Cub Scout. I have been trading patches since May of 1999 and am slowly building a great collection. I've finally met my goal of a patch from every state. Yeah! I also enjoy trading for international silks and badges. I like hearing from Girl Scouts and Girl Guides from all over the world and learning about the different councils.

I primarily trade patches from my home council - Girl Scouts Treasure Trails in Montana. My council's patch is shaped like the state of Montana and includes purple mountains and a rainbow as well as the Girl Scout Trefoil. You can see it here.

Here's a list of the patches I have, as well as the duplicates I have available for trade. Hope we can arrange a trade!


Last updated Sunday, January 29, 2006

If you came here from the webring, why not visit the Laurel, Montana Service Unit?

This Girl Scout and Guide Patch Trader Ring site is owned by
Cyndi B..

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